The Fretboard Formula – Answers & Free Copies!!

(**This video is IMPORTANT – Please watch it all the way through**)

Yup.. you read right… Two people watching this video are gonna win a FREE copy of the new ‘The Fretboard Formula’ course AND a free LIVE bass lesson with yours truly!

In this video I’ll give a lot of info about the new course and tell you how easy it is to win one of the first two copies of The Fretboard Formula.

Watch this video *all the way through* and you’ll see why I am giving them away and the official breakdown and date etc of the Fretboard Formula

Oh yeah… there’s a ‘hidden’ surprise on πŸ™‚ a link some of you might appreciate…

Published by

Alex Sampson

Alex is the founder and owner of BassGuitarTips.Com

188 thoughts on “The Fretboard Formula – Answers & Free Copies!!”

  1. Alex – winning a free copy of the fretboard formula would be great, but even more important is what I hope to gain from all of your hard work and experience when I purchase the course.

    I purchased your bass guitar secrects course a while back and learned an unbelieveable amount of information, but I have great difficulity learning to play bass from a book alone. It is my hope that the video presentations will clear up many areas of difficulity for me, and shine some light on concepts that are still unclear to me.

    I really enjoy hearing and watching someone who really knows how to feel the music and express it with the bass. Needless to say – that ain’t me. I wish it were. It is my hope that the fretboard formula couse with give me both the training and the insight to at least become knowledgealbe enough to play with confidence and without hesitation.

    I can never expect to be able to play with your level of expertise, but with your help and training I hope to become fluent and comfortable with my bass.

    The sound of a bass guitar is a joy to behold to me and I would love to be able to attain that level of skill that would make my bass playing a joy not an unpleasant experience.

    You can contact me using my e-mail.

    Thanks again for all of your hard work and dedication. Bob

    1. hi Alex,
      I got your previous course thankyou, thankyou. For an ‘over 50 year old’ home player I took up bass playing 12 months ago and as fortune had it, I landed on your fantastic course before I got bogged down by filling shelves with a load of other ‘bass teaching’ courses. Wow, I haven’t needed anything else.
      I started playing with a local band and depping for another who have asked me to join them as their permanent basist – they sacked the other guy! I’m now playing with the two bands and juggling bookings to fit, also building up a reputation with seasoned musicians locally so there’s a whole load of exciting stuff to come and I’m sticking with the course to keep learning more and more. Everyone i play with is very impressed though I feel like I’m only just beginning and it’s so easy to drop the ideas and theory into everything we’re doing. I need the fretboard formula to take my playing to the next level cos I’m getting such a buzz I don’t want it to stop. I want to nail that fretboard for good.
      here’s hoping, Dave

    2. Wow…man, this is definitely amazing and a blessing at the same time bro. An opportunity to win all of this “gold” or oil (in today’s economy)…lol for free. Without any further delay bro, it would never be my intention on playing the church boy card, but this is all I know and who I am. It was no coincidence when I told God that I wanted to play the keys (and he blessed me with a keyboard). It was no coincidence when I told that I wanted to play the drums (and he blessed me a set). It was no coincidence, when I told God that I wanted to play strings for Him and (he blessed me with three guitars and my baby a six string white tiger maple Ken Smith bass…all for the low low price of $50.00). Don’t think you’re seeing things bro…I said $50.00-That’s God for ya…lol. Long story short, I wound up finding out that the bass belonged to a awesome bass player friend of mine (James Penn). The bass was apparently stolen some time ago and years later, it laned in my lap. I contacted some other musician friends and ran the bass through them and they suggested that I contact James and sure enough, he described this bass down to the strings man. Happy and yet sad, he and I met and I handed over this $3500.00 bass that I got for $50.00(helping someone move),but God through James Penn didn’t leave me empty handed Alex. He gave….GAVE me a 5 string KSD bass for free to show his appreciation for just being a good dude and giving his bass back. I know I’m supposed to play the bass, but my Bible tells me to play skillfully and I know that the Fretboard Formula along with God’s blessings, I’ll be like you when I grow up Alex…lol. I pray that it is God’s will for me to win this free Gold man, but if not, i’ll have the discipline to save up for a copy. Thanks for the opportunity Alex and I look forward to hearing from you man. Till then and when…Play hard….Pray hard.

    3. Alex-

      Your BGS course was a God-sent product for me. I started playing guitar about 10 years ago when my mom bought me one for Christmas. I loved it so much, that I just played all the time. I didn’t have anybody to teach me and the internet was not as popular and affordable as it is now. I began comparing myself to others and listening to negative comments by some that it discouraged me and I put the guitar in my closet for 8 years. I came across your course two years ago and I brought the guitar out the closet. I felt the mojo come on me. I started playing in church and I haven’t looked back.

      Not only will your new course allow me to go to the next level in my playing, but it will also help me teach some of the young guys at my church how to play effectively and with a soulish groove. They look up to me and I look up to you in the area of guitar playing. So this course is not just for me, but for me to inspire others through the knowledge I plan to attain. You said you like to give. I can’t think of a better than to give to someone who will continue to give. Thanks in advance for all your labor. I speak nothing but success to you.

    4. Hi Alex,
      winning a copy of Fretboard Formula could be my last hope. I have a son at music college studying Bass who is improving rapidly and making the gap between my playing and his wider day by day.

      Obviously I can’t afford to give up my job to study fulltime to catch him up as I need to pay the college fees and my wife has told me that if I spend anymore on my Bass ‘addiction’ we will be getting a divorce.

      So as you can see your Fretboard Formula with its work book and DVDs to show me the way is my only chance. I will have to use all my spare time to perfect the technics but it will be worth it just to wipe that smug smile off his face !

      Please help !!

      Big D


  2. Ciao Alex from Italy!
    Just saw video (now is 1000 gmt so 1200 US Eastern time will be…well will figure out!!!).
    I just hope u will send a copy other side of Atlantic Ocean!!I am just a home player but wished some other material after Bsg would come out from u just as a deeper upgrade
    expecially on that core part wich is underastnding my fretboard…Wow!what u made
    is very huge material and i am just looking forward to start practising!

  3. Well Alex I’m impressed I’ve got my alarm set and my card ready. Your BGS course has helped me where no other one could and never will. I have advanced more in the short 3 months of BGS than I ever did in the past 5 years of trying to play the bass, I can’t wait for the release of the FBF course so I can buy it and Ill be waiting at the pavement outside my house till the post delivers it. Thanks in advance for all of your hard work in this course and to also thank you for saving me from wasting my time trying to continue the way I was before BGS.


  4. Alex,
    You are the MAN, I’m hyped. You are a blessed bassist. And you are also a very giving person. I have your first course and it is the best book I’ve ever had. You are so down to earth. I will definitely be getting The Fretboard Formula. I have family in San Antonio. I hope I can look you up next time I’m there. Just to thank you in person. And maybe get your autograph (smile)

    All the best to you. I know that God has a blessing for you.

  5. As my non-customer entry, although I have checked out a bunch of your stuff, is that I really need to get serious with my bass playing, I’m a beginner level but I vibrate to the bass above all other instruments and I have a dream where I start a Steel Pulse cover band. So winning the fret board formula will give me the tools and alleviate the excuses in regard to finally taking this thing seriously. I would have a program developed by a master set out step by step to help me achieve my dream. I also am a visual learner and I see that is the mind frame that you developed the fret board formula. So choose me and help spread the music of Steel Pulse to the world.

  6. I would like to be on board but only if I can get the whole package,If you update the day it goes on sale and I can get it all, count me in! That means I want the Chops too! Let me know I’m looking forward to Growing in my playing. Let me know if I can make it to the first 100. Without the whole thing I’ll just pick it up at a later date, but will still probably get it.

    Great Blessing, Cliff KIme

  7. I want the free copy of fret board formula and the free lesson with alex because:
    I can’t find my groove!
    Started palying at 49 yo first teacher helped a little, second teacher was a bass monster and helped alot. Third teacher former bass player and awesome drummer helped even more with teaching through understanding music theory.
    Bass Guitar Secrets helped with improving chops and dexterity.
    Never did get the groove suck down though.
    I can learn a bass line but I can’t improvise for shit!
    This is the next thing I need. No more human teachers but a digital teacher that will allow me to review what I don’t get and move me to the next level of being a proficient bass player.
    I play in a Christian rock band and classic rock band. After 3-1/2 years I should be better.
    Help me Alex, please! Help me find my groove…

  8. I am so excited about getting started with the Fretboard Formula! A few years ago, my son bought me my first bass guitar. I could tell it was “my instrument,” as it seemed to come pretty naturally. However, I understand that there is a HUGE difference between an amateur bass player who just “plays around,” and someone who is serious about playing–someone who is committed to disciplining himself to perfect his skill. And I want to be that person who pursues excellence, taking my bass playing as far as I can take it.

    I play in our church’s Worship Team band, and so I’m not playing just for myself. Sure, I get pleasure out of playing. But I serve others by playing for them, too. So it’s important to me that I improve my bass-playing ability, so that I can better fit with the band, provide my best, top-notch efforts, and engage others in worship.

    I cannot do this on my own. There are a lot of books and courses out there, but they provide only limited help. Alex, however, seems to not only know how to play the bass well, but he is one who can effectively teach it, also. The Fretboard Formula course appears to be very comprehensive, and I’m eager to get started.

    Scott Talbot

  9. Alex, Iv’e been listening toyour comments and working with your samples for a while. I have actually used somr of the samples to enhance my playing. I played with a group and used some of the samples and dude, they called me back and told me “they loved the fills I added to thier songs”. So when I heard about the fretboard formula, I said man, I need that to be able to understand the concepts behind great bass palying. Like you, I ‘ve bought all type of self learning tools, books, cd’s and even lessons. None of them showed my how simple it is to be able to play once you understand how things fit. It’s like lego’s, Every piece has it’s place. So, even If I don’t win, I’ll scrap up the cash to get it. Keep up the great work.



  10. I want to win a copy because as an aging rocker I have always tried to learn the bass at a level that allows me to play all music genres at a high level. If I can get just a fraction of the enthusiasm, focus and excitement that you put in to your video and will clearly be in the course, then I know I am going to be the coolest bassist on the planet!

  11. Hi,

    I’m posting a comment to enter the contest for the free copy of Fretboard Formula with all the extras.

    I’m really excited about this product as it covers areas that none of my personal instructors have covered. I live in an area that lacks quality instruction. We have teachers here but they’re all pretty much the same. Every time I have gone for instruction in the past, I meet with a really good bass player and then I am given a copy of a Hal Leonard book.. Your basic mass produced item.. Learn these scales.. Do these exersizes, ok now play…. Sure fine.. but i’m not learning how to play on my own! So…. That method never has worked out for me. It’s a very frustrating process!

    I can learn scales. I can play scales. I can read music, I can puzzle through the notes and play them slowly at first… What I can’t do is improvise. When I’m playing I don’t have a feeling that I know why things are happening, I’m just a monkey repeating something someone else did. I want to PLAY the bass.. I want to make up my own groove not copy someone else’s groove. I feel that your program will complete the picture for me and bring me to the level of comfort and expertise that will make me the best possible bassist I can be.

    So please send me a free copy of fretboard formula.

  12. Alex, to be honest I’ve owned Bass Guitar Secrets for just over a year now and unfortunately until now I’ve been unable to fully work with it. Now that family matters have settled out, I’m able to put it to use and have found already that my playing has improved considerably.

    I’ve been playing bass for about four years now and I have some really bad habits that BGS is helping correct. I play bass for the folk group at church and I’m tired of doing just the root, fifth, octave bit. Thanks to BGS, I’ve been able to start adding some additional bits to some of the songs we play. Slowly, but it’s getting there. Even our group leader has commented on some of the stuff I’ve been doing. I’m not looking to be a Geddy Lee, Tom Scholz or Paul McCartney, just a plain ol’ Kansas bass player who enjoys music and enjoys playing it.

    I know when I complete BGS, that your new Fretboard Formula will be the perfect addition to further my skills.

  13. I am really looking forward to the Fretboard Formula. I have come to a sticking point in my playing. I have never had much theory and when it comes to soloing over some chords I have a lot of bad notes. So I am really looking forward to get a better understanding of the Fretboard and how everything ties together. I have pretty much played cover tunes, never really understanding why musicians chose certain notes or how they arrived at the note. Now that I am playing mostly in my church, the worship leader likes to hear some good solid grooves and a little soloing. After watching the your video, I think this is my lost link in understanding the Fretboard.

    Thanks and I can’t wait until Oct. 1,

    Clint Owens

  14. Wow, man thats is a lot of stuf. I and excited and looking forward to OCT 1st Alex thinks angain for hooking your BGS customers up. I’m so glad I came across your product.

    Alright Brother i have get to that hot line and get that free copy.


    This looks absolutely awesome.
    As an ex-guitarist who struggled with the change to Bass, (loads of bad habits), BGS was the solution. Spent a fortune on other courses and BGS was the solution. Now holding down the bottom end in 2 bands and all down to Alex S.
    TFretboard Fomula will take it to another level.

  16. Why I need the fretboard formula? I need the fretboard formula because knowing my fretboard is my weakest area. It’s been my desire to have a structured way of learning the fretboard. I’ve been playing over 8 years now, mostly self-taught, and I should be fluent in this area. I’ve learned to slap, chord, tap, know some of the modes, and can even improv a bit, but need the balance and confidence of vocalizing fretboard knowledge. I play for my church on a weekly basis. The thing I love about playing for my church is the fact that I am open to playing anything; we sing/play original songs, which eventually turns into improv. I truly desire to be confident enough in my knowledge that whatever key we’re in or change to, I’m right there with it. This is why I need and want the fretboard formula. Thank you for this opportunity.

  17. I am a customer, and I feel like I would benefit a lot from the Fretboard Formula. I think it is really the next step for me to take as a bassist. I have completed Bass Guitar Secrets and it has given me a great launchpad that will take my bass playing into different realms. The understanding of a groove, and scales, and chords, and etc….has really helped me. I appreciate all you’re doing. πŸ™‚

  18. Hey Alex – I NEED this course!! As an intermediate bass player, I am looking to go to the next level in my bass playing and this looks like the vehicle I need to get me going down that road. I need to be able to understand how all the different components go together to become a well-rounded musician and I am really looking forward to being able to troubleshoot my own difficulties and then apply those using the practice tracks (this is great because I can own the various ideas in the woodshed before using them live, which will lead to greater confidence in my playing, knowing that I am sure of what I am doing because I’ve already done it before a few hundred times during my practice time). I not only need this course for myself, but for the other musicians at church that I play with because I will be able to contribute more musically and perhaps even lend some direction as to where the music goes at times. I also need this for my kids because I want to be able to pass what I learn down to them and be able to give them the direction musically that I did not have when I was struggling to learn a new instrument in my younger years (this would have cut out many years of learning the hard way!).
    Thanks for all you are doing to help fill a void in bass instruction!
    Many blessings and success,

  19. Alex, I would just like to say that i have really enjoyed your lessons. They have helped me me tremendously. thanx again. The fretboard formula is probably a great addition to everything else. thanx again.

  20. Here is how I think I can benefit.

    1) I’m an audio visual learner.

    I learn from watching people do things. I have the Bass Guitar Secrets, and I love it. Unfortunately, I have trouble visualizing some of the techniques. Having these lessons on video will make it easier for me to learn.

    2) I like learning things in steps. And building on each step.

    I’m a programmer. I’m use to doing things in modules. You get Module A working, then expand on to B, then to C. Something isn’t working right, go back to A or B and fix it. From what I understand, thats how this new system works, and I’m looking forward to that.

    3) I’m in need of the detailed exercises.

    I’m getting better at moving my hands, and playing, but I still need some work on getting my speed and dexterity where it should be. I’m looking forward to your book on exercises!

  21. Hey Alex,

    It’s me again, I sent my first comment before I even finished watching the video because I was so excited. So now here’s my contest entry.

    I need the fretboard formula because I want to get to another level in my playing. I learned alot from the BGS course. I can lay down a good groove but I’m not good at making a smooth transition up to the upper register. So after awhile my groove goes stale. I want to be able to groove and then throw in a riff in the upper register to keep the listeners and other musicians inspired to do more with their playing.

    I read the fretboard stuff in the BGS course but I still did not fully get it. I don’t ubderstand the fretboard software that came with the course. You know the one where it shows a not and you have to pick out the right chunk of the scale.

    Even if I don’t win please explain that to me.

    Well that’s all I got besides some shameless begging, please, please, ooh me, pick me. (smile)

  22. I have been studying different books on playing the bass I even ordered a couple DVD lessons. I know the scales and chords, but some of the stuff I’ve learned like specific turn-arounds for walking bass patterns and think that that I don’t know where they fit. So, I have some of the pieces but can’t put things together to do any real walks or turn arounds and for sure no bass solos.

    I am a 63 year old man that plays at Church and other events and want to be able to trully add something to the sound. We have professional level guitar and keyboard players, and that makes me really feel inadequate.

    This course sounds like just what I need to learn how all these things fit together so I can be a more complete bass player.

    I am around other musicians and could have opportunies to recommend your product.

  23. Hu Alex,
    I’ve been playing bass for 6 years. I’ve been taking lessons for that amount of time and playing in a contemporary Christian rock band. We get words with chords over them and we have to fill in the rest. I just don’t feel that I have made as much progress as I should have. I practice about 1 1/2 to 2 hours per day. I’m looking at the Fretboard Formula to get me to the next level of playing. To be able to play the bass line without thinking of what note or scale I’m playing and still have it grooving with the music. By your introduction I believe the Fretboard Formula will do that. I do put the time in but maybe I’ve been putting it in to practice that is not helping me to get where I want to go or at least as fast as I want to get there. My ultimate goal at this point is to go from my local church to a traveling group in some way. Thank you for your effort in putting this course togeather and I do look forward to using it.


    David Sinclair

  24. Oh man I would love to win the Fretboard Formula. I have been trying and trying to get some groove into my bass playing but have hit a wall. I realize I need help and the cheapo little books just don’t cut it and haven’t helped me get to the next level. I am committed to getting better and really want to be able to add to our church experience with some quality goovin bass. From what I see in the Fretboard Formula I will be launched into a whole “notha level. I am someone who loves tools and systems to follow. I will dig in and only come up for air when I got some chopz. So give this boy a chance… i will make you proud.

  25. Why will the Fretboard Formula benefit me?

    Simple …… and Alex describes it in a powerful way !!

    Structure .. structure ….structure! Structure helps all experience levels of expertise to maximize the time spent learning .. listening and practicing. Structure helps any person stay focused in their practice and playing.

    One of the main difficulties in working with a new hobby or skill is pulling together all the “micro” elements to achieve your ultimate goal ~ to maximize the study/practice time commitment to get the best results and progress.

    The enthusiasm knowing you will not waste time creates the incentive to be dedicated to your goals. This will also improve your learning curve ~ and who wouldnt want to benefit from that.

    Alex emphasized the above points during this intro video convinced me this is a challenge I eagerly await to undertake!

    Mark B
    Kingston NH
    (phone number removed for privacy)

  26. Last father’s day (June 2008) my kids bought me a bass guitar for a present. I’ve never played a musical instrument before. My son showed me how to find bass guitar tabs on the internet, which is where I found out about your courses. So far through self-teaching, I’ve learned a handful of simple bass lines. One major problem I’ve discovered that I don’t have the dexterity and fluid movement that is needed to play bass decently. Having no musical background (other than the PLAY button on my CD player) learning notes, scales, tablature, and basic rhythms are a necessity. From listening to your video explanation of the Fretboard Fomula course, especially the issues of fluency and movement around the fret board, I believe this will probably be the most effective course to boost my learning.

  27. Hi Alex,
    Wow that’s a lot of info…

    I would like to express how I think this course will help me to achieve a greater mastery of playing. I have played on and off for many years, and the reason is I would get frustrated with not being able to produce good “musical” grooves.
    I had a few teachers and the information they gave never quite came together, I just couldn’t wrap my head or fingers around it.

    I purchased your BGS course, after reading your descriptions of it and the testimonials as a way to help me see into being a better Bass player, with that tool I was able to begin to understand, finally, some of the stuff I just couldn’t get.
    After spending a lot of time working with your information, my playing wasn’t so dull and lifeless anymore, I could make better musical choices and I finally understood why.
    People now tell me I sound much better and have improved emensely.
    I have hit a plateau yet again, and as your BGS open new doors for me and the way you explained things that I could finally understand, I can only imagine after hearing you explain this course, that it will take me through the next leg of my Musical journey of understanding and being able to expess myself on my chosen instrument, and eventually find MY sound, MY voice.

    Funny how music can be more of a spiritual thing than most seem to understand.
    Music is the universal language, now maybe I’ll be able to converse with more people and make sense…

    Thanks Again for all you do, and your love of the music.



  28. As an existing Customer:
    Bass Guitar secrets has been very important to me as an A list studio musician and Bass instructor at the Living Stones Fellowship School of Worship arts. I use many of your ideas in my Group and Individual lessons.

    As a Professional Bass player…
    Your Bass Guitar secrets course has been important to me in my effort to learn various styles of music, the importance of being true to the Whole,Half,Quarter,Eighth, and Sixteenth note….the art of the groove. I can’t tell you how many times I have been asked for my charts…and told that I bring the groove to any style of music that I am asked to play.

    Bob Teske (look at the presskit widow and drill into BobTeske mp3 for studio samples)

  29. Ive been practicing for about 4 years.. Just jamming but aimlessly so and not really understanding the logic behind what I am doing.. I dont feel comfortable playing with a band at all yet.. I feel so comfortable with what your product has in store for me.. I think its going to take me to the next level… I love your style and want so much to feel as comfy as you appear to be during your vids… Ive been waiting a long time for something like this and I am sure it will be worth it. And to add a fee offer on top of things..? Man that is fantastic… Im hoping to be the dude who benefits from your generosity.



  30. Am just taking off now as a fledgling bass player… Started some private lessons that opened my eyes to how to connect the fingerboard and patterns of scales and types of chords and sevenths to the theory I’ve been carrying around in my head for years. I am a music teacher of Orchestra kids in the elementary school. I play keyboard and understand chord and scale theory. I love to sing. I play modestly a lot of instruments. Bass guitar I just took up casually a couple of years ago when there was a need in my church for simplistic playing to help solidify the sound and help the singers hear the changes. We’ve had varying skills and musicianship from our drummers. But I was the constant, because I was steady–even though limited in actual technique on the bass guitar. Now I am done being ‘mediocre’ in my technique and chops, and am ready to forge ahead. Some time ago I ordered Bass Guitar secrets, but hadn’t explored it. Now that I see your new products, I want to go explore what I HAVE, PLUS get into the new stuff, too.

    My 20-year-old son, Dan, is an awesome stand up bass player and loves his jazz, but he has also been playing bass guitar for quite some time now. He plays primarily on his six string fretless, while I, his mom, love the slender four-string he left behind for me now that he’s off at college studying to be a music teacher like mom. The theory head knowledge I have is great, but now I know where I can access tools to connect it with my playing, like he does.

    Gotta run now to work, but will be checking in much more regularly to what you have, and am excited about the great info and teaching tools you have produced and are about to release, The Fretboard Formula.

    I’ll keep you posted as to my progress. Have to go buy me a web cam, too!
    Thanks for the peek at your new product. : )

    –Robbi Baskin, Kent, Washington

  31. This represents a great value and opportunity to accelerate my learning. I’m trying to teach myself along with my two kids, age 4 and 5 at the same time. Their energy toward leaning this is infectious and we practice every evening, (even at that young age they’re pushing me). Additionally, I’ve joined a band at work which is far beyond my current abilities, and this would be a real asset in getting me up to speed with the rest of the crew. Thanks for all the hard work, coordination and effort you put into all your products! Can’t wait to get a copy of this one!

  32. Alex,
    I have loved BGS and believe that your new course will be a great continuation of my education with the bass guitar.
    I look forward to it and enjoy your blog.
    All the best,

  33. Hey Alex, just watched the video and I’m very excited about the new Fretboard Formula course.

    The problem I’m having is that when the course is available to order I will be out of the country for a further week. I’m very intrigued about the black disc, but obviously I can’t be around to order the course within the first few days to get the disc.

    However, you did mention that you will try to help out people who have received your Bass Guitar Secrets course, of which I am a prowd owner. I was wondering, instead of receiving any sort of discount for the Fretboard Formula, (if that’s what you meant) I would be more than happy to pay full price if it meant I could receive the extra black disc as well.
    (I know this course is worth whatever you’ll ask for it because I’ve been using your Bass Guitar Secrets for well over a year now and I’m well aware of how good the content is.)

    I’m very much looking forward to ordering the next additions to add to the collection, and hope my trip away won’t cost me any extras of the course.

    Please let me know if there is anything you could do for me, otherwise, if not, I’ll still be happy with how ever much of the course I’ll be allowed to receive (though I will always wonder about that black disc ;o)

    Many thanks for everything so far, your hard work is much appreciated.

  34. Keep up the good work Alex ,
    if this was going to be in the shops, i would start camping out now for it.

    I need The fretboard formula so much it hurt’s,i saw the video on the mind map’s and it blue me away,it helped me a lot,so if one video can do that what will the rest of it do

    cant waited to find out.

  35. Hi Alex, all I can say is WoW! I am very impressed with the level of effort you put into the Fret board Formula. You are the real deal my friend! Here’s my story in a nutshell.
    In 2006 I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and when the doctor tells you something like that it’s almost like he hit’s a time clock and says, “Well, anything you ever wanted to do in life you better get started now”. So I decided I wanted to fulfill my life long desire to be a musician. I started taking bass lessons at Hunts Music Studio in Woodlyn, PA. That was very helpful but it was increasingly more difficult to get there, as my walking was limited. One thing led to another and I’m now in a rock cover band and enjoying every minuet of it. My Bass playing is very fundamental and by that I mean I’m playing a lot of root notes and simple chord progressions. The reason I’m interested in your Fret board Formula is that it would give me the ability to learn from home at my own pace and work the lesson material directly into the band sessions. I have a home studio that doubles as my office and it makes it very easy to review lessons on CD and practice in preparation of our weekly band sessions. Thank you very much for the opportunity to request this special offer and I look forward to some day meeting you. Peace and good vibes to you and yours, Scott.

  36. yes!!!! cant wait to get my hands on the fretboard formula its hard here in chicago to find a good teacher or someone that have time for you appreciate everything i dont care about the price im ready to learn peace

  37. Just over a year ago, if anyone had suggested that I would now be in a band, playing songs that I wrote or co-wrote in front of a couple of hundred people at a time, I would have laughed at them. But that is what I am doing. Indeed we have a gig tomorrow and I’m loving it!

    And I have to say that the only way that I can do this is down to BGS and all the fantastic vids and support that you throw at us. I am now confident enough to sit down with other musicians and come up with grooves and fills off the top of my head following your methods. More than I ever thought I could do.

    I for one will be online on Wednesday, as I cannot wait until the fretboard formula. If it can do as much for me over the next year as BGS did over the last then sign me up!!!

    Take it easy

    Chris (one of your UK contingent)

  38. Alex,
    First of all thanks for the opportunity to participate in this incredible give away and for all the lessons you have thrown our way. My story:
    I am the bassist in our church by default. That is, I was playing backup guitar and our former bassist left the church and I was the only one with a bass guitar. I have always enjoyed listening to a good bassist but I had no idea the depth of theory and symmetry that went into the bassist’s methods, how fundamental it was to music and to the band, and how passionate I would become at devouring any resource I could obtain in order to become a better bassist.
    I am now completely enthralled with everything bass guitar, I find myself listening to genres of music that I would not have previously listened to, so that I can pick up the bass line and perhaps add to my own playing ability. Initially, when I found out I was going to be the new bassist, I endlessly searched the internet to try and get direction and an understanding behind the fundamentals of the bass guitar. And that is how I originally stumbled upon your groove suck method website.
    I was completely lost and confused. I really had nowhere to turn because no one in our church knew anything about the bass and being a new dad, I didn’t have the finances or time to get private lessons. So I have soaked up your lessons, even if they are above my playing ability in some instances, and continue to get every new update (I receive an e mail every time something is added on your blog) and have been glued to your instruction even before the blog.
    I want to become a bassist who doesn’t just mimic someone else’s bass lines or style, but eventually I would love for this to become an expression of myself, my own personality and worship transmitted through my bass and amps. However, I am stuck. I feel like I have hit an insurmountable wall and I have absorbed as much as I can at the moment w/o any instruction. I am constantly looking for anyone in my area with enough expertise on the bass so that I can pick their brain or come underneath them and pick up ANYTHING new, but I have been unsuccessful in finding that person (at least someone who won’t charge me $45 an hour, again limited money and time to get out of the house)
    The fret board formula would not only benefit me, but it could have an incredible impact on my church and congregation as well. Thanks again for this incredible opportunity!!
    Thanks again and good luck to all who will enter!
    You can contact me at

  39. Wow Alex this new course looks really great and I would be blown away to get a free copy but if I don’t make it I’m gonna buy it anyhow, just hope I make the first 100.

    I’ve been using your BGS course and have made immense steps forward, not without a lot of hard work though and I’m hungry for more. I have a reasonable understanding of music theory and my main problem revolves around putting it all into practice.

    I’ve played in cover bands and copied bass lines from the recordings never having the confidence or ability to come up with my own lines and I’m just beginning to get the feel for it with the knowledge I have gained so far.

    The addition of video to the course makes it worth buying alone but the new content, lessons and exercises etc will make me a better player I’m sure. I want to be a Pro player some day and your previous course is the best material I have found to help me on the road to that goal and I feel that this new material is also an essential element for me.

    If I’m aiming to be the best, I need the best teacher with the best methods behind me. I’m gonna get the course whether you decide to give it away or I have to buy it and it will start to get dog-eared from day one, I really would be disappointed if I missed out on the special ‘Black Disk that you’re giving away with the first 100 copies, the rest I can buy.

    Whichever way it turns out, thank you Alex for being a great teacher and an awsome musician….keep it up.


    email or telephone (removed for privacy)

  40. BTW I’ve tried a few times but can’t get through on the international number, I’m dialling 00 215 220 3510 from the UK, is that correct?


    1. Hey Martin, if I’m not mistaken you guys in the UK have to dial a 1 before our US numbers… so 1-215-220-3510 – hopefully that works πŸ™‚ looking forward to hearing what you got!


  41. Hi Alex,
    Wow! this Fretboard Formula looks amazing and I’d love to be lucky enough to win a copy! Here’s my reason/entry into the contest.

    A few years ago some friends and I, who met at our local folk club, decided to get together and form a small band. We’re not ‘true’ folkies and our aim is to have fun with music and, hopefully, pass this sense of fun on to our audience. There are 4 of us in the band and the range of instruments runs through several guitars, autoharp, mandolin, flute, banjo, concertina but the one thing that was missing is bass. Right from the start I kept on at the band that it is something that was badly needed. Eventually my wife got an electro acoustic bass and went through all the agonies of trying to learn a new instrument. Bless her, she persevered for 2 years paying for lessons and practicing as best she could after a hard day at the office. Unfortunately, she didn’t feel an affinity with the instrument and eventually quit.

    We still needed a bass player so I picked her bass up on day and started fooling with it. It was a struggle after playing guitar for 25 years but something clicked and I ended up trading the acoustic for a little Yamaha bass. Now this may sound daft but it’s like a light went on in me. I’ve always enjoyed making music but every instrument I’ve ever taken up has been a bit of a struggle but this bass thing is totally different. If she were a woman I’d be helplessly, head over heels in love with her! I’m finding a joy and pleasure in playing bass that I’ve never known before.

    However, I’m struggling to find the right course to further my very lowly bass playing abilities. To be absolutely honest I am now at a stage where it was either going to be your BGS course or an online course run by a guy in Oz. Now you’ve come up with Fretboard Formula I’m even more confused!

    No one in the band is wealthy and the gigs we have done so far have virtually every penny we’ve made so far has been for charity. We’ve had a great response from our audiences so far which is a bonus. But now, to make our sound complete it looks like it’s down to me to learn the bass properly. I am totally dedicated to our band (as are all the members) and I can assure you, if I were lucky enough to win Fretboard Formula it would not be wasted!


  42. I never win anything so I hope this will be the first. but if not i am for sure going to purchase the Formula because i am a most serious bassist and have been for 40 years. never to old to learn new things for sure.

    Thanks Alex
    Brian B

  43. Hi Alex!

    I just had an elbow surgery today (not a serious one, just removed the metal plate from there) and when I came home, there was your email waiting for me. I was checking every day since I got an email at the end of the summer. Cant wait to have it! Well, I know, there are a lot of guys outside hoping to win a free copy of it just like me, so I know it will be stunnig readind through all these posts. I have purchased your BGS course 2-3 months ago, and I have to tell that is amazing! It helped me build my finger muscles, my timing, and dexterity as well as the scales too. I always had the problem how to make up with new bass lines. I am sure u know the feeling: u hear a damn good song, and the bass just sound in your head from nothing, but you are not able to play it, because you cannot find your way around the fretboard yet.
    What I am hoping to gain from your new course is someone to show me all the things that I might have missed before.
    Nuff said, you have to read a lot of comments for sure. I just want to thank you for the tremendous time and effort to finally get things together, and I really do hope it will make me as much joy to go through it as much joy it did to you making it! And yes, you can be proud of your baby!

    Cant wait until the 1st of October!

    ZoltΓ‘n from Denmark

  44. Alex, I just finished the video. Man, you went over board. Do you ever sleep? It is more than I could have dreamed. However, that’s who you are. You put out what’s in your heart, and you have a big heart when it comes to the bass and bass instructions. Can I place my order for the Fretboard Formular now?

    Keep up the GREAT WORK,

  45. BGS was the best thing that happened to me! I’m a self taught bass player (scary as that sounds) and I’ve been playing in a band for the past 12 years. A couple of years ago, I found the BGS course online and bought it. No one in the band knew that I was going through the course and within a couple of weeks, they were all like “What are you doing, that sounds great” and “What’s going on, you’re coming up with some great riffs”. We don’t get paid for playing, but I still want to get better! Trying to raise a family makes it tough as well. What sucks is that my bass was stolen, so I have to borrow one for the time being. I’m working towards getting a new bass, but I may just have to put that off and get the Fretboard Formula instead!

    Peace man!


  46. Hi Alex,

    I have gone through about a little more than halfway through the BGS course. And let me tell you I’m loving every bit of it. Even though I’ve improved so much through your course, I still believe there’s room for more. And one of my weakest thing when playing the bass is not knowing where I am at the fretboard, I mean I get into a song, and I suddenly I get lost. My goal is to be able to just feel the board, and know exactly where I am. To have the confidence to nail down any riff, lick, or groove that pops into my head. And to play it on the fretboard without any hesitation. My goal is not to be the best bassist ever, and show off my pride. My ultimate dream/goal is to have the satisfaction of knowing that I am to my full potential of playing to the best of my ability. And with this new course, I truly believe I will be one step closer to achieving this. Thanks you so much! You are truly a blessing.

    Contact info: Josh Rodriguez (830) 426-1330

  47. I have been playing for so long and have been so stuck in a certain style of playing. The BGS has so totally turned my playing around that I have been approached several times and have participated in acutally doing recording sessions including writing my own bass lines because of what i learned from the BGS. I have not had that opportunity before but because of the BGS my playing has improved 10 fold. I had neve learned Chords or how they play in a bassists repitoir and why. But again, the BGS helped there as well.

    So i say all that to let you know, Alex The Fretboard formula will no doubt be used so much, it will probably resemble my bible which is worn from being used and read so much.

    Thanks Alex for your committment to excellence on this Fretboard formula course.

    Brian Beausoleil

  48. Well, your course has been a real blessing. It has helped me transform my playing. There was a time when I was tired or bored of my playing, then enter BGS, well I started applying all the information that you were teaching and you know what it worked. I went from just playing at my chruch to being called into the studio for different groups. I filled in for this one group that play really soft music and the other bassist never got his gig back. You taught a section on groove which totally transformed my playing. The biggest thing I have noticed is my confidence and ability to hold a groove and make it sound good and tight. The guys at the studios have commented that my note choices over the progression is sweet and help to make the song musical.

    When I started, BGS I was playing a 5 string bass, now I am up to a 7 string bass and using everything that you have taught me. This course will enhance any bass player’s playing if they simply follow what you teach and apply themselves step by step by step. BGS has revolutionized my playing and now other bassist ask me how did I get there!!!!!

    Ed Simmons

  49. Hi Alex – I have used the Bass Guitar Secrets course for the last couple years. It has helped me progress from beginner stage to an advanced intermediate in a very short time. I refer back to it often for exercises and also advice when I am trying to come up with basslines for new songs. I am in 3 different bands right now – playing both originals and covers.

    I am looking forward to the Fretboard course because I have found the Secrets course to be a great value, and I expect even more from the new one.

    The thing about these courses is that there is a tremendous amount of useful information that I can refer back to whenever I have time. I have had several bass teachers in the last few years, and there are always the scheduling hassles – trying to get times when we are both available – then there is the cost – I usually pay $40 an hour plus gas to get there or pay extra for them to come to me. If I am later trying to do something they taugth me and it doesn’t make sense or I don’t get it – I have to wait until the next session and take up a lot of that time to review. Plus if there are interruptions – phone calls on their cell phone – or family issues they have to sort out -or their equpment problems, I still have to pay for that time. Not sure what the cost is going to be of the Fretboard course, but I’m sure it’s very reasonable compared to $160 a month, plus if I want to review something at 10PM it’s all right there.

    Also, thenks for being available by email to answer my questions. I know you have a lot of students, but I’ve always received a response pretty quickly.

    I have great expectations that this course will take me to an advanced level in a short period of time, and also give me a lot more options for designing basslines and improvising.

    I hope I win, but even if I don’t I will be getting the course. Feel free to use any parts of this separately, or the whole thing. Thanks.

    1. Jim this is a very solid comment. It’s clear that you know what you’re talking about.

      When I tell folks that our stuff has countless hours worth of man hours in it, most don’t fully realize how long it can take to duplicate the comprehensiveness with back and forth lessons. Don’t get me wrong live tuition is da bomb for sure but it has its challenges like anything else…

      Intelligent post Jim!


  50. i would like it if you please send me a free dvd copy on base chord ,but my problem is gitting into the fast lene .
    your great base player and i admire that thanks alot man.
    O, just keep sending me stuf i like it,i live in Guyana that is in South America, just on the coast of South america.

  51. Hey Alex,

    I play for my church every week, and we just selected a new pastor after almost two years without one. He is wanting this contemporary service we do to really rock, which finally meets with my wants for my church. I have been given some oportunities to play solos that are neat, but they are someone else’s solos. I am needing to make this service, at least my part, my own and I need the Fretboard Formula to really meet that need. We all, the whole band, are working toward upgrading and updating our service, and they are looking to me to lead the way, even the Music Minister, and I’m not even the best or youngest player in the band. I guess it’s because I am the most energetic and vocal. My weakness in the fretboard and the shyness of the guitarists to push the envelope, has really hampered this progress. I feel that if I had the lessons of the fretboard formula to push me forward, I can get my playing to help push them to the moon.

    I just got your Bass Guitar Secrets lesson on Monday. I have been working on it since then, everyday like you say, and I have found that I can use my pinky finger, couldn’t before, and my understanding of the scales has improved. I have geatly liked the simplicity, yet thoroughness of the lessons and the idea of patterns and shapes which was not in any of the theory book that I have tried. Thank you for getting these lessons out and available to some of us who struggle.

  52. Hey Alex, first of all I just have to say I love what your doing here, I’v tried SO many bass dvds and books and all that other stuff, and they really are just either guys showing off, or flimsy 30 page “manuals” that just don’t work. So you can probably tell that I’m ready to get my hands on something that actually WORKS.
    The main reason I want to get a copy of the Fretboard Formula is because I’m just totally stuck in my bassing. Alot of my friends are musicians, most are guitarists and NONE of them respect the bass guitar as an instrument, the worst thing one of them has said (just one of those things that really annoys the hell outta me) was that:

    “A bass is just a easy, DUMBED DOWN VERSION of a guitar.”

    Now this guy is a really good guitarist, he’s got alot of talent and i respect him for that, but it just surprises me at how narrow minded he’s being. A bass is SO much more than just a watered down version of a guitar. Its got so much more to offer than a few root notes to accompany the guitar, or to keep the rhythm going while the guitarist rips out a solo. A bass is such a great instrument and I want to prove that.

    Unfortunately, I lack that natural talent my friends posses, I need to really work hard to learn things to do with music, I take bass guitar as my prefered instrument at school, but what I learn at school is only enough so I pass my exams, so pretty much just reading tab and mimicing the backing track. So thats why I have invested more or less all the money I make from my weekend job into all these bass programs that swear to “Radically change your playing in 30 days” so yeah after buyin a few and not getting anywhere I started to feel stupid, and of course my friends like to remind me of that frequently (not trying to make me feel bad or anything, they just think its hilarious that I’m struggling to play “such a basic instrument” to any degree of efficiency).

    So I really need a course that will work, a course that will help me to learn ALL about how to really kick-ass when playing the bass, I want to change my friends’ opinions, and to prove to myself that if you work hard, with the right methods and practice, you really can achieve what seemed impossible at first. Now I’v been following your video blogs and lessons, and have already seen an improvement in my bass skills, but I now feel that to make that QUANTUM LEAP in my skill and understanding, the Fretboard Formula is the way forward.

    I feel like I’v kind of rambled on a little so I’ll just finish up.

    I truely BELIEVE that the Fretboard Formula will help me to really go places with my bass, so I just have to thank you again for bringing out such a great looking and sounding product, because no-one else, no other author of these home study courses has been to as much effort as you clearly have, and noe of them have created anythin NEARLY as comprehensive as you have. But hey, if I dont win then this is definetally going to be my “must buy” purchase this year after I get my paycheck in. πŸ™‚ (shame I’ll miss out on the added content though)

    Many thanks again,



  53. Alex, your courses are great and your willingness to share is greater. I am a christian musician and I would like to win a course for 2 reasons. One to continue learning and improving my bass playing skills and second to be in a position to pass information on to a less fortunate bass player or the next generation. However it works out I will be using and recommending your products for years to come. God Bless

  54. Alex,
    Having played bass for 17 years the BassGuitarSecrets course really took me to a new level of understanding, involvement and joy. Things I had kinda vaguely understood, “been aware” of, or just plain skipped over before, made sense with your “bass playing best friend” style.
    Why then do I need the Fretboard Formula? To take me further on my journey playing bass. I want to know the neck of the bass like I know my wife’s neck!!! And run my fingers across it… [you get the idea!] Your teaching method is proven, your ongoing support is proven (I’m a regular on the forum), and I want to continue my journey with the best tools I can get.
    Cheers Alex.
    Looking forward to the FF – counting down!

    david [uk]

  55. Alex, dude…I’ve played guitar for 25 years and for the past 15 have been trying to get my wife into playing. I finally got her into bass this past Christmas, when I gave her a bass guitar AND Bass Guitar Secrets. It so awesome to be able to jam with her!

    We both love music, and we each have a separate take on what we like to hear and play and it works out well for us.

    I would so love to be able to give her this package that would make her day (and mine!). If I don’t win one, I’ll likely buy one anyway.

    Keep rockin!
    Greg C

  56. Hi Alex, I have been following your courses and videos for the last year & 1/2 now. Thank you for all your hard work.
    I was made redundant towards the lend of last year and unfortunately had to sell my bass. How ever, I have got full time job now and am saving up for another bass. Your free DVD copy will inspire me to save harder and get a bass sooner.

    Many thanks

  57. Alex,seriously… we’re does all of this come from? Do you just ponder and then lightning strikes, and POW! we get another amazing opportunity to see what’s really going on inside your brain. I am here to represent the female players on your blog. I know we’re out there. Just a little hard to find. There are many reasons I would benefit from the FBF course, but I would have to say the main reason would be that once my chopz, and confidence is in order. They won’t look at me strange when I say YES! I’m am a BASS PLAYER!!!!!!! And I learned it all from Alex.

  58. Hey Alex..

    I KNOW that I REALLY REALLY need the Fretboard Formula. I’ve purchased the Gremoire (Red Book) full of scales years ago.. (Someone told me to keep playing scales and I’d eventually get it. ) I’ve listend to and watched victor wooten, Charles the Buddah Dickens, Jaco and Oteil Burbridge just to name a few. (Someone told me to listen to the best and I’d eventually catch on…) Ive also purchased some Hal Lenord books out of the wahzoo (Someone told me to follow his method and I would get it). Ive also copied tons of bass tabs and even took a few lessons with a local bassists that I admire.

    This has been going on for 4 1/2 years and I’ve acquired lots of bits and peices of information however I always come back to one key question. I know there should be a logicical behind what Im doing. How do I connect the dots so I can CREATE fluently on my own and UNDERSTAND what I am doing and WHY… I want to know why certain progressions make sense and how they are used instead of just trying to cover someone else’ song.

    In short. I have pieces of this and that but dont know how to connect the dots. After STUDYING your site and listening to all of your vids I am CONVINCED you and your product hold the key for me. I just know it is the Holy Bass Graile that I’ve been looking for. Numerous times, I envision myself playing a really smooth number with a band, on stage, lights kind of dim, glancing back at the drummer with that same “yup, I get it” look I’ve seen over and over again. You know the one… PLEASE help me make that a reality by providing me with your product…!! I know it is the perfect bridge between my dream and making it a reality. My email is Thanks for your consideration

  59. Alex-

    THANK YOU! I have had BGS for about 6 months – and I had almost forgotten that I had the program…It is simply because I have another life….I am a daddy and I play with a group of other dads…We get together a couple of times a month, if we’re lucky, but I LOVE to play the bass.

    It had been about 25 years since I actually played – in my high school traveling jazz band and in several ‘bands’ if you can call us that…Regardless, I fell into the habit of picking up the ‘axe’ every chance I could….So, when the dad’s got together and started the group, I wanted to participate.

    BGS has been a breath of fresh air for me….And has helped me get right back to where I was 25 years ago, and NOW, even better than I was….

    Thanks again…Looking forward to the Fretboard Formula! I just need to figure out how to MAKE THE TIME!!!



  60. Alex, I knew the little extra wait would be worthwhile, but I had no idea just how extensive the FBF would be. Great job; Thank you. BGS gave me the knowledge and confidence to jam with “real” muscians, guys that are artist with their instruments. I believe working thru FBF will guide me on the path to being an artist with my bass. Again, thank you for your efforts to help all of us.
    Take care,

  61. Alex- As a non-customer I have been following your advertisements for over a year now.
    To be honest, at first I was very suspect that your program was just another ploy to get my hard earned money. However, I soon realized that your free information alone had helped my bass playing tremendously and that your skill-set, product information and genuine concern for up and coming bass players were extraordinary. You’re a great teacher.

    Anyway, I’ve been playing bass guitar by ear (back in Philly) on and off for over 20 years and after a number of years of not playing I’m now putting together a working band. So, I’m very serious about improving my bass guitar craft, and to do this I must understand my instrument.

    Also, I must admit that what I’ve learnt from you so far has helped my playing quite a bit, especially understanding scales, bass chords and their progressions. However, because I continue to struggle with identifying notes and memorizing my bass fret board. I disparately need the β€œFret Board Formula” to help me understand where and why I move to certain locations on my bass neck.

    Many observers think that I’m pretty good on my bass, but I’m not really satisfied with my skill-set at this point. Man, I’ve got to learn my neck to be capable of moving all over the fret board without hesitation. Ultimately, my goal is to become one of those special bass players that can master his craft and contribute significantly to the overall success of his band.

    I think that you should award me the β€œFret Board Formula” not only because I desperately need it, but it will help demonstrate to the world that even old dogs like my self can still learn new stuff. (


  62. I am just waiting on the 12th so I can get my hands on that package!!! Keep up the good work and GOD is going to bless you for the true sacrafices that you have made for so many. And one day it is my dream to make as many bassplayer to take our place when we leave the seen as possible.
    Pastor Linwood f. Smith Sr.

    1. Hello Pastor Smith… thanks for the kind words – i truly appreciate them! just a quick note to be clear – The course launches on the 1st of october. (you mentioned the 12th so i don’t know if you are counting delivery time…) but just wanted to make sure no one is confused.


  63. Alex,
    I want it.. I’ll get it… but I’ll buy it..
    Because you deserve to be compensated for the time, effort and dedication that you put into this project..
    I’ve already learned something.. during the “All the things you are” demo in the Promo Video..
    There are many VERY GIFTED players out there… but being a great player…has NOTHING to do with being a GREAT TEACHER!
    You my friend, are both.
    Waitin’ till Wednesday,

    1. Ken my friend, customers like you are exactly the reason I felt i wanted to give two copies away… The internet can be such an impersonal medium (and sometimes openly harsh) at times, that having the support and goodwill of you guys is *literally* priceless…

      And that’s straight up real talk – all B.S. aside.

      Hearing you folks comment on my teaching efforts and stuff is both a highly valued prize for me & a deeply humbling experience at the same time.

      Long story short? Ken (and all you other guys and gals) truly are GOLDEN.

      Alex ‘sleep-deprived-and-loving-every-minute-of-it’ Sampson πŸ™‚

  64. Alex, I have previously purchased Bass Guitar Secrets and it has helped me tremendously. Previous to getting that course, I had been playing for about 17 years and not getting the results I was looking for. I had purchased many, many books but could not find anything that would give me the “useful” information I was looking for until BGS. Now my playing has improved and I’m getting invited to play with more people. I have a better understanding of the bassist’s roll in music and more understanding of what to play and what not to play. I believe your new course will continue to take me where I want to go musically. I believe it will help give me more confidence in my abilities and help me achieve my goals. I currently play in a praise and worship band called Passage North. One of my main goals is to be able to play with more confidence so that I know what I’m doing is not a distraction to the worship experience, but rather will enhance the experience for the listener. I also want to get better at going into the studio and laying down that “perfect” grove and I believe your course will help me achieve my goals.
    Thanks for all your hard work and talent and for your willingness to help others, it is paying off for me.
    God bless,

  65. Why I need a to win a free copyof the fretboardformula? Well Alex to be honest, it will be a struggle to pay for it. With that said here is my story….At the end of 2007 I thought ” what can I do this up coming year and stick to it. I thought of how I been blessed through out life with many talents, and how I let most of them fall by the wayside. So it came to me to give back to God, what He has given me. 35 years ago when I was 17, Iwas in a combo band. Ilearn to play by ear with the record with no understanding of chord structure and minamal theory. We played in some juke-joints,and family gatherings until I enlisted. Iwent into the army After Pawning my ’65 fender P Bass which costed 450.00 then(WOW), AND NEVER PLAYED againg. I started in january to redefine my talent, To give Back to God not for money, and with the help of BGS I’m giving back to God. I’m now a Church musician. And with well thought of Skill. ICan’t say it was all BGS, the Holy Sprirt has to be in it. There is no other explaination of how I came far, so fast. I get invitations to other Churches in the Community for special programs. and that is from my sticking with the BGS course even when it did’nt make sense. I can keep timing and blend well with the keyboard where ever I’ve been thus far.
    The Hebrew expression, Zamar: To celebrate with instruments, to praise the Lord skillfully on an instrument, to touch strings with the fingers.(See Pss.56:4; 150:1,2) I know fretboardformula will get me to the next level in my Zamar, and maybe I’ll be blessed. If not I hope you have a 3 or 4 E-Z payment plan of the disabled. Cause I still can’t afford to miss out.
    My phone # is {phone # removed for privacy} E-mail
    God has done a great thing in you Alex, and may He continue to do a finished work in you.
    To God Be the Glory,

  66. Hi Alex,

    I work for a local youth reach club in my locality here in Ireland where I encourage and teach kids to play music rather than getting into trouble in the neighbourhood – kids are bored as we have limited facitlities in the area. I would like to win the Fretboard formula as I could give it away as an incentive prize to one of my senior students to keep them focused and reward them for their hard work and effort in the group!

    Many thanks


  67. Hey Alex

    Great promo Vid. I thoroughly Appreciate all the time and effort you put into making and promoting your product. I just purchased a new bass (epiphone Viola) one week before Ike hit down here in Galveston and haven’t had power for the last 10 days or so, but i have been working the fretboard and my bridge techniques with no amp. My wife thinks I am nutty playing with no amp but I have got to keep my fingers strong and limber! Anyway I will be here on wednesday to make sure I get the EXTRAS and the Impressive Fretboard Formula. I was saving for Bass Guitar Secrets but I think I am ready to takle my fretboard head on! See ya Wednesday!

    Fair Winds and Bright Stars,

    Christopher Jones

  68. Hi Alex,
    yes, I’m playing bass for 40years now without taking much care about theoretical stuff about playing bass. Using BGS still I was able to learn some more things and now I’m keen to even learn more of your stuff.
    So I would die to get one of your free copies of your Fretboard Formula!

    Take Bass, Rudi

  69. I would benefit the most from receiving Fretboard Formula at no charge for the following reasons.

    1) At the age of 44, I decided to challenge myself to learn something new, so I could show others that it is never too late to start chasing your dreams. My dream was to play Bass Guitar. I bought Bass Guitar Secrets, and worked my way through the manuals. One year later, I performed with a worship band in front of an audience of 200 people. I hope to use Fretboard Formula to further my studies and share with others the joy of knowing that if you apply yourself, you can accomplish anything, regardless how old you are.

    2) I interact with a lot of young people who really are not excited about their future prospects. As I looked for ways to engage them in a way that they get excited about something. As I practiced Bass, I noticed that some of these teens were intrigued by what I was doing. I invited them to join me. They were so full of questions! As I thought about what to do next, I was inspired to start a mentoring class that teach others how to play an instrument and record music using a laptop, software and an instrument. I know that if I had the video curriculum included in Fretboard Formula, I could impact so many more lives.

    3) I am a man of passion and commitment. Everything I commit to do, I do with gusto. I have set aside my previous hobbies (for now) to pursue bass mastery with all my heart. I learn most effectively when I can see someone demonstrate a skill. I have been waiting for a long time to find out what the Fretboard Formula would include. The video content is an answer to my prayers. If I were to receive this course free of charge, I would use it develop the skills necessary to join a band that performs regularly, just so I could be an example to others who had a dream to join a band, but think the opportunity has passed them by.

    I thank you for sharing your gifts with us, and look forward to continue my journey to bass mastery under your watchful eye.

  70. This sounds awsome and it would be a great blessing to me to have one. My couzin first introduced bass playing to me and i took one semister at a Instatute which help alot. Than i started to play at my church which help me develope more..there was a time where i kinda got bored because it just seemed i was not getting anywhere with my bass playing. I kept playing and gotten more better but now i seem to go nowhere again. This we help so much to become good. But its not about being good its about loving it. I love playing the bass. I glad that God has given me this talent and I want to make it better. This is a great oppertunity to develope my skill more. Keep it up Alex!!

  71. Hey Alex

    As a previous customer of BGS, I know your products have already proved themselves from first hand experience. As much as I enjoy reading books, learning to master the bass takes so much more than just that. I too also have an analytical mind and thus feel learning your method of teaching in the CD & DVD format is a perfect balance to ‘lock’ into the groove’ and keep up the momentum that you have already helped set in place.

    Just the name ‘Fretboard formula’ screams what I still long to master and that is to know my fret board inside out upside down. So I can have TOTAL control when busting out the funk etc.

    Luv your work… keep it up.


  72. hey Alex, just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your time and effort to do all this , Just to say a little about my self I love Bass no other thing I’d wanna do more except love to play and worship my loving God thru bass playing. I got this opportunity couple a months ago my pastor asked me if I wanted to play bass at my church. Of course I said I had never touched a bass guitar before He was kind enough to give me his. And I practiced through your bass guitar secrets course and alot of people were impressed with how fast iI was progressing. And now we want a couple of us in our worship team want to go and play public. So now I really need to step up and learn to play the fretboard more fluently. And this is a phenomanall thing you got goin. just hope I win. God has blessed you and will keep on blessing you thru your kindness ….. thanks agian contact me at

  73. Greetings Alex. I know that this is supposed to be a blog in which we your customers/non customers apply for a chance to win the fretboard formula course however after watching that video I cannot possibly accept all that free from you. In previous blogs when you said you were working on something big and you kept delaying the release I thought it was just to build hype. Even when you were talking about the price I was skeptical but after seeing how much you give us it would be unjust to accept a free gift. I would rather sow a seed into your work because you CLEARLY worked hard to put this all together.

    I previously purchased Bass Guitar Secrets and I got it a little over a year ago and I am still drilling through it diligently. I am still on the first book. I went to the second book and decided I want best mastery of the content in the first so I started all over learning every degree and mode and now it shows. But I say that to say this. I didn’t think you could out do Bass Guitar Secrets but you did. I’m just glad I could be a part man. I can’t rob you of all that hard work sweat and tears. I just want to say thank you and keep up the good work. I’d rather buy the course from you bro you deserve the money. All these other catz out there are selling us smoke and mirrors but you give us the REAL DEAL and as an upcoming bassist I whole-heartedly thank you.

    1. Yo Jason, big props and a personal shout out to ya… There’s a comment here by another member of our gang (Ken Windheim)…

      See if you can find that comment and read it and my reply to it as well…

      Because I’m ditto-ing you on this comment!

      Kazuillion heartfelt thanks bro, Livestrong.


  74. The Reson I want a copy of the fretboard formula is I want to improve my Bass playing skills. I am getting ready to deploy to Iraq and I planned on taking my copy of bass gutair secrets and my bass with me because I want to gain enough skills to audition for a local church’s mens choir. I firgue I will be away from my family and friend for six month that this will be the perfect opprotunity to build my playing skill to something truly amazing. I love the bass I listen to music and block out ever thing but the bass line I believe that after my deployment that I will have some pretty awsome skills and with bass guitar secret and fretboard formula this will happen I will be one of the first to purchase your new program because this is what I have been seaching the internet for. I wanted some additional trainning material to take with me. This annoucement come right on time it was like you knew that this was somthing that I would need to help porductively pass the time that I will be spending away from my family a freind in service of my country. Even I I dont win your contest I plan on being one of your first 100 orders cause I want everything that you are offering. I can be reached at {phone number removed for privacy} thank for putting out such great product they are a blessing to the bass community.

    T. King

  75. Yo,
    I would like to get a copy a fretboard forumla becaue I want to take my playing to the next level. I have bass guitar secrets and im hoping it will clear up some stuff that im still confused about. I find when I do the groove suck for example I always go to the same chord and same scale and I want to be able to play new scales and new chords with ease. I see you video lessons and your all over the fretboard and not breaking a sweat I want to be able to develop a level of bass playing where I know all these notes on the fretboard and there scales and chords so I can be a groove moster.

  76. Hi Alex,

    I really don’t know how I ever arrived at your site. But I had stop playing bass for about 10years and just purchased me a new bass and I’m trying to get my skill level up so that I can produce a jazz bass cd within the next 12months. Listening to you I believe you have the informational training course that can get me at the level I want to be to record my debut product. And of course whats its out you will be pluged for my development.

    I hope I win!

  77. Alex,

    It’s great to get a look and explanation of all that we will get with the Fretboard Formula. My question is are you gonna be eating nothing but ramen noodles for a while? I mean you’re giving us an awful lot for under $250. Anyways I’m excited to get the FF because I play in my church band, and playing root notes and a few turns here and there gets me by, but I really want to know and understand the whole fretboard and how to use it to improvise when playing jazz, or even to spice up my play at church. I also have a goal of playing out eventually besides at my church. I love music and I appreciate your love of music and ability to teach others. Keep up the good work. I’ll be hitting refresh a bunch leading up to the launch time because I want to make sure and get all the bonuses….secret black disk, mmmmmmm………..



  78. Hi, alex. Thank you for giving all of us opportunities to get two free copies of your new product. First of all I would like to explain how I have started playing bass guitar. I was born in Japan, and when I was 23 years old, I started playing drums(sorry not bass!) and when i was 26, I came to Newyork to become a better drummer. Unfortunately, I could not practice enough because of my back pain due to a car accident. so I quit playing it and decided to go to College. I did really well in College, but always was bored and i felt nothing inside of me because I was away from playing music. however about 3 months ago, I somehow started to play bass guitar. My life has completely changed since then. When i wake up, I practice, After i come home, eat, and take a shower, I practice till I sleep.
    I have practiced, blues scale, major and minor pentatonic, and all modes of major scale, melodic, and harmonic minor. but i dont know how to utilize them in songs. Yourfret boards product will enhance understanding of fret board and eventually i can be a better player. I am now graduating from college and plan to go to chiropractic college in california. I am hoping I can play music in a band there and have a really happy life. In the future, when someone asks me, “Why are you so damn good even you have a little experience?” I would answer, “Just go get the Fretboard Formula…. you will know why.”

  79. Alex,
    I would love to win a free copy of your Fretboard Formula, and here’s why:
    I want to be able to use your course to make me a monster player because I am tired of being the one person in my family that can’t jam along when we get together. I also want to play in our Praise band at church, but I lack the skills. I really enjoy music, but I want to be able to feel and experience it at a different level like you do.

    My goal is to rock out with my family, with my church, and with my friends. I will give you all the credit!
    Here is why I am the best candidate for your free offer:
    1. I am an father of 4, so I put my kids first. This means that there is not usually money left over to be able to buy something as great as this for myself.
    2. Both my brothers are musicians and I have always wanted to play with them, but lack the skill. No matter how hard I try to practice scales and other methods, they are always just book skills and not really anything you can groove with.
    3. Now my son is playing guitar, and he has already passed me in skill. He is playing so well that my brothers ask him to gig with them. I am so proud of his skill, but man, that HURTS!!
    4. I am a visual/audio learner, so your course is perfect for me. I would be a great testimonial for you, and I would be happy to give you credit for my success! I will sell your course everywhere I play!

    Thank you for your consideration, and thanks for putting this product together. It seems amazing.

  80. Alex,
    This course for me is a godsend..I must acquire it!
    Simply put, I’m what I consider an advanced intermediate player. I’ve had great successes in playin in my style.
    Being self-taught I have run to the end of my capabilities to excel. This course I believe can bring me back into the elite in my craft. Losing touring and recording gigs to cats that are more technically proficient speed demons is tedious, and I welcome the chance to compete on that level again.
    Overcoming my dexterity problems in my fretboard hand (from an injury that sidelined me) would be overwhemingly appreciated..from your overview it sounds like this is the key to just that..
    And to top it all off…the cutoff date 9/28 is my birthday!!!(Gratuitous plug!!!)
    thanks for the chance.

  81. Hey Alex, I’m 54 yrs. old with chronic ostio arthritus. I can’t work a regular job, due to the pain involved. I played around with guitar for over 30 years, just as a hobby. Although my childhood dream was to be a race car driver or a rock star! Well, one day a friend asked me to play his bass so he could jam on the guitar. I knew a couple runs, he taught me a little more, and now I have 3 Bass guitars, and tons of learning bass material. I also just bought your kit, Bass Guitar Secrets. I’m just getting started, but I also have some faith that if I do what your books say to do, that I’ll be able to suppliment my S.S. Disabilty. That ain’t much, that’s where my faith in your coarse comes in. Anyway, I play bass in a band that’s getting ready to start playing for money, so I’m praying I can learn to play better than I now do. In my opinion, I’m just on the edge of newbi average. I want more! If I got your new set, along with the set I just bought, I just might make it! Thanks, and sorry I wrote you a book! J.Taylor

  82. Yo Alex,

    I have enjoyed playing drums for many years yet I have always wanted to play either the bass or guitar. When I came upon the BGS and its testimonials, I knew I found a course that would propel me quickly into playing the bass, and I couldn’t have made a better choice. After purchasing the BGS, I eagerly awaited its delivery.

    Once I got my hands on it, I read it once through to become familiar with the material and I have since begun the slower process of putting the material to practice…and I can only say that anyone interested in playing the bass guitar MUST pick up the BGS system. Two weeks into it, I hooked up with the guitar player, who pulled out some tabbed music, and I played along. He was astonished and I could not have been any happier. After 3 hours of playing through various songs he pulled out, he said he had never seen anyone pick up playing the bass so quickly.

    That might be a testimonial to the BGS course, but now having seen Alex explain his course (I like the glasses by the way), I have to get my hands on the Fretboard Formula because I want to have the best set of resources available to me as I reach the goal of being a premier bass player.

    Now that might be a long time down the road (not if I have my way) but if the BGS course can do as much as I stated above in only two weeks, then the Fretboard Formula, with all the DVD’s, CD’s, and printed resource materials is a must for my success. So get that Fretboard formula in the mail because I am ready to make the most of it.

  83. Hi Alex (the Bass Instructor Expert),

    WOW! What an amazing Package! A Suberb amazing powerful package!
    I have been working on the Bass Guitar Secrets at a slow pace because I want to Master my bass like you, Alex. I have learned more than anything I ever tried in my whole life, including lessons. I have a Jackson Bass. The only reason I am working slowly is because I am remembering everthing I have done so far by helping me to excel with my bass. The main reason I would love to win this, The Fretboard Formulas, is so this course will top off the other course by actually fitting everything into one total superb package! For now, my bass goals are #1, but I have also been finishing a 4 yr. Degree, only 4 classes left, since I hate my job, which will put me in a position to really excel on my bass day in day out getting a new job that has the perfect time for me to marry my bass guitar! Because I have to work like a fool, everyday doing a 4 man job presently. I want to join a band in the near future and the Fretboard Formulas is a superb +++++++!!! addition to the Bass Guitar Secrets Course which I find fantastic, the best on the market. You are the greatest, with your bass mastery. I know bass players that will not share there secrets, but you are like a God to me in the ways and methods which you proved to me in the first course! Combining these two together will have me mastering my bass almost as suberb and fantastic as you I hope, Alex. You. Alex are the King. I am going to buy a new bass in the near future and I hope I get this as a Christmas gift-The Fretboard Formulas and when every ask me what I want for Christmas I am telling them a new Bass Guitar and Fretboard Formulas! So, Bass Guitar Secrets + Fretboard Formulas= The 2nd best Bass Player anywhere, as you are by far the King of the Bass!! No Question to that. This way I then will find full employment promoting and playing with my band! When people ask me where do I learn to play like this, I will tell them by Alex Sampson, the King of the Bass Guitar. This Fretboard Formulas will be added to The BGS which is my bible. This is by far my favorite way to pass any free time I have had, but am on the virtue of increasing this to a minimum of 8 hours a day. Thanks for the email-what a surprise I got this morning!

    Thanks a Million Times,

    1. wow Gary… after reading that now i can’t wait to meet the guy you’re talking about… I’m thoroughly flattered and I’m thrilled you’re making progress with the BGS course but you think way too much of me… really. πŸ™‚ …no really

      1. Hi Alex,

        Thanks for the reply as I was surprised like an angel showing up in front of me with my eyes wide open. No, I realy think, and you have proved to me, that you are most definetly “The King of The Bass”. You have learned me more than taking lessons has ever, and this has saved me a ton of money allowing me to be able to save for a better Bass Guitsr. I want a better Bass Guitar than my Jackson Bass! I really look forward to learn everything possible I can from you to increase my power of potential with any Bass I may be handed at any time! The things I have learned from your BGS course are by far the best on the market! I do think of you as my Idol. I want to be as great on the Bass as you. I will as long as I continue to practice as much as I can. Like I said, by trying to rush through the course would only be hurting myself, and this is why I am not in a rush because I remember everything I learn from the course. Most people do not realize this. Thanks for the reply as this was a special moment to me, and superiorly appreciated.

        Thanks a Billion Times This Time,
        Gary Tebay

  84. Alex,

    I have been so impressed with your material. I am a middle school teacher who knows teaching, and all I can say, is that you understand how learning works.

    Shortly after purchasing your Bass Guitar Secrets course, I took with me to a Teacher’s 3 day conference (on my laptop) and spent all my spare time reading when I could have been “out on the town” so to speak.

    I have always had a desire to learn bass guitar, and majored in Church Music in college. I had all the theory background. I also tune pianos for a living, and “know” music, notes, and relationships. What I found SO helpful to me and my playing in our church Worship Team, and what I shared with our Worship Team, by the way, is the fact that each instrument needs to know where their own SPACE is in the music. Playing well is not just showing off, but planning moments of silence backed by “tight” turn arounds, etc.

    I have recently been hired by my church as their Minister of Music, and am using your course to help me not only improve my playing, but the Worship Team as a whole.

    I would be so blessed to have a free copy of the Fretboard Formula, I would personally benefit from it, however, my Father is a retired pastor, and has desired all his life to play bass. He purchased one several years ago…I learned on it…then bought my own 5 string. I think he feels he will never learn, and I think in my shadow, I think he’s almost given up. I’ve thought of teahing him, however, you could definitely do a better job.

    I could REALLY use him in the Worship Team since I could lead better playing the keyboard. So, if a copy would work it’s way our way, it would be put to good use.

    My utmost respect and thanks for all your hard work.

    In His Service
    Richard W. Bushey

  85. Alex, I am new to the site and all your information and the BGS. I have however just finished reading your 30 days to better bass playing ebook. It was great and I am putting together a practice schedule that I am starting to shoot for my 30 day jump start. Here’s the deal with me and why I need, want and have to have your Fretboard Formula. I played Bass many years ago and at the age of 22 I was one of those guys that became good enough to learn covers and altimately play in some bands and actually make money at it. But after about 7 years I put the instrument down for more than 20 years. I can’t explain why in this short message but looking back I suppose I quit because of the mere fact that life on the road for a 28 year old kid was overwhelming and I guess at that age I was just to insecure. Not to mention the fact that the only skills I had was copying Bill Wyman and John Paul Jones. I’m not gonna focus on the past or on lost time. I’ve just decided to get going again because I’ve come to realize the only inner peace I’ve ever really felt (with the exception of the Lord in my life) was through my music. Yes, 20 plus years ago I was a Bass Player. 20 years later and this time around I’m gonna be a musician. So, here my guarantee. Win it or buy it. It won’t sit on the shelve. (Pretty cocky huh) Steve

  86. Hi Alex,

    I have never seen so much great information in one place and I can’t wait to get the Fretboard Formula into my hands! I have only been playing bass for about 7 months. I have been a flute player for 42 years but always wanted to learn and become very proficient on bass guitar. So, I bought one and dug in. I practice 2-3 hours a day on all the rudiments, scales and exercises then work on playing by ear as well. Your website has been a great help to me. My goal is to be as proficient on bass as I a am on flute but I don’t have another 42 years to get there since I am already 53!! I would love to win a free copy but regardless I will purchase one and I am sure my bass guitar teacher will be very excited about that as well.

    Good luck and blessings to you in all that you do for us out here!


  87. Alex,
    I have been involved in music most of my life in one form or another. I have just purchased two bass guitars about a year ago with the hopes of being a pro bass player. I have tried many formulas of practic with no real big improvements. After looking over your course I know with my determination it will be the answer and I will be able to promote my sucess and your formulas to others. I am striving to be the best I can be. Thanks so much for all the information and can’t wait for the course to come out.

    Thanks again,


  88. Alex man, haha I cant tell you how many times I have checked the blog to get the latest scoop on the FBF. I can tell you, I fully understand why you want to deliver the best package you can. More than a business, you care about the customer and the end result. The end result, yeah you have made a little money, but the satisfaction and upliftment that the customer receives is by far the greatest. I purchased the BGS system a while back and I can truly say that it is quality and it is efficient. Going through the BGS system has revealed a huge weakness, using the the fretboard to produce music. I can read music notation, tabs and some theory, but if I was put on the spot in a playing situation to lay down a solo groove, I feel as if I would be a bit lost. I would play something, but it wouldnt make since or wouldnt have as great a delivery as it could if I really understood how to use the fretboard to produce music. That is what it is all about ture? To transform what you feel, how you feel it, and in what way you want to express it, too me are the essentials to what makes good music.

    If you choose me as one of the two that get the first copy of the FBF, that is a copy that will be exhausted by the time I get done with it. It will probably fall apart and throw a tantrum because it feels abused. Most importantly, I will be able to produce music that sucks other people into this journey that I am on called life.

    You and your team are awesome and have helped to produce dreams. THANKS!!!!!

    Rich S. –

  89. Alex! I am so excited that the Fretboard Formula is nearing release! I got the Bass Guitar Secrets program from you last year and my playing/songwriting just exploded! After watching your videos and reading the updates about this new program I can only dream about what all that knowledge will do once dropped into my head and practiced through my hands. I hope to gain more technical knowledge and skills that will continue to set me apart from the local bass talent. I also hope to do my band (Steel Monks) right by continuing to be the feature instrument in the music. The better my bass playing, the better we are as a whole. I want to stun the fans, especially those who know what the bass is all about! If they can walk away from a SM show motivated to go home and practice, I will have done my job. I already preach the wonders of your first program (Yes, I give credit where credit is due.) and I hope to do the same for the FBFormula.

    The rainy season is right on the horizon and I am so looking forward to the new material for long rainy-day study sessions with my bass. Come next Spring, the local music festivals are going to be in for a real treat, Alex Sampson stylie of course! IF you want to see what you have done for me so far, go to and take it in. With the skill set I acquired from your program, I have the confidence to take our music out to the people as well as to the jams where I have to be able to think fast on my feet and drop in at a moments notice. I can’t thank you enough for all that you have done for me (both my playing and my confidence) so far, and I am excited about talking you up after I ingest the Fretboard Formula!
    Steve-o of the Steel Monks

  90. Soundslike it’s going to be good. Lokk forward to recieving some video peaks of the content. I’m sure you’ll pursuade me to buy it!


  91. Hello Alex,

    Here’s my story. (The abbreviated version)

    I’m 49 years old, and will turn 50 in Feb. I’ve suffered from depression most of my life. In 1997 my Dad pasted away and I became an agoraphobic. In 2002 my wife had her fill of me, and she left me ( I don’t blame her) We adopted her sister’s 3 year old son a year earlier. When she left, I got custody of him. I couldn’t take care of him by myself, so my family has been a big help. I have a great family, and he’s a great kid. He’s 11 now. Around Easter of this year, one of my sister’s called and asked if I’d be interested in playing bass for her group. I asked her why me, You know I never leave the house & I don’t play the bass. She said she didn’t care. I could learn to play and I need to start getting out of the house. Since I hadn’t worked in years, I had no money. So…the Lord supplied the money, and I went and bought a used bass & amp. I had nobody to teach me, so I started searching the Internet for help. I ran across your video on YouTube. I’d been checking out some of the video lessons. I was impressed by your video, so I checked out your site. Since then I’ve downloaded a lot of free stuff from you, and I practice every day. I’ve learned a lot, and I now play with her group, and I play in the praise & worship team at church. I’ve never purchased anything from you because I have no money. My son in-law recently gave me a work van, and I’m starting my own remodeling business. If I had the money I’d definitely buy your lessons. I’ve been a songwriter for 27 years. I had a few songs published and recorded back in the 80’s, but because of my illness I haven’t done much lately. My goal is to start my own group. Right now I’m not comfortable enough with the bass to play and sing at the same time. I never knew there was so much to learn. I’m not satisfied just knowing the notes, and being able to follow along. I want to be a good bass player and I want to be able to groove. I never paid much attention to the bass in the past, but now I can’t listen to a song without hearing the bass lines. You’re right, some bassist catch my attention, and other’s just bore me. I want to be one of the bassist that catch your attention. The bass has given me a reason to get out of the house and start living again. I know that sounds kinda lame, but it is what it is. Maybe the bass will help me to rebuild my life, and find another woman to share it with, and a Mother for my son. He needs a Mother, and hey I need a woman ! LOL

    I don’t think you’ll find anybody that needs the free copy’s more than I do, or will appreciate them as much as I will. Thanks for all the free stuff, and if I don’t win the free copy’s, I’ll be looking forward to the excerpts and other freebies.

    Have A Blessed Day: Keith

  92. Alex,
    I think your fretboard formula would help me alot, because i can work at my own pace. I work at night so when I’m free most instructors are busy. Besides instructors bring you along to slow because they know the money will stop as soon as the student gets all the imformation. I ended up quiting because i felt i wasn’t learning anything. Your course is in dept and i can pick it up anytime i want and go as fast or slow as i want too. I always hoped someone would do something like this. Thanks man, The Bass Players are on the rise.

    thanks again,


  93. Alex,

    Sorry, I haven’t posted any of my playing on the blog because I know what I have to do thanks to your Bass Guitar Secrets course, which is very self-explanatory and besides, I get to play in Church every Sunday night and this kind of performing is great way to accelerate learning and to test whether the practising I did during the week was fruitful.

    I REALLY WANT TO WIN A COPY OF YOUR FRETBOARD FORMULA COURSE!, but if I don’t I’m going to buy it anyway because I know this course is going to fill in many of the gaps that are already starting to fall into place thanks to your Bass Guitar Secrets Course. (I hope I haven’t ruled myself out of winning by that comment!)

    I haven’t finished the Bass Guitar Secrets course yet, and I’m not going to stop it to do the fretboard formula course either – I have a feeling they will both go hand in hand.

    I already have a good grounding in musical theory, coming from a classical piano background, but your explanation, for example, of the 3 different patterns in forming scales for different modes has been a real help. I can now play virtually any mode in any key centre in any position (giving a few seconds to think about it) and it’s really freed me up to improvise.

    I suppose what I hope to most get out of the Fretboard Course is the ability to move patterns and riffs quickly and effortlessly to alternative locations on the fretboard, depending on the context within the song and the type of tone I want the bass to generate at that point in the song. I still have a little trouble finding my starting note quickly, though, but once I do I’m fine. I’m working on that problem with random note finding exercises that I created using the Excel “randbetween” function linked to lookup tables which generates a list of string and note name combinations. (I can send you a copy of what I’ve done if you’re interested in the concept.)

    Anyway, I hope I win the Fretboard Formula course, and if I don’t, all the best with all your courses. And keep them coming. You obviously have a lot to offer.

    By the way, I’m a practice exercises junkie, because I know how important technique is to making the playing sound effortless, and it’s an area of weakness for me at present. So let me know when the Bass Chops thing is fully released. Until then, I’m finding my own way with some help from the Bass Guitar Secrets course and a number of other resources.



  94. Alex the bass has been the instrument of my ear for years I am 52 and retired, all I want to do for the next 5 years is learn Bass and play golf. That is my passion to take me to my golden years. I have done a lot of research on different ways to go about four filling my passion, then I stumbles up on Alex Fretboard formula. I am a man of details, the way you have laid out your program is second to none, I was already motivated to learn in a structured way. Alex you solidified my desires by the way you laid your program out. I wish you good luck with your Fretboard formula. When you put the time and professionalism in a product I believe you will exceed your own expectations. I hope I am the lucky person to win. I promise you this. YOUR PROGRAM WILL NOT SIT ON MY SHELF. Thanks Alex.

  95. Alex,

    Congratulations mate – you must be so proud and excited as your new ‘baby’ is ready to be born on to the bass players of the world. As new ‘parent’ you may be a litttle nervous letting go after spending countless hours and dedicated effort raising this to be the best that it can be.

    Well I want you to rest easy – because I assure you that myself and, by the look of all these comments, many other bass players of the world are ready to take on the resposiblity of this course and give it the love, attention and commitment that it needs.

    It is one thing to be a good bass player – but the abilty to teach (and teach well) is a rare gift – and it is obvious you have this Alex. You opened my eyes once before – I am now more than ready to take my understnding and abilities to the next level. I know this course will fill in many ‘gaps’ of my playing and will take me closer to the bass player that I am aspiring to be.

    Bring it on!!!!!


  96. Alex,

    Winning this contest to recieve the fretboard formula would mean the world to me.
    I picked up my first bass guitar last christmas (I was 15 then, and am 16 now), and I knew I could do something great with it. In the beginning, I just took songs I wrote and tried to come up with a catchy bass line to go with my songs. I wasn’t able to do much, so I looked for lessons, but sadly they were too expensive.
    Being unable to pay for lessons, I spent a bit of time on the internet looking for things to help me get better; that was the day I stumbled across BGS. I read the entire page, and was amazed. It was perfect. The only problem I had was it being unaffordable. I subscribed to the e-mail alerts, and read and watched evrything you sent me. From the sample lessons to butt kicking bass lines in 3 simple step, I did everything. I have now self taught myself using your lessons, and am now so much farther along than I most likely would have been had I never found BGS.
    When I heard about the fretboard formula I was estatic, and as I watched this video I was simply amazed. The only thing that can bring me down is the finalized price… When you announce the price, I’m concerned of me being, once again, unable to afford it…
    But this contest gave me hope, If I am fortunate enough to be selected to recieve a free copy of FBF, I know I can be an amazing bass player.
    Thank you for the time you took to read this,
    Cody O’Bryant

  97. Hey Alex!!
    I am so jazzed about this product!! Let me tell you why. Several years ago I was playing guitar for our church worship band. There was no bass player. I thought why not? It’s only a guitar with fewer strings and fewer notes! Boy was I wrong! While I had good rythme I felt like all I could do was play on the root (boring!) I wanted so badly to play well for the Lord and our worship team. If I listened enough times I could copy the bass part off of a CD but I so wanted to know the why!! Several years of that and I finally took some lessons. He was good and I increased my skills some what. But I just couldn’t connect the lessons to the music I would play on Sunday. One day I stumbled across your Bass Guitar Secrets website. After a while I took the plunge!! It was truly the best thing I’ve ever done for my playing!! The audio files and the Jam Box have been especially helpful. Learning my arpaggio’s has dramatically increased my playing to the point that I’m giving a friend lessons!! I’ve since moved and had to change church’s. I so want to play but the bass player is smooooth! I want that and I know that the FRETBOARD FORMULA is the trick!! Regardless if I win or not I’m committed to the product, the blog, and of course you Alex!!
    Many blessings,

    1. dude that’s a great story. (Sidenote: there were TONS of great stories here and I’m having a blast reading each one of them, so don’t feel bad if i didn’t personally comment on yours…)

      There’s a reason I’m pointing out this one and if you’re sharp you’ll see why in a few days…

      Be Blessed and keep the fire strong bro!


  98. Alex,

    I am committed to learning to play the bass, and surprise my husband, who is a long time rock and blues guitarist, as well as my son, who is a mad drummer. Your explanations are very succinct, and not rushed, which gives plenty of time to ingest everything you are explaining. I truly appreciated this presentation and it gives me hope (!) that I can actually do this!

    Thanks for the follow up e-mails. Keep me on your update list and advise as soon as the fretboard formula is available,

    Christine S

  99. Hello Alex,

    You are truly talented at what you do and I appreciate you taking out the time to help assist starters like me through the process. I have been playing bass guitar for 9 months and it is a unshakable passion of mine. I downloaded the bass guitar secrets program of yours from online and wow, how awesome and practical your teaching was. I look forward to winning this program because I truly believe that hungry people deserve to be feed and I am definitely hungry to learn all I can about the bass through your tools made available. Learning the bass properly is very important to me because my heart desire is to serve in the music ministry at my church. What I learn and is imparted into me will one day be imparted into someone else. So I want to learn, play and teach right and with your program I believe it will empower me to do so.

  100. Hi Allex and everyone. First can someone post or email me the Telephone codes necessary to dial that 1800 number in the US, if calling from Australia?

    I just wanted to express my excitement at the creative opportunities I am anticipating from the Frettboard Formula (TFBF). I am a totally blind 6 string bassist from Australia. I’m hoping that the TFBF will be open to reading on my PC, (as Bass Guitar Secrets was). This is exciting, as I’ve never had access to Bass textbooks, only the Audio examples. I reckon I’ll learn so much, if I can only get to read just one of the exciting TFBF books! I’m also eagerly awaiting all the exciting audio on the DVDs and CDs. Even the print reference list of the DVD menus is fantastic for me. And the fact that Allex plays the 6-string, … well words can’t express my joy at learning fr0om someone who uses a 6-string. I’d probably never find, or be able to afford, such a person in Brisbane. I’m on welfare, due to very ill health.

    I have played in school bands, orchestras, jazz bands, and a Guns and Roses cover band before, these unfortunately disbanded. Now I’m hoping to get my mojo back, and start looking real hard for another band to join. Any of you non-bass player Blog Readers happen to live in Brisbane, Australia, and be interested?

    1. Hi Jo – as I started reading your post i remember you now… you’re quite an individual and should be quite the inspiration to us all. The one thing i have to mention though is that the fretboard formula is not a download-to-PC course.

      I think yo mentioned that you use special programs to read your computer screen but this new course is something we ship in the mail… Actual physical books and stuff. just wanted to mention that as you kinda hinted at it, for your benefit and anyone else who may have been unclear.

      Warm regards and keep rocking my friend.


  101. Alex,
    Looking forward to learning more about the new course when it comes out. I’d love to get my 2 eldest sons started on bass, and this material would be fantastic to get them excited about it.


  102. Thanks Alex
    Last year I decided to pick up the bass again after 30 years of doing things for money,not love. I bought several packages to teach me how to play bass (again). They were not quite what I was looking for. So I did some searching on the net and found your sample chapter. Seemed like a winner so I bought it.

    I have been working through your BGS and have seen improvement in my skills. But I am feeling lost at times. The problem seems to be the left hand. I can hear the sounds in my head but can’t seem to get them off the fret board.

    I’m sure I’ll get it in several years of practice. Or, judging from your past work, I will have it under control within a year of getting your Newest, Fret Training Formula. How did you know what help I needed next?

    Thanks for all your help with my love of music. Keep up the good work.

  103. Hey, Alex..

    I’ve been waiting (and saving dough) to purchase the bass secrets program and intended to purchase it ..until I found out about the fretboard formula. I have been playing for quite a few years, self taught (being blessed with a great ear). I have chops out the wazoo and have shared the stage with a very impressive list of musicians but my kryptonite is knowing the fretboard totally and it took me some time to admit it to myself. I have purchased numerous programs and never was able to bridge it to my needs… Until I ran across your program. It’s taylor made for me and it’s what i need to get to that next level.

    p.s.the program would never gather dust

  104. Alex, this is a great addition to your BGS system, I’ve been playing bass for about 18 years in a worship band. I have had 6 months of basic theory and my instructor told me there was nothing else he could teach me, so for a very, very long time I have been self-taught and tired of being noticeably ignorant of exatly how to use a chord over the root chord and just playing your basic BLAND bass lines. After I have been totally sick and tired of where my playing was going I found your BGS system on the web, after downloading it and going through it I have actually bettered my playing and ALOT of my questions have been answered and new ones formed. My playing has improved and now sounds better than basic about intermediate after about 1 year this is my pace not the systems, because I also am very analytical. I would benefit from the Fretboard Formula in many ways that there is a breakdown of different skills and knowledege in defenent areas in which you call modules and with your reference guides and your trouble shooting guide. It is an amazing course and ANYONE would benefit from it.

  105. Hey there Alex,

    I know this may be a bit of a dumb question, however, I need to ask it so I know which way to go regarding your instructional programs. I have seen your CG-X system on and now your Fretboard Formula. I am an absolute beginner on the bass guitar and there really isn’t any type of formal instruction available in my area in the form of bass instructors (yes, I do live in a very rural area). My question is this: Which program of yours should I start with, and will that program be able to teach me how to properly play without the aid of a live teacher for support? Please let me know your thoughts, so I can order the right program if that is appropriate. Thanks in advance for your consideration.


  106. Hi Alex,

    If there’s a Michael Jordan in basketball, Tiger Wood in golf – for me Alex, you are the best teacher in bass.

    If I will be in the first 100 buyers of the Fretboard Formula Book, no doubt it feels I already won the contest (although it’s not bad to get a free copy – I’m not rich).

    Winning for me is to shake your hand in person and say thank you very much.

    There is a magic in your BSG book (my first music book ever and no regrets). I am 50 years old and the book encouranged me that I am not late to learn and play bass. I learned a lot. I enjoyed everytime I play the bass – 3 to 4 hrs or more per day (my wife is jeoulous). BSG made me decide to buy a Roscoe 5 string bass- beautiful bass.

    If the contest is:”Who is the customer visited your website the most” I think I will win.

    Alex, I would like to congratulate you in advance for the success of the Fretboard Formula.

    God bless you.


  107. Hey Alex,

    I have been playing the bass for some time but have never really been interested in the theory behind the bass guitar for 3 main reasons; firstly I am awesome πŸ˜‰ I have picked allot up of my playing by ear haha…. I recently put out a new record with my band who I has been touring heavaley for about 3 years. It feels like I have faked my way around the bass because I have never taken the time to study, or read something that has grabbed my attention. I guess in a way I have been looking for the easy way out to understanding the bass completely and never again getting lost on the fretboard. I am looking at taking it to the next level and i stumbeled across your stuff I am really keen to give it a shot.

    I think it would also be nice to win cause it takes ages for stuff to come all the way to New Zealand, If I won maybe it would get here by the time the people in the US get it.

  108. alex, i am 51 years old. i have wanted to become a most excellent bass player since forever! now that my kids are all grown up, i can finally devote time to persue my dream. sometimes when i hear a song,and the bass is hittin’, i just get goosebumps,and all i want to do right then and there is just pick up my bass and start playing along. i’m not there yet but, i believe your course can get me there. this is coming from a yearning deep inside. even if i don’t win it, i’m still gonna buy it sincrely, vic wooten {phone number removed for privacy}

  109. Alex man, haha I cant tell you how many times I have checked the blog to get the latest scoop on the FBF. I can tell you, I fully understand why you want to deliver the best package you can. More than a business, you care about the customer and the end result. The end result, yeah you have made a little money, but the satisfaction and upliftment that the customer receives is by far the greatest. I purchased the BGS system a while back and I can truly say that it is quality and it is efficient. Going through the BGS system has revealed a huge weakness, using the the fretboard to produce music. I can read music notation, tabs and some theory, but if I was put on the spot in a playing situation to lay down a solo groove, I feel as if I would be a bit lost. I would play something, but it wouldn’t make since or wouldn’t have as great a delivery as it could if I really understood how to use the fretboard to produce music. That is what it is all about true? To transform what you feel, how you feel it, and in what way you want to express it, too me are the essentials to what makes good music.

    If you choose me as one of the two that get the first copy of the FBF, that is a copy that will be exhausted by the time I get done with it. It will probably fall apart and throw a tantrum because it feels abused. Most importantly, I will be able to produce music that sucks other people into this journey that I am on called life.

    You and your team are awesome and have helped to produce dreams. THANKS!!!!!

    Rich S. –

  110. Alex, First I wanted to echo much of the sentiment already expressed here and thank you for the time and dilligence you exhibit in pursuing your passion. I’m amazed at the amount of material shared and consistent follow-up you haved performed for someone whom you have not, to date, made a penny from. Thanks. I often say the only advantage I have as a photography instructor is a passion for the subject, so it’s wonderful to see another passionate instructor.
    Looking over all the entries here, it strikes me that: one- there are lots of great people and passionate, dedicated musicians and students here, and two- I don’t deserve a free copy of Fretboard Formula any more than any one of them. Your question, however, was why I want one, what it means to me . . .

    When Tim Bogert stepped to the front of the stage during a Cactus concert in the early 70’s and turned the bass guitar into a lead instrument, I was hooked. Due to some life decisions and assorted stupidities, I was never to pick up the bass. Fast forward some 30+ years. Unfortunately, my passion and talent lies in a field (fine art photography) that is dependent on a healthy economy flush with disposable income. When I saw the writing on the wall and realized I was going to have to rein in and play it closer to the vest financially, the one thing I chose to acquire to help me through the next few years was a bass guitar. Ok, a few cheap bass guitars . . .
    I am the type person that has to have a cohesive overview of a subject before I can really learn much about it. Plus, my experience as an artist/instructor has taught me that the “art” (be it photography, painting, music, writing, etc.) lies in breaking the rules creatively ONCE YOU HAVE LEARNED THEM. So I started out with theory on my own from books and was fortunate enough to have someone give me some lessons with a local bad*ss for my birthday, which helped alot. I actually went late on a bill to pay for one more month of lessons, but can’t keep that up obviously.
    Bass playing is two things to me. One is playing with others, joining in the shared creation that is music. The other is my solo “meditation” playing–often arhymthic and interestingly weird, I’m told. My friends in a local string band say they can hear a definite improvement in the musical structure of my solo playing since the lessons. So I feel I’m on the verge of getting at least some of the basics. Obviously part of the goal is to marry the two parts of bass playing into being a unique, expressive bass player with total control of the fretboard and the language of music. I found your BGS system on the net and asked for a sample, so I know the quality you offer. I was actually saving up money to purchase the full system, when I read about the Fretboard Formula. Why I would like to have FF is simply because I trust it as a platform to get me where I want to go. Lets face it, I’m 53, I don’t have the time left to get as good as I want to be. Any help I can get is desperately needed. Why I hope to “win” one is simply because I can’t afford even BGS at the moment. And now that I’ve finally started, I can’t stop!
    Thanks again for all you do. Keep up the good work and groove on.
    Randall Hollis

  111. Hi, I would love a free copy of your new Fretboard Formula. I love the bass and this new course would help me learn because of the dvd and book. I bought the bass guitar secrets and went through the whole course, some sections two or three times and I would benifit more with the dvd video. I think it will be just like having a teacher present except I can pause and rewind it. I loved in the last course you never forgot the me, the beginer and also kept it interesting for the advanced player too.

  112. Hi Alex,

    I’m actually still going through Volume 1 with BGS cause it’s so informative I like to read over things a few times just so it’s locked in . I’ve had a browse through the other volumes but i’m not getting ahead of myself. That and I’m a working drummer and a uni student in my final year studying A Bachelor of Music. I also run a music tuition school where I teach drums but also employ other teachers for guitar and piano. I will eventually start teaching bass once I have aquired enough knowledge.

    I’ve been playing drums for ten years. Bass for nearly one. I bought a bass for myself last Christmas. I have to say one of the best gifts i got, haha. (Not that i got much.)
    It’s an Ashton ooh yeah, the intonations sweet i got on top of that right away. I chose the bass that was scratched over the one out of the box. The one in the box played like crap, it felt way different. So anyways, just thought i’d tell you abit about myself, get to know each other. I’m a self taught drummer, was for 8 years until I discovered the internet then decided to buy some training packages. Its moved my playing to the next level.
    With the bass, the goals I want to achieve are simple. I have loads of lyrics in my books, songs of my own, that would sound alot better if I could actually play the ideas and riffs that are in my head. Yeah i can play a few cool riffs and taught myself some songs but it’s my own music that I want to play. I have’nt got to that level in my playing yet, that understanding of the instrument as well as the theory, slowly i’m getting there, i know a lot more now than a year ago thats for sure. In a nutshell Alex, this is my reason why I would love to take home a free copy of your Fretboard Formula. If I’m not a winner I will more than likely purchase it next year sometime, I’ve a wedding to save for at the moment so I’m kind of putting money aside for the big day in February.

    Cheers mate,
    Con Hagiaglou

  113. Hi Alex. πŸ™‚

    I am a prospective customer, who’s been sort of floating around the idea of buying the hardcopy BGS, but due to circumstances beyond my control, have been unable to afford it.

    I was in the Navy for a number of years, and my job while I was in was as a cryptolinguist, wherin my school prior to actually doing the job was a pseudo-immersive atmosphere – we spent up to twelve hours a day, six days a week, doing nothing but focusing all our energy on learning the language for which we were attending.

    While I was in the Navy, I met up with some people who convinced me to try out the guitar, but as everybody in the group played guitar, i wanted something a bit different, and chose instead to go with the bass. I never got very good at it, but all they really required of me was to pound some root notes to their rhythm. It honestly wasn’t all that fun, and I began to lose interest.

    Then, when I got out of the Navy, as luck would have it, someone gave me a brand new four-stringer as a going away present, along with a nice little practice amp, and it completely renewed my interest. I began learning what i could based on what i heard in existing music, and what i managed to scrape off the internet, and I have progressed alright, but I’m still not all that skilled. Three times in just this past year, I have formed bands, which collapsed within a month or two of forming – not neccessarily because of my playing, but even so, it wasn’t that much fun, without having the skill level of the other members. I even joined a pre-existing cover band, and I enjoyed it ok, but they split up shortly afterwards also, due to schedule conflicts.

    So now, since it is difficult to find a decent job in my area, and childcare is expensive, I am a stay at home daddy who spends all my time not feeding the baby studying and practicing my scales and finger exercises and writing small licks to entertain my son. I want very much to improve, to be able to make music my career, both for the love of the music, but also because my wife totally drools over rock stars – I want her to drool over me again. ;]

    If you were to award me the copy of your product, Fretboard Formula, you would be guaranteed a committed and studious pupil, who would not only absorb and utilize all you’ve presented, but would put it good use as a performer in Honolulu. And when my CD comes out, I’ll make sure you get a signed copy. πŸ˜€

    But in all seriousness, I am your man, Alex.

    Even if I don’t get chosen as your recipient, you can bet that I am working on getting the money together for both BGS and TFF – I’ve got about half of it saved up at this point. :]

    -Jimmy Bones, Bassist-in-Waiting

  114. I have been teaching myself using your BGS book for about a year now. It has showed me everything that I need to become a great and well rounded bass player. I’ve been playing bass for about six years. I play in a band with an experienced drummer (over 40 years professionally, he plays drums for the Jerry Miller Band with Tiran Porter formerly of the Doobie Brothers on bass, AMAZING band) and he has continually praised my improvement over the past year. He jokingly tells me, ” I always knew you had it in you, that’s why I stuck with you,” but I know there’s a little truth in there. His groove capabilities on the drums matched with your teaching method has started sparks in my playing. I know the fretboard formula course is what I need to ignite the fire and blow his socks right off. The next step for me is to gain fluidity and dexterity across my fretboard. I am positive your fretboard formula course will do this and much more. It is the much more part that I am very excited about. What I also know is that your teaching methods are second to none! Even with all the material that you cover in the BGS books it was easy for me to understand and quick to get under my belt, or I should say my fingers. It is the slow season here in beautiful Lake Tahoe which means I don’t have a lot of money at the moment, but I have tons of free time to practice. Can you help me out with some new material? I’m scared I will miss out on the bonus content cause I know how much valuable information will be on it. Regardless, I know it will be worth it, even if I have to wait a little longer after the release date and miss the bonus content. Gotta pay the bills first so I can continue to have the music play me.

  115. Alex i really think you really out did your self with this becuase seeing it visolly it ROCKKKKKKKKKKKs cant wait for this outstanding job and choosing you as my bass taecher i made a damm good choice because i belive in your methods and im still laering to get my grovve on you rock and thank you very much for opening my eyes thanks kim

  116. Hey Alex

    Sounds awesome cant wait for the release day now not long, Just a quick query, i know you said that this package was not available for download so does that mean your going to have a shipping section with costs and everything on the day for places like Australia where im from, so we can complete our orders quickly cause i would love to get your bass chopz accelerator free and immidiately rather than having to wait a month for it, Cheers man,
    Ill be waiting up till midnight to order it (thats what the time conversion works out to be) πŸ™‚

    Look forward to hearing from you
    Thanks again in advance
    Cheers man,

  117. I β€˜m entering this contest because I not only want the fret board formula, but I really NEED it. You see, I was right in the middle of transitioning from four string to 5 string bass. I bought a 5 string bass and put it down after 2 weeks, and went back to 4 strings. Now I was frustrated until I came across β€œBass Guitar Secrets”. After studying the material, I gladly picked up the five strings once again & stuck with it. Honestly speaking, I never really picked up ALL of the Bass guitar secrets, but I did learn & understand enough to get me fully motivated and back into the swing of things with excitement. At this time I would LOVE to win this contest to get Fret board Formula to enhance my bass playing career especially since I’m left-handed playing a right-handed Bass. I love playing all kind of music, such as rock & blues of which I grew up on. But now I’m playing Gospel music which is a lot more challenging that anything I’ve ever done. Therefore, now is the time for me to get FretboardFormula and beat that 5 string like IT owes me a better musical life!

  118. Hi Alex,

    First, I just want to say that you are the man. I don’t check my emails daily or blog much but your BGS is the best approach I have ever used to learn the basics. A great value. Your hardcopy, video blogs & audio downloads really helped. Particularly the comparison of the bass just following the drummer…what notes/strings equate to the different drums of a drummer.
    I started learning how to play the bass when I turned 50, almost 4 years ago. I played a little acoustic ragtime style guitar for some 15 years before switching to bass but I never could get the hang of note theory, modes, or scales until I switched to bass. Your coarse is the clearest yet.
    I currently play in two bands -different styles- and have had three different instructors -all very qualified in theory- but at 40-60 dollars an hour I would only take two or three lessons from each. Then I would need to take two weeks to take the time to learn what these instructors taught me. Your coarse is available 24/7 & I can look at it when i need to refresh or move to the next level.

    What learning the bass comes down to is this! In my opinion you are the most clear in presenting theory, modes, intervals, scales, & keeping time (always use a Click track/drum machine). You give us a great deal $ in your audio, video & booklets to study for a very cheap price – BGS.
    What I realize though is that I have to put in the time & woodshed if I am going to get better at my bass playing. I will not magically become a better bass player if I don’t put in the time. So I have progressed greatly in a short amount of time by putting in the time & really trying to think about & study what you have offered in this terrific BGS coarse I bought from you some 1.5 years ago.

    Alex, you have to make a living yourself so I don’t expect to get this new fretboard formula coarse for free. I would gladly pay you for your hard work.. and keep putting in the time to learn it. I find that it is helpful to play some every day.
    I’m glad I stumbled upon your website sometime ago & hope to keep a long-term learning relationship with you.

    Peace Brother,


  119. Alex,

    I have been an avid reader of your blogs and Bass guitar secrets. I can’t wait for the new fretboard formula to come out. I have been in my opinion an “average bass player” for some time now.I practice daily, I bring my bass and amp to work- I work for the fire departartment in OKC- While the other guys in their down time watch TV I practice . I can play pretty well and hold down a good bass line. But have been wanting for years to learn a differant approach and technique. This program of yours will be it. I can promise you that I will get this course and work hard to excell in it. It would be incredible if you choose me to win the fretboard formula from you. Not to mention that tuesday the 30th is my birthday and this would a great gift to give….Hint hint!! Anyway thanks for all that you do for bass players around the world!!!


  120. Hi Alex, you certainly have me hooked on this Fretboard Formula. I’m just excited about launch day. I would definitely like to win one of your free offers because this will benefit me tremendously …… not to mention save me some cash. Anyway, my state of bass playing is deplorable and now that I am required to play more often, there is a definite need for improvement. What you have laid out in your course is just the thing I need to improve. I am willing and ready to start from scratch, if need be, so that whenever you decide to pay us a visit I might just be able to impress you a little bit. Have a wondreful day and God bless, God speed.

  121. Alex, I am ready for the main course. I want to be able to not just be a qualified bassist because I know what I am doing but be a certified bassist because I truly understand why I am doing it. I know know that receiving this will truly give me a better understanding and allow me to see the bigger picture of playing the bass. To make it as simple as possible think about the matrix at the end and how Neo finally start seeing things as they were…that’s where I want to be but with the bass.

    Thanks and be blessed,


  122. hey alex its jeremy (aka arcadean), just another one of your long list of supporters/fans/customers.i saw big time improvements in my playing after i started using your BGS was hard to make time most times cause i’d be juggling work and my kids to get into it,but with a lot of perseverance and sleepy eyes i managed to get some quality info/tuition out of it. nuff respect to you Mr. Sampson you’re the man! right now i’m beginning to understand the fretboard a bit more,and when i checked your blog over the past couple of weeks or so and heard about the fretboard formula series;i was like man i gotta get my hand on that,because i know it’s gonna surpass what you did in the BGS much said i am one desperate bass player right now who is willing to do just about anything (legal that is…..)to get my hands on any of your totally informative and first class quality products you release.i’ve used crappy training manuals in the past and regreted spending my hard earned cash,till your stuff.if this desperate bass player was to recieve a copy of this fretboard formula course it will be utilized to the fullest.and even if i don’t,as soon as i have the dough i’m gonna get it. aside from all this contest stuff – i just want to let you know that i appreciate the time effort that you put into what you do.
    Thank yours in the groove,

  123. Yo Alex,

    Your news of the upcoming Fretboard Formula was the “cherry on the sundae” today as I turn 50! I can’t wait to get your program to continue to add to the BGS program I have used as my “bass bible” for the past months. The value of this as you explained will be well worth the price compared to the traditional books and teachings. I can’t wait. You can count on me for another order! GO PHILLIES.

    Mario from South Jersey

  124. Hi Alex, hmm, well in all the years that I seek to learn some bass skills by just listening to you and your bass ideas, gives me the inpiration to realy learn and
    take your bass lessons to the next level.
    I believe the fretboard formula is realy like the bass bible of music bro.
    And I believe this is going to make my day and give me the chance to dominate
    my bass playing with your techniques and insight and experiences to a level that
    I never dream of before.
    With all the material you’re laying down on whosoever wants to take their bass playing
    to the next level, man like you said there is no way you can go wrong at all.
    I’ved been so anxious to dominate my music ability and put some fun time into
    taking this to the next level, I beleive this is the time and chance now for now.
    So keep up the good works and just feed us with more of your teachings.
    And thank you.

  125. Alex
    I have seen and heard so much about bass guitar lessons but nothing seems to compare with this. I can’t wait. Good job.

  126. Idon’t think I have a change to win but I will give it a try I’m 61 and still love to play looking for any help I can get. thanks for the opertunity anyway

  127. Alex, first i want to begin by saying thank you for all you have done. I purchased the bass guitar secrets but I am deployed military so I have not been able to focus my time and energy to completing the course due to my obligations. I have musicians in my family that play in church, blues bands etc. I have always viewed the bass as a very exciting instrument. I am very eager to learn and just viewing some of my family members that have been playing for years, they do not have the tools to groove like you do. I feel if you are going to play then you should be the master of your craft and what better way than through your teachings. I have a goal to someday instruct my own bass guitar classes. Just something I want to do because when I tried to learn there weren’t a lot of physical resources available. Sure you can buy books but, who do you turn to if you dont understand. I feel with your courses alone, the way you interact with your customers, will give me the edge I need to get over the beginner phase and to educate myself and assist me on my way to accomplishing this goal of possibly instructing face to face classes. This is my reason for submission to win. Also depending on your location and living area there aren’t many teachers available. My goal is to become an avid player and to make myself available for those who need assistance. These are reasons for submission to win fretboard formula.
    Thank you once again for all your time and effort that definitely will not be waisted. Your instructings has been just what I have been searching for! Please keep it coming.

  128. Hi Alex

    First off, this sounds great! I’ve played bass since I was 16 (I’m 45 now) and I’ve played in public since 1986. I’ve played mainly Classic Rock, Blues, and Country over the years depending on where the work was. I even taught Bass guitar for 4 years and took piano just to learn the theory so I could pass theory on to my students only to realize I needed it worse than anyone. I was a die hard rocker in the 80’s with the Big Hair (youch!) and swore I’d never play anything but Rock. Guess what? that scene dried up in the early 90’s and Country was where it was at so I swallowed my pride, cut my hair, and went country! I am now back to playing Classic Rock and Blues and I am far from knowing it all. One valuable lesson I learned is that no matter what the style of music, there is always something in other music styles that will better your playing in your chosen style. I can rock, but I wanna know more! I need to know more! I’ve have tons of books from teaching, scoured the web for tidbits of knowledge and I think that this product is the goal for my quest to take my playing higher! I’m excited about this, can’t wait for October 1rst.

  129. Alex
    I just perused the entire list of comments. There are a lot of great stories that you will have to choose from to give away the free stuff. An unenviable task.

    I will be purchasing your FBF because I believe it will finally help me to see the bigger picture. I remember Kim Stone doing one of his bass solos two feet from my face at a Ripps show years ago. I thought, there is a man that is one with the fretboard. I have spent years playing cover tunes but just playing the notes. I had no idea how to get to the next level. Now I clearly see it is your course.

    Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work and I can’t wait to get started with the new training.


  130. Alex (“The Bass Guitar God”) Sampson

    I’ve been a self taught guitarist for 33 years. I switched over to Bass Guitar 13 years ago. The reason for this was simple……I was a frustrated guitarist trying to play with bass players that didn’t have the ability to “HOLD DOWN THE GROVE” of the song. So, being disapointed with other bassist, I decided to self teach bass to myself. Although I can hold down a groove, my bass lines sometimes lack variations and sound very repeatative. Which now brings me to WHY I must put your course to use.
    I have finger DEXTERITY, but I lack knowledge of the entire fret board. Knowledge is KING and to educate myself with a POWERFUL course such as your “FRETBOARD FORMULA” should and will accelerate my knowledge of the fret board in order to sound LESS REPEATATIVE, become more FLUID, and most importantly take listeners by SURPRISE and to also make sure that the AUDIENCE CANNOT ANTICIPATE MY NEXT GREAT BASS LINE. Currently, I play live and all bassist should know this: “A GREAT RYTHM SECTION IS THE FOUNDATION OF ANY GREAT ENTERTAINMENT SHOW”! If I win this course, my promise to you ALEX is to keep you apprised of my advancement and I will even send you video’s of my progress. Take care…. Tommy L sends….

  131. Alex,
    I have been playing Bass for 10 years on and off. I was also in a band for many of those years. I play buy ear. I never took a leason, don’t know how what I am playing mixes well with the chords. This is why I need this course. I am tired of not getting it. Mt friends get together for a jam sesson and I stand there like an idiot. Please help me understand. Thank You The idiot Keith!

  132. Hello Alex and the rest of the music family here and everyplace else in the world.

    Alex this is absolutely fantastic (TFBF) – As soon as I got my (BGS) in the mail I could barely wait to get started. Having played in a local band in my earlier years I was only able to grow as far as my (self-taught knowledge) and what I could retain from what other musicians would tell me (not knowing if it was good or bad for my playing).

    I can tell you this right off the back though, applying the techniques and lessons in your course has taken years of guess work and bad habits and literally (nuked them into oblivion).

    For example: BGM groove station alone and the theory that goes into “the goove stuck method” along with all the other invaluable information that compliments your course is genius. I mean it’s one thing to “keep it in the pocket” but it’s another thing to understand “the purpose and your role as a bassist within that musical pocket.”

    Lasty, I am confident that the benefit that will be attained from the Fret Board Formula course will definately propel any level of bass playing to new and interesting heights.

    So now that I am down on begging knees and hoping to win….please ….please “Feed me Semore!” πŸ˜‰

    Send Remarks To: Don Patterson –

    Thanks and God Bless!

  133. About 15 years ago, I got a beat up Squier Bullet bass to add some bottom end to a song someone was recording in my studio. My recording turned out OK, but was certainly nothing special. Since I picked up that bass, I have wanted to be a “real bass player”, one who can lay down a solid groove that really makes the music shine, but without stepping on any of the other parts of the music. I am so determined to become a great bass player that I have already bought Alex Sampson’s Bass Guitar Secrets, and a very expensive (to me) bass and I have been practicing every day.

    Alex’s BGS course contains much of the information you can get elsewhere (from private tutoring, lots of books or CDs, etc.) but Alex’s course strikes the right balance between theory and practice and he is a very capable and enthusiastic teacher as well as a fantastic bass man.

    Though the BGS course is fantastic (and I’m not yet through with it), I’ve noticed that one area in which I’m still a little weak is complete mastery of the fret board. When I watch Alex play, I can see his effortless command of the entire fret board– even on his beautiful 6-string John Patitucci Yamaha! I’m confident that working through his Fretboard Formula course will help me gain a similar level of command. And Alex’s Fretboard Formula course promises to bring all the parts of bass playing knowledge together into one whole. Not only will I gain mastery of the fret board, but I will simultaneously improve all areas of my bass playing, finally realizing my dream of becoming a “real bass player”!

    I can’t wait to get my hands on Alex Sampson’s Fretboard Formula.

  134. Hi Alex – thanks for the information you have been sending out. For someone who is just starting this has been a real bonus for me. I am a very busy father of 3 active children. I have always wanted to learn an instrument and my wife has really been encouraging me to go for it. In the last few months I purchased the equipment and then started the long search for the best place to invest my limited available time. After reading many blogs and and searching the internet I arrived at your BGS system and made the purchase. I am now getting to the point that I am improving but as a visual learner I have struggled at times. When I got your e-mails for TFBF it got me excited as now I would be able to get your knowledge with video – perfect for me. I would very much like to win your new program as I feel I am very close (and getting very excited!) that I am close to breaking through to where I want to be. Having said that, if I don’t win no problem I will make the purchase and push on. Once again thank you for this opportunity and thank you for the information you have already sent.

    I wish you alll the best.


  135. Hi Alex, Been playing the electric and upridght for around 30 years. Thank you so much for the first course,still working it. The first coarse was a true God send for me.
    I’ll keep this short even though I could tell you a life story ,of my bass playing.
    Got kicked from my last permanent gig at church,Hugly talented praise band. Sad story. My passion for the bass and playing again in any environment is gigantic now.
    I am like a sponge now ,sucking up anything about God , and the bass.Both parents, and sister were and are successfull musicians. I guess you could call me the rebel in that respect,But have a seriously strong appreciation and respect for all kinds of music and the BASS. I don’t have the means to purchase The Fretboard Formula ,
    BGS was a kind of sneek it in there bill with my birthday. And now I work it EVERYTIME
    ,I get some free time. It is my dream now to get back into God’s praise band ,or any kind of active gig playing. Except for God,wife,and my 2 kids. Going from a note reading musician to adding tab ability,plus everthing else in your coarse. I know will jumpstart a left behind bass player-my fault. Thanks again for all your hard work.
    Yours in Christ,Brian

  136. I’ve been playing bass for almost 18 years. A little here-and-there as a session musician but mainly as a hobby. I have technical music training on saxophone but play completely by ear and/or tablature on bass. Well my 16 year old son formed a metal band and went through many bass players before they finally gave up and the band asked me to start playing. So I’m a 40 year old playing with a bunch of teenagers!

    If I hear a note I’m pretty good at knowing where that is. But that is not good enough anymore. Now I need to focus on writing and creating major drop tuning bass lines and they have to be good enough for these prodigies. Iv’e thought about getting some formal lessons but everything in Tulsa, OK. is based around country and some jazz. Well I need help. From what I have read this system of yours just might work. Plus, I’m trying to learn some un-orthodox stuff like gypsy scales and wierd stuff like that so I can incorporate that into the writing, but alas, there is absolutely no-one in this town who knows anything about that for bass.


    Please choose me….

    Dustin Barham, (the geezer)

  137. Hi Alex, I am 50 years old and a veteran player for 35 years. I have been looking for something like this for a long time and only last week stumbbled across your site. I am currently playing with a praise band and we play rockin songs. We also re-write songs so the content works for our purpose of ministry. I now find myself trying to learn songs that range from a country music style all the way to mettle. I need help in making this transition and from reading comments on your site it seams you offer a fresh and new approach. It’s important for me to re-produce these bass lines because the primary audence we play to are teens and young adults and this is a great way to connect with them in preparation for our primary goal which is God’s plan for their life. I look forward to giving this coarse a serious try.
    Have a blessed day, Scott

  138. Hey Alex,

    I thought long and hard before I decided to post this, trying to think of a way to say that I deserve a free copy of the Fretboard Formula. I’ve been playing bass for a little over a year and only really started taking lessons around January. However, I recently moved on to college and now I am in desperate need of instruction. But as a college student my budget is tight. I can’t easily afford to spend a lot of money, especially with the price of textbooks, but at the same I want instruction. Recently I’ve gotten to know some bassists who have made me gape in awe of the things they can do with the fretboard. This has just inspired me more and more to truly go out and learn how to play the bass, but with lack of instruction, whether from a book or a teacher, it is somewhat difficult. I want to learn how to play bass like a pro, for the sake of saying that I have mastered an instrument. My ultimate goal is to become a performer. But even then I have a goal that goes beyond that. I want to make bass a more prominent instrument in the music I create and make it the major contributor to many of my songs, rather than the guitar or drums or vocals. But to accomplish this I ultimately need to better understand how to play bass properly. I feel that I am starting to get the hang of things and the Fretboard Formula would get me that extra boost I need to really take my playing to that next level your talking about. I know you have a lot of these that you’re going to have to go through but I’ll leave you with this. If I receive a free copy of the Fretboard Formula I will make sure that it is not something that I receive in vain. I will make sure that I go through it as many times as it takes until I fully understand the Fretboard Formula. But if not, I’ll still keep playing and hopefully I will achieve my goal one way or another. But thank you so much for your hard work on this, I know it means a lot to you that you are finally getting this thing out there. Keep up the good work!

  139. hi alex first let me thankyou for the new fretboard – formula i no you work hard on this project . i wont the meat and potatoes of bass playing i wont to play the bass as good or better then you i have this hunger in side and the feel in my soul i will alex play with my heart so if you pick me i will be a shining light for your frentboard formula keep on thuming the bass big daddy ray


    Its not about that you giving out the course for free and me just wanting it for that reason. I would pay top dolloar for the course just from hearing you explain it and if I didn’t get the free copy i will still purchase it. Becuase its not about trying to sound better than others to me. I play for my church and I have been self taught from listening to songs on cd’s. Watching guys on youtube to try to get a better understanding of bass playing. Printing out article after article and compiling a stuty book. But what I have come to understand is that the ability to express myself on this bass is a gift from God. And when the music is right the church service flows a little bit better. I want to perfect the gift of bass playing and bass artistry. I call it “bass art” because we have the ability to create a sound that’s acceptted by every ear in the would and that sound is music.

    But one of the main reasons why I want this course is to teach my son how to perfect the playing of this great instrument. I am 23 and just celebrated my sons 1st birthday on 9/27/08. One of the amazing things that my little son Corban did was sat and watched daddy practice on the bass and he begins to walk over to me. I grab him and place him on my knee. Heres the amazing part…HE PLACES HIS SMALL HANDS IN THE PROPER L/R HAND POSITIONS!! (both being on the fretboard of course) Man i freaked out. But at that moment I knew I wanted to pass the gift to my son so that he will be a greater player than I will ever be. This is what the course will help me do.

    Thanks for your time,


  141. Alex….I know i am a day late….But i am highly interested in winning a Fretboard Formula course…Here are the reasons why…I have been playing the bass for some years now, never took the true time to take lessons, What i have learned is basically what my ear heres. I happen to be going through some email and i clicked on your link. I was floored with how you explain techniques, theories….You made it sound so simple. I am at the point in my life where i want to give my bass playing all that i can…i really desire to be one of the best players around, and i feel that going through this course that you have laid out is what i have been looking for, Please consider giving this old mad an opportunity to get it right (smile).

  142. Good evening Alex,
    Because of prior commitments I missed the deadline. But hopefully you’ll take pity on my tardyness (as well as all the others who were late) and allow me to enter my chance to win the fretboard formula, so here goes:
    I’m kinda’ old to starting to play an instrument (49) but even though society tends to gravitate to the younger crowd I personally belive that you CAN teach an old dog new tricks.
    I am not a frustrated guitar player, drummer, horn or pianist. I only ever wanted to play bass. I love the sound of a great groove thats laid in the pocket “just right” and havr been serching for it everywhere. Listening to your lessons and your approch I think Fretboard Formula might be the knife that cuts through all the B.S.
    I admit I was one of those guys who bought book-after-book on bass playing only to have them collect dust on my bookcase because I couldn’t figure out where I would use a major penatonic, a minor penatonic or any of the other scales. I can play roots, but how much fun is that after awhile? I WANNA’ HAVE FUN!
    A couple of weeks ago I discoverd your “Groove Station” and downloaded it. It has helped me a ton with my timing and made practice a whole lot more fun. And watching the videos you have posted have made my playing advance faster, and lets face it, at my age I don’t have the as much time as the younge crowd has to get better.
    …And, with raising a family (and I know I’m not the only one) money is tight so anytime I have a chance to get something like this as a gift I’ll take it.
    …So in closing, if you see my entry fit to meet your requirements, please help this old dog learn some new tricks!

    C. R. Flowers

  143. HI Alex,
    First of all, thanks for helping all the bass players out there get their groove on. It’s not an easy task to teach others how to play. I know it takes alot of time and effort from you to put these courses together. I been playing the bass for about 3 years now. I started playing trumpet at school with the band. I picked up the bass after I graduated and have been learning with my previous music knowledge. Most of the songs I take out by ear and its very difficult sometimes. I do good with taking out the main rhythm and notes that are played, but would like to put in my own lil’ spice to it. I want to be able to make up my own licks to make that killer bass line. With your fretboard formula course I believe I will be able to achieve that. Not only to put in my own feel to the music but to understand why I am playing what I am playing. Once again, thanks for all you do for us.



  144. Hi Alex. How are you doing? My name is Curt Mason. I am from a little island called St Vincent, grow up in St. Lucia but live in Canada right now. I have been playing bass for 8 years. I seem to have many problems getting to where I want to be or to level I want to be at. I have bought DVDs and books upon books but have never come across material as what you are offering. I am thrilled! Just listening to the short clip you have on this site has opened up my mind to many possiblities. It would be my pleasure and a wonderful gift to have your material. I feel for the first time in my playing years, with the material you offer I can finally reach my potential. Your teachings are clear and direct. It is also easy for me as I cannot read music. I know for sure that I can grow to be the bass player I want to be with your work. I just heard about the offer that you are giving, regarding the give-away of your new material. I understand that I am a bit tardy but I just got your email and ask that you please, please consider me. I am ecstatic about your teachings. I am POSITIVE that it will help take me to the next level. I look forward to learning with Fret. . My success sorry is listening to the clip that you have on this site. If I can learn for 5 mins. imagine what I can learn for hours of the Fretboard Formula Course. Alex I will make it work, given the chance. Please make my day!!!!!!!

    Thank you for doing this for us bass players!


  145. Instead of calling the 1-800, I decided to write in this comment so I can share to the community my BGS story.

    BGS has proven to be an effective way to accelerate in bass playing and learning a lot from it. Just reading all the comments, we have shared the same experiences, we are all satisfied, we are all in the same boat and this is because of BGS. The course transformed us to a high level of bass playing. The book is recommended to beginners and intermediates – I thought I will never be a good bass player like I am now.

    I am the bass player of our band. We play variety music and we can replicate music like the original. I thought I was an excellent and unstoppable bass player until I joined our church choir. Over at our church, there is no music tape that I can replicate. All I have is the chords and the melody from our pianist and– β€œI AM STUCK and totally lost”. I just discovered that I am a copycat no originality at all. The worst thing is that I have no music theory behind me nor reading notes.

    So I decided (skeptical) to buy the book. With BGS, here are the amazing result is:

    Now, I can able to arrange my bass lines with unique style or I like to call it my trademark. My bass notes coming out naturally, I do not have to think sometimes, it’s just coming out in me. I play with feelings and enjoyed my bass. I learned how combine scale plus arpeggios into a beautiful riff (but I always keep it simple). The use of hammer-on, pulls, slides, – made a big difference. Now my bass lines is very interesting ( I’m collecting some few fans and counting. We all are, isn’t it.) No more of that mechanical playing and I am very proud to say that I am not a copycat any more. I’m groovin!!! Again this is all because of BGS.

    Thanks a million Alex for everthing.


    Sorry for the grammar

  146. Hey Alex,
    Hope all is well. Thank you for all the effort you put into the products – excellent! I also appreciate your personal approach to the entire thing. Very cool, and like no other I’ve ever come across.

    Hoping to win a free copy of The Fretboard Formula πŸ™‚

    Peace and Prosperity,

  147. Well I don’t apply for a free formula.
    I simply will pay for it; Why ? Because I think that Alex realy put a lot of work in this and good work should be paid. And beside that, with the money back guarantee, I don’t take any rick.


  148. Alex:
    Freaking WOW, when I frist bought your lessons I was impressed, BUT now that I have gone thur your lessons twice and I’m on my third time thur all I can say is FREAKING WOW,God Bless you for your talent and the willingness to share, and o yes I will be continuing to repeat these lessons cause I want to always have a better understanding.

  149. kiora from the KIWI boy livin in AUSTRALIA Alex, i got intrested in your thing a bit back and used my fiance’s
    E-mail to check you out, ive been playin music and makin money out of it for 25 years
    or so now and like you started as a singer drummer at 13 then ridum guitar then due
    my bass player leavin Brisbane for Sydney, i picked it up full time and self taught
    myself mainly because of the lack of soul/funk players here in brisbane, i would love
    to talk to you bout how to start on learnin correctly so when ya can holla at me and
    fill me in bro
    robbie flay

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