A little modern Gospel flava…

Hey gang, here’s the final video of your three part mini-lesson series. Been getting some requests from the church boys, so…

…If you dig the modern/contemporary gospel flava, chances are you’re gonna ‘cut up’ on this 😉

Oh, by the way, in case you missed part 1 & 2, here’s the links again;

Mini Lesson #1 : StarChild

Mini Lesson #2: Christian Rock Bass Solo


PS. Hit me with comments if you wanna continue the mini lessons. I need to hear from ya!

Published by

Alex Sampson

Alex is the founder and owner of BassGuitarTips.Com

130 thoughts on “A little modern Gospel flava…”

  1. Hi Alex!

    Love the lessons! I got that down, but never heard of Terrance Palmer, so i’ll go check his other stuff out and download the rest of the song.

    Keep it up man! You’re a playin a huge part in educating Bass players all over the world!!


    1. hey man love the videos!!! u definitely gotta keep them coming. im learning things i never new how to do or heard of. oh whats passing over chords? dont really understand that,lemme know,anyone? bless,keep playing.

    2. yo alex love d lesson bro…really helpfully..lookin forward for more of the mini lessons…i heard that intro b4 n never though i could have get it well at least not now…got it down now thnx breh!! keep up da gud

    3. great lessons man, keep it up. just wish i had de bass formula to learn more. thanks once again 4 de mini lessons.

  2. Hi Alex.

    It’s amazing how much great stuff can be created simply using the chord tones on a I-IV-V.. The possibilities are almost endless. Thanks again for demonstrating how beautiful “The Basics” can sound!

    Ken Windheim

  3. YES, YES AND YES!!!! Keep these mini-lessons, riff break-downs, whatever you want to call them, YES keep these coming! They are awesome, and you are an awesome teacher. Keep it rockin and keep it real. Mike

  4. This is so cool stuff thanks Alex. Alex I see that you are from the Philadelphia,PA area

    Do you play out in Philly ? I am from Harrisburg, PA and I would love to come and see you play with a live band. who are some of the people that you have played with, and
    recorded with?

  5. Hi Alex,
    I just picked up his(TP) first CD. Great lesson. I agree he is hip. Alex would you break down any one of his more complex songs on the CD by Terrence Palmer.

    Peace & Groove

  6. Alex,

    I really appreciate the mini lessons and I can’t wait to get down to them. My basses were stolen over Thanksgiving. I found them for sale on ebay, and the police recovered them after an interesting turn of events. They are evidence now, but i’m getting them back soon! Can’t wait to get back into my Bass Secrets books and layin down the low notes!

  7. Hi Alex

    These mini lessons are GREAT!! I am one of those people who loves to know “why” phrases etc work and your break down of these songs are spot on!!

    Keep these videos coming. If I can be so bold as to make a request, it would be for a breakdown of Alain Caron’s P.A.C Man, Marcus Miller’s Run for cover and Terence Palmer on a CD called Kingdom – Sound of New Breed, the song is called Sing for joy and there is a really great bass part at about 2:03 just can’t get what he’s doing there, but sounds funky! Hmmm 3 requests, i hope you don’t think I’m greedy :¬)

    All the Best

  8. Alex,

    Thoroughly enjoy the mini lessons and love the way these riffs are explained. Helps to understand various chordal patterns and how to solo, learn, and improvise. Gives me fresh ideas of how to further my repetoire. Bass riff reminds me alot like Abraham Laboriel. Haven’t checked out Terrance Palmer yet. Plan to do that after this post. Lovin’ these mini lessons and please don’t stop. Nice to just toggle over to this site after warmin’ up or in the middle of wood sheddin’ it and learn a new riff or two. Keeps it fresh and alive.


  9. Alex you da man…I don’t comment alot, because I am too busy trying to absorb all the cool stuff that you put out. I have been playing for about a year now thanks to you and the internet.

    K.I.S.S. (Keep It Short and Sweet)

  10. Great stuff Alex!! Keep them coming, they help a ton in coming up with new ideas, and applying the riffs to other songs I’m workin on.

  11. alex,
    you have really helped me with all this mini lessons! they ‘ve giving me alot of props thanks to you! keep it up!!!!

  12. You are doing a wonderful job, Alex. Plus, you have a special way, or charisma, that comes across even over the internet video. Makes you a good teacher!!

  13. Hey mate .
    I love these lessons, i really dig them and think you should continue. Like other people have said, it is helping alot of people with playing bass and songs on the bass. Top marks. x

  14. This is fantastic ! Alex thanks again … I had a series of books called rescued by something … now I say rescued by Alex Sampson at least bass-wise…cool!
    One quick question is it possible you make something on soloing on a simple blues progression… at least the concept how it works or how to choose the notes etc…

    Thanks man…

  15. Alex, these lessons are absolutely wonderful man! The manual and audio tracks are nice, but to actually watch you play is a totally new learning peice that makes a world of difference. Thank you for what you are doing and I will be sure to look up some of your other material Online (after I do something with what I have, of course).

    Peace and Groove,

  16. hey alex you play good
    but ive been playing for about 2 years
    and i play at church but ihave trouble with
    something like this on the bass

  17. Alex

    Please keep the minis coming. You’re giving so much information on creating bass lines. Thanks for your inspiration.

  18. Hi Alex,
    Love this lesson and what you are doing. This lesson brought back to mind, a cut titled “Another World” by John Pattitucci, from his 1993 Album, title “Another World”.
    I could never play it before, now it seems so easy.


    What up with the “Fretbroad Formula”system, dont keep us wating, I need this.

  19. Very Nice!

    Thanks for adding the captions. On one of the two previous lessons, I had difficulty hearing some of your words while you were playing, so the captions really help.

  20. Please keep them coming! I do not comment much but I watch & absorb all of them. You probably dont take requests but I thought I would throw it out there. My band & I are working on Return to Forevers game maker, but I am having a hard time finding anything transcribed for the bass. Do you have a good source via net because I dont think Im going to be breaking this one down by ear.By the way loving your courses its super solid. Have a great new year look forward to hearing the things your working on.

  21. Alex- you’re a groovy kat. Thanks for keeping all of us up-and-comers motivated and inspired. I dig the gospel vibe, I have been bringing it to the band and our music. DUB reggae has a lot of that type energy going for it. myspace.com/steelmonks Couldn’t have got up to speed in time without your instruction.
    Always learnin’, always groovin’-
    Steve-o the Barbarian

  22. Hi Alex, I love the way you break down the chords and give the steps of each different chord instead of just giving a string of notes to play, like so many others do. I hope you keep doing the min lessons.

    Peace & Groove,


  23. Hey Alex,
    Thanx for the Differant Perspective of Bass !!
    I can Honestly say now thatI AM HAVIN A BLAST WITH MY BASS !!

    Thank You & KEEP EM COMMIN !!


    Da Bass Man


  24. Hi Alex,
    More mini lessons these are awesome. You can apply the fretboard formula to understand why these cool bass lines work. You the man!!

    If you are going to keep the mini lessons up could you include one by Shalamar a tune called ‘There It Is’? Just the main section.

    Cheers dude



  25. hi alex
    im mina ramzy from egypt
    i want to buy ur course but some one told me its not avilable in egypt plz tell me more about this problem

    plz reply thanx

  26. I enjoy your lessons and I have purchased your bass secrets, and your fretboard series. I enjoy these additional lessons they are great. I love them all, but I see where you are just working on a solo over one chords, what about a whole songs where
    there are some and some have alot of chord changes. The Fretboard series haves shown me how to use diffent notes to move all over the fretboard. I find that moving around the neck gives different sounds, but when I have these different chord changes I sometimes don’t have time to make a good sound for instances a C7, I usely make the wrong note changes when I have only four beats in one measure, Say I go to a Am7 form the C7 I pick the 1-3-5-7 which the last note of the C7is a B it would be 2nd of the Am7 which is not in the Am7 chord and it sound like heck. What is my problem, please advise. Bill

  27. I like the the mini lessons, Alex. Do you think you can do an old-time gospel song like the old folks listen to. I got some old folks at my church

  28. Thanks Alex

    Your mini lessons are a pleasure to watch and your explanations make everything fall into place. They have inspired me to to invest more time and effort into my own, somewhat inferior, playing.

    Paul (UK)

  29. Awesome lesson – love the song. TP and Maurice are some of my favorites in contemporary gospel music so this lesson is right up my alley!

    Thanks again and keep up the mini lessons!

  30. One more time and another… Thanks from portugal
    keep sending more stuff, i mean good stuff like this you make the world better!

  31. Hi Alex ,
    you got the touch man |
    I would like to see some 4string lessons since I use to play ol’style bass such rock and blues .
    Thanks and I wish you a wonderful ’09


  32. Alex, because of you, I’m doing things I heard bass players do but could’nt figure out. You make it simple and easy to understand. Please keep the lessons coming.


  33. Hey Alex …This is exactley what we play here in africa in some places we call it high life rrythm… however, it’s great and I like the way you’ve broken it down and explained … Please keep giving us the mini lessons they are ^by far more beneficial than most of the dried theory ône can get from some books…
    Thanks man…

  34. Hey man I can’t say enough how much all your lessons have helped me. I like these shorter lessons as they are easier to watch with a very bad internet connection. Thankyou for all the time and effort you put into these lesson. It is appreciated.

    Keep them coming!

    God Bless,

  35. Alex
    Your lessons are great, I think I might acyually make it. Your mini lesson are the greatest thing since sliced bread. They give an old person like me a chance to feel young again and learn something I thought I could never play.
    all the best!!
    God Bless

  36. Hey Alex,

    I really appreciate the time that you take to do these mini lessons! It really help that you show the chords behind each progress and how the riff is built out the chords. VERY HELPFUL! Please keep these coming… they are highly educational and valuable.




  38. Alex, YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!! I found you online because of my renewed interest in learning to play the bass. Man! I feel like I’ve underpaid you with that $49 for the download version of all that stuff!!! Alex, you are a true blessing.

    I have a B.A. in General Music and I currently teach music in high school, but even I, for years now, have had problems with Modes and relating them. But boy, with your breakdown?? Goodness!!

    I have gone through three 4-string basses and couldn’t hardly play one (my primary instrument(s) Hammond organ/piano/keyboard). I took up a 5-string and your course?? Man! Praise God for you, brother. Now I’ve been downloading these clips that you send through, so please don’t stop posting them! Thanks a mil, Alex and may God richly bless you.

  39. Alex…..Great job on the mini lessons and your professional approach at showing us the note patterns and rhythms is unsurpassed. You are on the right track at sharing your love for music. Your craft is exceptional and thanks for the learning opportunities. Your are smooth. Keep up the great Work….Ron

  40. Tight, Alex! Tight! All your stuff is just “Tight!” And you’re an awesome teacher with radiant passion! God speed!

  41. hey
    i love these brake downs you have a great teaching style. could you do a vidio on how you went about breaking these songs down. that would be so great.

  42. Alex………i’ve been trying to play the bass for about tree years. i’ve read books, wacthed video’s, asked allot of question. but things remained the same. but after i came in contact with your web site my whole life was changed. now i’m seeing my bass in a whole new way.

    and i just wanted to say thanks.

    thanks for the mini lessons.

  43. Alex man!!! You always out do yourself. When I think that these mini lessons can’t get any better they do.

    Keep them coming I need them and appreciate them. The biggest thing right now is I need to learn how to intergrate these concepts into my regular playing.

    This song has now been suggested to the praise and worship team!!!!

    God Bless.

  44. Alex thanks so much for the lesson on contemp gospel! I mainly play gospel music and I am always looking for new ideas and techniques that the pros use. Again words cannot express the graditude that we all feel for your hard work and dedication!

  45. Great lesson Alex!

    Not my usual style of music but it’s great to open my mind and increase my influences.

    Really well explained, very clear, and it consolidates the lesson in BGT about only building in differences to the riff once you’ve established the groove.

    I love all your lessons, keep them coming!


  46. Alex,
    First time comment, just wanted to say I have enjoyed all of your lessons and teachings. Keep up the very informative lessons and tips, maybe the whole world could learn to groove 😉

    Later on,

  47. Alex,
    You are so detailed in the way your teach. Exactly the type of teacher I’ve been looking for & I think you got me glued. I’m already making a big difference in the way i understand the bass. Thanx. Just keep doin ur stuff.


  48. Alex,

    Thank you Alex for all of the time and effort that you have put into these mini lessons. They are really informative and can be applied to any type of music. Like the other million people out there making request, I have one for Grover Washington’s “Mister Magic”. Thanks to you all of this this is starting to come together but i still have a long way to go.

  49. Hey Alex,

    I am a brand new bass player, my wife gave me my bass for Christmas. I appreciate the lessons and I love the program. The bass has become my “indoor hobby” (us Pastors need those) but because of you and your program, I can see myself doing more with the instrument. God Bless you and the work of your hands!

  50. I love your approach. It has made me enjoy playing my bass more than ever! I even when out and purchased a 5 string and WOW! has that made a difference as well. I do wonder what equipment you use to get your remarkably clean sound. Is there anything out there that can guide me in this complex arena?

  51. I want to thank you of your engagement to me and I’m a beginner player about two years plying now but wish to ply like you brother my hands love too so only I keep dreaming to ply bass like you Ali from Kuwait city

  52. Hey Alex
    Great stuff,what can l say that aint been said already??
    These mini lessons are a HIT and no messing!!
    Your easy laid back style is great to follow, l think you should keep these minis coming,
    my bass understanding has improved greatly since you`ve been my teacher
    A BIG BIG thanks from this corner of the room

  53. Hi Alex,
    Been out of town. I got home, checked my email & low & behold…mini-lessons. This gospel tune has a nice regae feel to it. I like your abbreviated mini-lessons. These three lessons you sent will keep me busy for the month just trying to get them up to speed.
    Nice playing & nice tone.

  54. Any chance that you might be able to include downloadable music and tab for you mini lessons.

    Happy New Year for us ALL!

    Archie Rasmussen
    Boston, MA

  55. love the lesson i understand what you are coming fromof using simple chords to come up with some coll lines.you rock alex

  56. thanks alex for the small bite size lessons as thats about all we non professionals can handle(i dont think you realize how good you are)these small lessons are easy to digest and much less intimidating.
    thank you again!!!!!

  57. very nice alex, i really enjoyed that and found it quite useful.
    i have a question to ask. could you give anything thats a bit more in the metal genre?
    if possible

  58. Alex,

    Great learning sessions. As an experienced bassist I never stop learning and I find your mini-lessons expand my creative toolbox. -Thanks for sharing, Gus

  59. Hello Alex,

    Boy, you are a STAR *!!
    Thanks for sharing and giving yourself for such worthy cause. May the Good LORD richly bless you.
    I have a question which i hope you can help me with. When i listen to most contemporary Gospel tracks I hear an effect which I personally refer to as the ‘boomerang effect’ I guess its a slide from the neck towards the end of the fret board and then a sudden release of either the B string or something I can’t figure out. I recently heard that on a track by Marvin Sapp. I think its titled HAllelujah — with the words of the Chorus .. You alone are God, You are God alone. I would be most grateful if your able self will be willing to shed some light on this phenomenon. Thanks.
    Kind Regards,


  61. Alex.

    Really enjoyed the mini-lessons, indeed your playing and tech. is top notch
    I felt the mini-lessons were easier to follow and practice with…Keep them coming,
    great work.

    P. Brennan

  62. I like your mini intro on StarChild.

    Can you provide me with a mini intro on Boogie Oggie Woogie by Taste Of Honey?


  63. alex,charles dont have a bankcard for the accelerator kit will money do if send address ps.love what your doing for the small nation self tought bassies

  64. Now after a while it is time for my comennt.
    I had much to do former days but this lesson is great
    its not only ’bout improval it is also much fun to learn how to play it
    Keep up its great to have ya on our side of the moon

  65. thanks men your works are great, i would like you not to be only my teacher but a big brother and a real intimate friend.
    kindly send me your cell number…………i would also like to buy your lessons too
    thanks bro.

  66. Hi Alex,
    Love the videos, keep them coming, a video is worth a thousand words. Bass playing coming along a treat


  67. Hi Alex,
    Love your teaching method.. and the your choice of music.. keep up the good work..
    Be well, and many blessings for 2009..

  68. Brother Alex:

    I really enjoy your short lessons. Makes me wanna get the full package.
    Thanks for all you give to us bass player’s around the world.

    May GOD continue to richly Bless you and your Family.
    Rodney Wyatt

  69. I really appreciate your hard work, i love the whole lessons. i found it helpful. Can you please give your opinion on bass guitar Active and Passive…A+++++Thanks

  70. hi alex, thank’s for mini lesson’s. star child isa great track! still working through fretboard formula,and now bass chopz accelerator [ between gig’s,]find both somtime’s challenging but really useful, thank’s,gary.

  71. Haven’t really had the chance to check out your stuff after I subscribed, due to my PC deciding to shoot itself through some sort of vital organ, and now I am surprised at the quality. I’ve only seen this single lesson, but I really like your style of breaking down and teaching. I’ve been playing for about eight months now, I think, and I’m trying to learn as much as possible. The way of telling what chords and how the whole thing is built up will really help me.

    Thanks, man, gotta check out the other mini lessons soon. Besides, after reading a bit about the different courses, I guess I have to buy one. Or three 🙂

  72. Fantastic Alex. I love the beautiful melodic bass line. This reminds me of Jamaican Ska music. This really helps to grasp the fundamentals of relative chords within the key.

    Thanks, Ron

  73. I have ben playing for a long time are should i say wiggleing my fingers for a long time. Thanks to your home studycourse i know what ishould be playing and hoiw to play it, THANKS.

  74. I really enjoyed all these mini lessons. So when are you going to do an update to your blog? It’s been a couple of months now. I have some questions for you. Hit me up @ krsbigkahuna@comcast.net they are about your bass guitar secrects and the fretboard formula programs.

  75. What you do have kicked my bass playing up several notches and everyone that hear me play now are telling me that I am anointed to play the bass. I appreciate your help!!!

  76. hey bro i been really wanting the fretboard formula cus i learned a lot from the bass guitar secrets so im wondering if theirs any chance i can buy one cus it keeps telling me their out so please let me know thak u…

  77. Thanks for your hard work and dedication to us up-and-coming bass players. It’s refreshing to listen to someone who’s not full of himself and his own ego trip.
    Please keep-em-coming, Alex.

  78. That was a really kool and straight forward lesson,you are a good teacher, keep up the good works.

  79. this is a very nice lesson. your lessons motivate me to continue playing bass because they are straight forward and interesting

  80. Alex, these mini lessons are superb.. cool tunes and very instructive. Why don’t you put a collection if this stuff out in a CD – I’d certainly buy one. Keep it man you are giving a lot back to the bass playing community and you are hugely respected for that. Keep it going.

    best wishes

  81. As a music teacher I find it very helpful and refreshing to hear (and see on the screen) the theory behind the licks. Thank the people who help you produce these videos. They’re top quality. From a teaching standpoint though, you might want to switch basses when teaching how to play these licks on four or five string basses. I find that a lot of learners are visually oriented, and some newbies to the bass might learn quicker by seeing the bass that they have. (WHAT IS THAT MONSTER HE’S HOLDING!!) Just a thought. These lessons and the course are really helping me progress with my playing… now if I could only clone myself and let my clone go to work while I practice….:)

  82. Alex these lessons are the Best!
    Thanks; I’m a little slow but a haven’t given up. I still find it hard to use all four fingers when fretting the board, however I’ve found it helpful for me to use bass tabs. I know its not the right way to learn, but I hear something that I know and feel I’m making progress. Again Thanks; Alfred

  83. thanks for that break down. They play this in my church alot. i was able the catch how to play alittle of the when the play. but thanks to you i caught on a lot more for this song.I go to a chuch thats mostly Jamaican ,so some of there songs are in a reggae style.if you can can you post some reggae bass style or beats. you how would bassist would play a lick.i just joined another group to play for. they have gig comming up in sept hopefuly with your course I would be able to play with confidance.i Im putting your coursed to the test in 81 days.we will se

  84. Good job bro,
    you have good teaching technique. The three lessons you emailed ( this one and the following two ) where you were wairing the eaerphones , never had a sound come thru. Could you re-send those?

  85. Hi Alex.

    I would find it easier if you would call out the notes of the chords along with the number. Your still the best teacher I ever had. Thanks.


  86. Hit me up with some of that funky stuff!!!!!!!!!(know what I mean???????? GODSPEED!!!!!!! THEKED!!

  87. my computer is old and doesnt get the videos are there music sheets that I can download to all that alex does or another way to recieve the marvalous things alex does on dvd? thanks rick

  88. I like the mini lesson they are great and i play mostly gospel and am now learning to play along with r/b

  89. Heck yes man, keep up the mini lessons! Love them.
    How about breaking down the Chuck Rainey groove from “Peg”. I have a terrible time with the pull offs,hammers and pops during the chorus. Great groove, but something terrible to try to copy. If anyone can do it, I know YOU can!

  90. Hi Alex, Im in Australia and just want to say thankyou for the lessons. I dont practice as much as I could as I have a busy life bringing up two boys, but after I bought one son a bass guitar and he didnt want to play anymore I decided to pick it up myself! Im in a little group and we play original music. Im the novice but I love it and my heros are Jaco Pastorias and now Taal, the girl who plays with Jeff Beck. Why didnt I start playing when I was 17!!!!
    Anyway thanks for the inspiration, it maybe unattainble but at least its fun trying.
    Love Clare

  91. thanks for all you do and may God add a blessing to you .dont mean to be greedy but any news on GBP.thanks darron

  92. i want to thank you for this.after listening and watching your videos the light came on. it all started to make since.now i cant wait to pick up my bass and learn more.your the best. my band thanks you too. charlie

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