30 thoughts on “Fancy Pants Bass Lick #3…”

  1. Always enjoy your emails saying that there’s more great stuff to learn. The videos are great and I like your new format in these last few videos. Much appreciated!!

  2. congradulations Alex!!! I am sure glad your back.Your lics are great. Your new course is very timely as last week while playing in church the worship leeder who very talented ran some songs that we did not practice or have music to. thus the insecurity in me did not let me play even though she told us the key. Looking forword to your new course.
    Thanks again God Bless Dan

  3. hey,alex its good to see you reveal all this licks but why cant people like me in africa have acess to buy your bass secrets and other materials

  4. hi Alex,you know you are blessing to me you are making to be a bass player evenif my index finger is missing,you put hope and life in me.Please you should not be tired of this good work you are doing you helping and blessing peaple like me.

  5. Great licks Alex! Keep up the good work, looking forward to the new course it looks awesome but that just goes with everything you’ve done so far.

  6. What’s up Alex!!! I think that is real awesome of you helping out other bass players. I ask my friends to show me stuff and no one has time. Thanks so much for the videos very helpful God bless you!!!

  7. Alex,

    I am really interested in the Gospel sound. How much will this instruction cost and should we be proficient in the “Fretboard Formula” first.




  8. Alaex,
    Thanks I can use it!! Hey can you at least do one take really slow and maybe a larger screen view? (from the old and slow crowd) tom

  9. Thanks Alex for these bits & pieces.
    After ordering you DVD/Booklet program last spring I have plugged away little by little & finally getting the hang of what constitutes a 9th, 11th or 13th. I finally figured out an augmented chord & how it fits.
    You are right about being consistant in practice, soon enough I can almost hear what the note is I am about to play in a chord or lick before I go there. The modes are finally coming together for me, if only I can figure out which one works best with the type of music I am playing in the moment.
    Lastly I am feeling the groove, trying to get more consistant in a drummer feel.


  10. As usual alex really cool bass licks keep on grooving bro p.s damaged nerve endings in my shoulder so had to go back to basics and start over again getting back in the groove slowly but surely
    cheers alex

  11. Alex,
    I love the licks, but do you have some more beginner stuff to go along with your course? It would be great to have some stuff to play to reinforce the learning in the course.

    1. Hi Tim thanks for the feedback. We’ve been getting some specific questions from beginners recently that have got be thinking of answering them all in one place so everyone can be on the same page…

      Keep an eye out 😉



  12. Hey,Alex thanks for the good work. Its very unfortunate though that i’ve nt been able to view any of the videos right from the time i signed up. Its not that easy here in Africa, Nigeria.

  13. I’m interested in getting one of your courses but don’t know which one to get. I play in a pickup band and can play by ear I also play in my church chior but only know the basic notes I have been play bass off and on for about 8 yrs. But I what to be able to improvise in a jam session!!

  14. hey alex, scooga here. congrats on the new edition 2 the sampson family she’s going 2 be a heart breaker. i’ve been away from my pc i’ve joind 3 bands so i’ve been learning songs. it feels like my heads going 2 pop off. i have time now and seen your 4 new post and think thier great. now that i’m giging you will behearing from me soon 2 purchase the course. once again thank you very much for your patience. you are a very wonderful and understanding person and think your the greatest….. HOLLA AT YOU SOON …………………….. PEACE!!!!

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