Breaking down ‘Take 5’

Ok I’m exhausted, I’m starved and in desperate need of a barber…

And here’s why.

I started off shooting the detailed breakdown for the ‘Take 5’ video, (see that original video here) and kinda figured it’d take about 15-20 mins tops…

So I locked myself in the studio with only enough food and water for 20 minutes and I promptly got to work.

Two hours later I’m sitting there laughing at myself, as I finally admit that Saturday evening is pretty much shot. 🙂 Talk about a mis-calculation! — Then finally (3 hours later) I emerge from the studio with the video breakdown and crib sheets etc…

The thing is;

  • I’m 20 pounds lighter…
  • I’m famished…
  • And I have a thick unruly ‘mountain-man’ beard attached to my face.

But I’m not complaining — It was all worth it.

You see, I read every last comment on the blog and we get our share of emails and phone calls etc… (And then some 🙂 Hey, it’s all good. Comes with the territory baby.) — So I think I can safely say I have a pretty good handle on what my audience wants to know about building better bass lines.

So in the middle of recording this training video, I quickly realized something…

“Alex, this was gonna to take a lot more than 20 minutes if you have to deliver a lot of value, and cover most of the questions you knew people had.”

But because (as I’m sure you realize) I genuinely love this stuff and love sharing value with you guys/gals, doing the ‘marathon’ video was totally worth it.

I hope you enjoy them.




Oh! Forgot to mention some things real quick;

1. The video is very detailed and I realize that some intermediate and advanced folks may not need as much ‘hand-holding’ as it covers…

For you big bad bass ninjas, just use the download PDFs I give below and you should have no problem getting along with just those and the original video.

If however you are interested in more than just ripping what I played and you want to learn a lot more about the intricate details present in the bass line, so you can really grow your playing, (which I truly hope you are) then setting aside an hour to watch the entire video is gonna TOTALLY be worth it.


2. A lot of folks want to know what’s this evil-plot, world-domination scheme I’ve been up to that I hinted at in the previous post;- Well watch today’s video and you’ll get several clues… Watch it all the way through to the end and you’ll get a real GEM of a clue. {wink wink}


3. Please post your comments below because I really appreciate them.

It’s really good to know that the many days spent outlining the video, shooting it, transferring it to the computer, editing in, proofing it, rendering, compressing, testing, re-compressing, testing again, re-rendering, re-compressing, coding, uploading etc etc etc… really means some thing to you.

It’s a lot of effort. If you can take 30 seconds to post a comment you’ll officially be one of the coolest people in the world. Besides you don’t want to break the heart of a skinny, hungry, mountain-man-beard-wearing bassist would ya? 🙂

Didn’t think so. So post away.



Download these to use with the video lessons.

Take 5 Chord Sheet

Take 5 Crib Sheet (Tabs)


Video Lesson – Part 1


Video Lesson – Part 2


Video Lesson – Part 3


Published by

Alex Sampson

Alex is the founder and owner of BassGuitarTips.Com

212 thoughts on “Breaking down ‘Take 5’”

  1. Hi Alex
    So far I have listened to the first part. This is great stuff and I am looking forward to hearing the rest of it. As always the explanations are clear and straightforward.
    Don’t suppose you fancy a trip to Scotland to do some one to one tuition?
    Keep it coming my friend.


    1. Alex,DUDE!
      Man, I really appreciate you breaking this stuff down and making it logical and understandable. My son who is 13 has been playing Prelude in C on the piano and I thought I’d see if I could learn it on bass. I started breaking down each arpeggio and learning each note of each chord and knowing what each chord is and the pattern that each chord produces. It has been quite an undertaking but it has helped me tremendously as has your study here of jazz chords. Keep it up! Give me more! I want to be GOOD!!!!

    2. I really enjoyed the video. It clarifies some of my fears with the bass. I am not as advanced as many who listen to these intros but I can copy after continuous practice. My neighbors think I am a really good player but I am a true beginner. I have troulbe with capturing the clear tones without constant practice. I like what you did here so keep it up. I am interested in all of your teaching methods. Please email me with the name of the metronome you use so I can purchase it. thanks Lee

  2. Without even watching the video, I have to say that this is WAY MORE than I expected when I bought the course! Thanks for keeping on and looking forward to your next GEM.

    Houston TX

  3. Really apreciate what U are doing. I have bought plenty books that’s basically saying the same thing. It’s just that U go into the details a bit more.
    I have always stated that I am the type learner that wants to know how to do this, when to do it and why I do it. U seem to cover it all, Thanks…

  4. Alex: I have to tell you that I am VERY IMPRESSED with this purchase. I did not expect all of the subsequent emails with videos, sheet music, etc… You seem to really care about your students. That is saying alot in todays world! Thank you VERY MUCH. I am a “green” base player…just learning from the ground up. I have been going over lesson 1 now for 2 months. I do not want to move forward until I have lesson 1 down perfectly. The only issue I have with the new video you just sent us is that I have been using your 1,2,3,4 finger method on the 1,2,3,4 strings. I do not know how to read music yet. Is there any way to transfer the music sheets to that method? Sorry if this causes an inconvenience, but I cant imagine I am the only one in this situation. Also, is there an easy, step by step method to learn how to read music. Thanks again, and I look forward to your response.

  5. Thanks for the explanation, Alex! Great work and definitely worth your starvation and excess facial hair growth.

    I really appreciate the reminder to lock down my arpeggios and fretboard familiarity. Maybe this will be the kick in the pants to get me re-focused on it.

  6. Thanks Alex for the great video Part One. The chord break down is very helpful and informative. Could those arpeggios be presented in Tab format to study them in more detail??

    Thanks Again,

  7. Thanks! This vid is awesome. In fact, your program has helped me immensely! I’ve only been playing about a year and my speed and accuracy have improved!

  8. I’m very appreciative of your efforts. WOW! Pretty ambitious to start with a lesson in E flat minor in 5/4 time though. Pretty heavy theory for beginners isn’t it?

  9. Alex,
    Most E-Businesses charge you for “extras” after you purchase something. I appreciate the FREE instructional videos after having purchased your Bass course. I play bass for our church’s band, and have a LOT to learn: I’m still hung up on the root-5th-octave structure for the most part. You’ve got some good grooves there, and thanks for breaking it down step by step. I’m an artist too, so I can identify with your metaphor of doing a sketch first, and then filling in the form later. May God bless you richly, and prosper your business!


  10. Wow Alex what can I say.The vids just blew me away.Keep it going , I cannot wait to see the next episodes.


  11. Hey Alex,

    Great breakdown..

    Have you got any tips to help with becoming more fluent in moving up and down the fret board and hitting the strings. I’m a new bassist and as i fret im hitting the other strings accidentally and getting really frustrated!aaaaaarrrrrrrggghhhhh

  12. Help! I have so limited time to work on my bass lines, I would like to download or copy or purchase the videos — can we so this? How do we do this?

    you give me great inspiration.

  13. Very impressed with the videos. I’ve been playing all my life and all I ever done is copy from recordings. I’ve never been able to play a piece of music until I first hear it. But I now know what I have to do to become a better player. Oh did I mention I’m 61 years old. I still rock on the weekends with various bands. But even at my age I’m looking to become a more proficient player.

    Thanks Alex,

  14. As usual you did a wonderful job Alex. The video is clear and so is your explanation. It would be naive to think that we as musicians don’t have a lot of homework to do. I wish there was a magical button and I could play like you; however, your explanations and illustrations make this journey not seem so distant. Keep up the good work. I must ask this question though – Are you a converted guitar player? Your understanding and illustration of guitar chords are too amazing.

  15. If your going to take down the hi-res videos soon, is there any way you can make them downloadable for us so we can save them locally?

    Great stuff Alex!

  16. Alex, This is what I call teaching. Great Job! The videos are great information, more than what I got in a 30 minute lession from a guitar player teaching the Bass Guitar. When will the Video course be released? I can’t waite to get the course because your method of instructions are so down to earth. I am new to the bass and I now have a five string bass, so please give me more, more and more.

    Stay well and keep up the great job,

  17. Great Job Alex!!! You’re the best. You are cool and humble in your presentation and thanks to your wife for letting you disappear for 3hrs instead of 20 minutes and not throwing you out of the house…handsome man. Keep them coming. Now, lets know the real deal …I want the full CD, when is it ready?

  18. Hello Alex,

    I think this was awesome! Lot of work, not doubt, and it is very commendable for all the effort you put into this video. I hope all that view it will appreciate it as much as I do and let you know they do. God blessed, no doubt.

    You have a very gentle yet astounding method of teaching the bass guitar that I have not seen in other teachers. That makes it enjoyable. You continue to give without reservation of your knowledge and talent, carefully guarded by most musicians. That is the difference between a real teacher and a musician I suppose. Thank you for being a real teacher and giving of youself so freely.

    We owe it to you to get behind you in whatever future endeavors you provide as a token of our appreciation. I look forward to what is coming next, coming from you Alex, it will be good.

    God bless,

    Terry Estes

  19. Thanks Alex, always a pleasure to see these videos in my inbox and know I’m about to learn something. Are you going to try and catch Victor Wooten at the House of blues in Dallas this February?

  20. Thanks for the video man this is some awesome stuff. I was wandering if you recommend your bass guitar secerets or your new project for someone thats just getting started? Man awesome stuff keep it coming. Man go get something to eat and shave your looking ruff 🙂 thanks and God Bless

  21. Alex,
    More great info and instruction from you man. Thanks for everything. I will look forward to you next project.


  22. Alex,

    God is going to truly bless you my brother. I have been playing for a couple of years but, I am at a crossroads. I am so impressed with your videos. I am about to purchase your course. I play for my church and I feel I am not giving God my best. This will help me immenseley. Keep it coming!!! and God bless!!!

  23. Alex,

    Thank you so much for making this video breakdown. The detailed instruction is invaluble to me. I am looking very much forword to the DVD course and I am glad that I purchased your course, to begin with.

    Keep it coming.

  24. Alix I love this stuff the only truble is that i have dial up and I get half way with the download and get nocked off, and then I must start over. any way keep it coming I love it . O Don’t give up on us out here.
    GOD Bless Tom

  25. Alex,

    You are the man. I truly appreciate all the hard work and passion you put into your work here, I can tell you love what you are doing. Great, great job.

  26. Thank you so much for making all this info available to a new beginner at bass playing. I can’t think of a better incentive to keep practising and putting in the hours than to have the hope of playing interesting and inventive bass lines. This is so different to anything else I have seen, and your ‘giving’ approach is refreshing. This course is the best thing I ever bought. Multiple thanks.

  27. Alex
    As always you have come through with another gem of a jam to learn and even add to if we like. I will say it again this course was TOTALLY worth the money and the stuff we get is a steal at that price. I am sure you are or have already come up with more cool stuff that will have to be purchase from the original investment but who cares! it is still a great deal. I have been playing the bass for 40+ years and I still learn stuff from you and other bassists. I guess you could say I am a life long learner.

    Thanks again Alex
    Brian B.

  28. Alex,

    Thanks again for blowing my mind! You make this stuff look and sound so easy, but it’s totally not! The few things you were stressing at the end of the tutorial that we as bass players should know are the very things I am so weak in. Now, more than ever, I understand what I lack as a bass player. Thanks for your gentle teaching style. You know how to drive a point home and it’s so extremely helpful. I’m playing tonight and hope to take with me some of what this tutorial showed me, but I really just need to spend time in the “wood shed” practicing and learning the “language” of music.


    Thanks again,

  29. Alex,
    you have just changed my timetable for the weekend, many thanks. I nowhave to let down the in-Laws>>>> muhahaha!!!!!
    tell me, am I falling in love with you or your Bass? lol
    take care and many thanks

  30. Alex,
    Don’t ever worry about “Pitching” your upcoming projects to your subscribers.. I would have to say that most of the “Brotherhood of Bassists” are thrilled to have found you.. and will stay with you, no matter what you give or sell. I personally think that the FULL hard copy price of your course is a steal… neddless to say, the download version is one of the best deals that I’ve ever gotten.. and I intend to keep studying with you until you earn enough money to retire to your own island.
    I really enjoyed my FIRST view of all three parts of the Take 5 video … but please don’t take them off the site TOO quickly… A lot of us work (gig) on weekends and need the midweek to study and practice. I can’t download flash video and would like to watch all three parts many more times.
    Please consider me a locked in subscriber to your video project.
    Thank you for being willing to share your methods and insight.
    Ken Windheim

  31. Alex,,,,

    Can’t comment now— old dinosaur still downloading from dial-up,,, this is taking all day—but they say ,,,good things come to those who wait.
    What ,,,I can say,,,, is,,,,,, You are without a doubt the best money I’ve spent on this Bass-sick education of mine.
    I’m a real slow learner and a complete novice, and I appreciate all the info and insights you give anyone willing to try to learn how to play this enigma,, Looks easy,, but not really,,, very simple,,yet very complex,,.thanks—keeps me busy & keeps me outta trouble. student 101,,, rick.

  32. Alex, you’re blowing me away with all this EXCELLENT instruction. I agree with Bryan, in that I didn’t expect the subsequent emails, videos, sheet music, tabs, etc. either, when I bought your program. I’m a “seasoned” bass player, but stuck somewhat in McCartney mode – just not nearly as good as Sir Paul, of course. You’ve given me some wonderful new territory to explore. (And now I’m thinking about picking up a 6-string bass 🙂
    Thanks, man !!
    Keep it coming !

  33. ALEX,What can l say….
    l`ve been sat at the comp 3 hours plus,printed the PDF, copied the videos into my media player(full screen entertainment) watched playback a couple times all l can say is….lets be having some of your hush hush project cos this is AWSOME and no messing, l treated myself to a 5 string after watching the first `take 5` vid and l can`t put it down,l`m gonna lock into this now and see where it takes me….l cant wait.
    Alex, l gotta say l was reluctent to go with your program, how glad am l that l did.
    l`m never gonna set the world alight with my playing but you`ve help me no end and for that all l can say is ….Keep it comin cos l love it…. you ARE the man.

  34. Alex,

    Thanks for the informative, well presented demonstration of how it’s done. As a long time player (30+ years) I’ve found that you never stop learning, it truly is a life long trip, and I learned a few things from you today. Your kind and generous soul shines through. I will pass this on to my fellow deep enders and highly recommend your lessons to all. Thanks again and may God bless you and yours.


  35. ken,
    if you can download `Realplayer` onto your comp you should be able to copy the vids into that media player and watch them at your leisure, l hope this helps cos its a great study vid and we all need to be able to refer from time to time.

  36. Alex
    Unbelievable, awsome, what can I say you make it look so easy. I can’t wait to see what you got up you;re sleeve next. Looking forward to whats next. I definately need a lot more work on arppegios. Watching you though has taught me that a lot of what you are saying is already in you’re BGS course. We future bass players just need to work harder at memorizing everything that you have in you’re BGS course. Skipping around sure ain’t gonna get it . I learned a good lesson watching you’re video. Looking for short cuts, sure ain’t the way to learn. I know now I need to really go back and slow down a little bit and study a lot more, because it’s there in you’re course. Thanks for the reality check.
    Andrew Romero

  37. Alex.
    The video is great. I think Victor Wooten ought to come and watch you. Looking forward to your new program. Can we pre- order? Thanks. Harley

  38. I appreciate your honesty. I knew that it was crucial to know the fundamentals, but I thank you for reinterating that information on the videos. I can’t wait for more.

  39. Fantastic in-depth instruction. Gives great ideas on improvement and theory made much more simple. Way to go Alex




    1. hi alex thank for what you are doing for bass player . aming 55 years old trying to learn be patience

  41. Alex

    Thanks a million it helps me a lot so sweet youre awesome, i cant wait to see more on youre next video, again many thanks keep up the good work and more power to you!

    joey bustamante

  42. This was excellent Alex.. Lots of good material here and good presentation. This material is the learning key for bassists of all levels.. Ive pounded the net and guitar center for the better part of a year looking for stuff and really stumbled across your site by accident..!!! Me.? Well Im that dude that if I can hear it, I can play it or get really close.. Only problem with that method is truly UNDERSTANDING what I just played.. Its kind of like talking without using the word “the” or “and”. There is definatley something missing…. This is the bridge Ive been looking for..!! Thanks bro… Now on to my question.. When will the new packaged course with vids etc be available and will there be a bundling with the material currently out on your site..?



  43. Alex,

    I love your your easy going character. Thanks so much for what you’ve offered. I agree with another post that it was a little deep to grasp, but the overall message really came through loud and clear. I feel that EVERYONE can get something from the way you present. You are indeed a “born” teacher.

    ** One thing I might ask, is if there might be a way when you video to show an overhead view at times from the angle of what the player would actually see. It is very difficult, for me…and I would assume others as well, to understand what you are saying about a lick and then try to “decode” it by reversing it in our mind and apply it before you move on. I find myself constantly “behind” because I’m caught up in the “reversing” process in my mind. It might save one step in the learner’s mind if we could see it as the player sees it. If it can’t be done, I totally understand…Just a thought.

    I drank it in. Love it, appreciate all you have done. You did an outstanding job. I majored in music in college (although I won’t say I loved it..or remembered what I was taught!!!), and I tune pianos part time… and I’m impressed with your being able to rip off the chord names and notes so quickly. I know…practice makes perfect.

    Again, thanks a million. Very helpful and keep it up.

  44. Hi Alex,
    Great job on the video. Every time I see you, I think your parents must really be proud of you. Besides being a great bass player and smart, you seem like a really nice guy. I, too, was wondering if the videos could be downloadable. We have DSL, but I had to wait many, many times while the video stream got buffered.

  45. Alex,
    Words can’t express my appreciation for the time you spend building this video
    lesson for me [us]. Nor can words express my enthusiasm for more videos lesson to come, but I will try as J.J. Walker would say “DYNO-M-I-T-E.


  46. Alex,

    I bought your course about 6 months ago. I was a little skeptical but figured “What the hell” it wasn’t that expensive. I have to tell you that I was totally impressed with the original course and knew it was money well spent, but I was still having a tough time sitting down and trying to learn bass from an e-book.

    I can’t tell you how overwhelmed I am after watching your video lesson. And I don’t just mean overwhelmed by your awesome work on the bass. Your explanations are second to none as far as being clear and concise. I am also blown away by the fact that you put this out there for free. I clicked on the link and expected some cheesy little video. I couldn’t have been more wrong!!!! The love you have for the music and the fact that you are willing to share this is awesome.

    You have a fan for life brother!!! If you come out with a video lesson pack sign me up. I’ll be the first guy in line to buy.

  47. Best thing I ever did for myself was to buy your course! You have an awesome instructional style, clear and uncomplicated and focus on the fundimentals, not the flash. Groove Suck has already turned my playing style around 360’. Thanks Alex, I look forward to more. Look after youself, God bless.

  48. Wow – that was awesome!! I knew that it was going to be such a high quality lesson – as I still rave about BGS. Nice one for stepping it up.

    I found the first bit slow but as all this was comprehensively covered in BGS. I want look more into how you are creating the groove and feel for the song. I am just having trouble letting go playing from my head (which plays memorised chords, appeg,modes etc. wanting to play the right notes) and playing from within – letting go and just grooving.

    Anyway – pre-book me that dvd, and anything else in the future. Thanks for everything mate – You have a way of teaching that allows a man to fish.

  49. Wow man, good stuff, I am amazed. I mean you hit every part of that lesson with very good instruction and it was most def. worth watching every minute. Thanks so much for the time you put in, I guess a far way to give back is to practice practice practice with the wealth of information that you have provided with this lesson and the home study course. Thanks so much!!

  50. Been trying to play bluegrass and gospel bass for about 15 yrs. Your videos are awesome. Keep ’em coming. I wish I had the time to devote to your lessons and I would purchase them today, but I have too many irons in the fire already. Thanks for the help!

  51. Alex I have been tryin to play the bass for about six years. I have to tell you after watching these videos I am really impressed, not only by your talent, but your teaching methods. I can hold my my own in church but I have always wanted to learn chords and the musical lingo you talk about. I was hestant about buying your lessons but I am convince they can help my playing immensely. From one brother to another you keep up the good work and I will be buying your lessons one day soon.

    Take care and keep up the good work.


  52. Alex,
    I was surprised to see you actually read all of our responses on your blogs. This video is EXACTLY what we all need. We may be able to keep a good groove going, but understanding HOW to create a running bass line in a section of a song where we just know it needs something…..

    The instructional materials we all initially purchased stressed the fact that chord theory will set us FREE!!

    It’s not by accident that some really great bass players were previous piano players in the past, Millard Powers of the AmyGrant band, Marty Dieckmeyer of the Holland Davis praise band at Ocean Hills Church in San Juan Capistrano. They all had to understand chord structure.

    Now if I can just get my ‘ghosting’ technique refined…..;

    P.S. I’ve been lucky enough to called in on occasion as an emergency bass player with Holland Davis (composer of ‘Let it Rise). So we’re out here applying your techniques my friend!

    Thanks for all you’re doing to spread the wealth Alex, we are proud to be part of the ‘Sampson Nation’.

    Rick Stoner
    Laguna Niguel, CA

  53. Alex you’re the man bro. you make it so easy , just wish i could play like you. lol. just kidding dude i know it take years i’m 60 so around 80 i should be somewhat fair. lol. keep up the fine work Alex God Bless you Harold from sc

  54. Hey Alex,

    I have to say I’m amazed at just how technical you are and how much I have to learn, especially if I’m ever going to put something together with other musicians. I had a hard time with the timing but plan to keep working with the tools provided. Lessons are 45 an hour around here and I feel I’ve been given free lessons for who knows how long yet. I’ve barely scratched the surface of the bundle. Thank you!


  55. dude. simply put. u’re a dream come true. excellent stuff. tremendous. keep up the extremely good work. i commend u.

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 😉

  56. Thanks so much for the encouragement, Alex. As I was watching, my wife came up and watched with me for a while. She agrees with me that your methods and gentle style are super-professional. What a deal you have handed to all of us with your downloadable lessons and the continual encouragement! I agree with all the other bloggers out there that anything you offer in a video format will be money well spent, so offer away! I’m merely a beginner and hope someday to play as well as you, but know that that is going to require a strong learning curve on my part. The Journey is what it’s all about. Thanks again for your God breathed teaching!

  57. Excellent! Thanks for making the information and technique available. Great that you’re teaching theory, and not just tabs.

  58. Alex, I’d forgotten exactly how much fun it was to play the bass (haven’t played in 43 years!) used to play bass (first a converted 6 string guitar, and then a home made version of the Fender!) in one of India’s first Rock ‘n Roll groups called “The Devil Beats” way back in ’64 – 65. After searching for a long time for a reason to start playing again, I found your site and purchased your course. Best investment I’ve ever made! Your videos are fantastic, as are your explanations, Really looking forward to getting back into music and will be paying close attention to what you have to offer. Best way to get rid of arthritis I have found. Keep on jammin’. Hope to see you in person one day.

  59. Hey Alex,

    I have never gotten so much value per dollar spent as you have given… and keep giving.
    You are a prince among internet vendors.
    Your course cuts right to the core of what a good musician needs to know and is just what I was looking for to take my bass playing to the next level.
    Thank you!!!!

    Looking forward to what you’ll bring next…

  60. Alex like you Iam a converted drummer although I still play drum/percussion with a blues band,i’ve been in the bussiness for 50 years and have been blessed to play with some of the great ones as a drummer,you my friend are true professional in every sense of the word,May god bless you. Look forward to all you share and by the way your program is worth every penny plus. Once again thank you

  61. Love the course. By far the best I have seen. I think these videos are great as well. Visually seeing how it is down helps a lot. I tried downloading the 3 videos but they all turned out to be the 1st video even though labeled parts 1, 2, and 3. How can I download parts 2 and 3?

  62. Alex man I just finished watching the third of all three videos and all I can say is man you’ve completely blown me away! I’m just really starting your course, (chapter seven in volume 1 to be exact) so I hope by the time I get through most of the course, I’ll have a good working knowledge of arpeggios, chords, degrees, and timing (1,2,3; 1,2,3). The emphesis you’ve placed on these is truely vital. Thank you and though you weren’t making a pitch, I look forward to the project you’ve been working on for the past six months! Please keep me posted via email.

  63. Alex I really admire you for what you have done here. Your generous lessons are so fantastic! You impart your knowledge in such an easy and understandable manner. I’m so glad to have made contact with you.

  64. Hi Alex,

    I have to tell you, the way you explain the things you teach is wonderful. I am a hands on type individual, I learn by watching and listening. I have played bass for about 18 years and there are many things that I still want to learn. I’ve played music by ear from an early age. The first instrument I learned was harmonica, but I always loved the bass. And through the course and videos, I have improved my playing. I build custom basses, so playing something that you build is even more of a delight when you learn something new. I enjoy everything you present, keep it coming!



  65. Hello Alex,

    I can’ t surf the net at home, so even if it’s Saturday (no work day), I caught the train and got to the Office and whatched the 3 videos (because probably they will not be available on Monday).

    I must say your explanations are very clear, well-done!!! The time you spent on doing this really worth it.

    Anyway I would do the video with a 4 string-bass, it is easy to follow to most of the people I guess.

    I would like you to do a dvd on bass-soloing, are you planning to do this?
    You know, I very much like bass solos, but most of the bass solos I hear around are not good.

    Thanks very much for your work, really appreciate and a lot of compliments again.

    And if you come to Italy, please let me know, I will make you taste the real italian PIZZAAAAAAAAA…

    Warmest Regards,

  66. Great stuff. I’ve been playing for a little over a year and I really appreciated how you explained the theoretical foundations. I’m now looking at my fretboard in a new light. I feel that I want to go over it again and again. I can’t wait for the course. Thanks a lot.

  67. Hi Alex

    This is truly great stuff and superbly presented. You’re an excellent teacher – you explain it all clearly and I love the theory – thanks for sharing this with us. Also, your Bass Guitar Secrets home study course is brilliant and has certainly improved my playing no end. Worth every penny! You’re a star – keep going!

  68. Hey Alex

    I came accross your site and it sounded to good to be true. So I bought your course and only 3 weeks in from never picking up a bass in my life I am playing it..

    This Take 5 Vids are quite cool as you are playing the runs for a 5 string bass aswell, I have bought a Washburn % string bass.

    Keep up the good work, It rocks..

  69. Alex-

    It is very clear you have been blessed with many gifts…of those, the obvious ability to play the bass but the ability to dumb it down for all levels of students! Your BGS have helped me tremendously putting things together and I will be one of the first to get your new material!!!

    Keep it up my man and God Bless!!!

  70. I just started playing bass, so this was a bit above my current ability, but I can tell already that I’m going to want to get your next course when I finish BGS. (It won’t be very soon, since I’ve just competed Vol. 1 and I’m now working on the first “check up” exam.)

    I can see by all the gushing comments that your work is greatly appreciated. I’ve certainly received more than I expected from you. Thank you, Alex.

  71. Hi Alex,

    I have played bass guitar for many years and there are many things that I still need to learn. The Bass Guitar Secrets Course has improved my Bass playing but this video course is what I have been looking for. I learn by watching and listening.

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge Alex. You are a great bass player and teacher

    See you on video

  72. I want to thank you for offering us the excellent explaination of not only the “hows”, but also the “whys” of your playing. I’ve been playing on and off my entire life, but everytime I try to get serious about theory, I feel like I’m in a clothes dryer with all that information flashing all around me, but not being able to grab ahold of it. Finally tho’, I believe you are offering something I can get my teeth into.
    I admit that I was somewhat leery when I first signed up for your course due to all the scams and rip-offs out there, but you are proving to me that you are a man of integrity and I really appreciate your humility and understanding in this “me, myself and I” world we are now living in. Keep up the good work.

    Blessings on your house, MOG!
    Mark Butler (missionary in Liberia, West Africa)

  73. to all bass players this is a good teaching been improving on bass and looking forward to upright bass lessons this year due to this young mans
    teaching, as markbutler missionary in lieria , west africa put it) blessings on his house )”
    mr gray
    denver colorado
    jgray51@ hotmail.con
    gospel bass,

  74. Hi Alex — I’ver been playing bass for 30 years and teaching college (not music) for 25 years and I’ve got to say that not only are you a fantastic player but a fabulous teacher as well. Your honest, straightforward approach to telling and showing in the break down videos is wonderful. I learned not only a bunch more about moving across/around the fretboard, but also about teaching. Doing this via video is just a great way to bring home the lessons in the course — I’ve worked through the course twice now and my buddies constantly compliment me on how I really have improved.

    Thanks for your good work and cool attitude. Looking foward to the DVD “next step!”

    Jeff (in Gainesville FL)

  75. Thanks Alex

    Great stuff & as usual more than i can take in!
    Still got a lot to learn from the course, struggling with all the theory but im gonna try and learn in small parts at a time.
    funny how you can play bass for a long time & yet know very little!!

    Look forward to the video


  76. Alex you got really great stuff!! Iam a beliver now and hope to purchase the set (downloadable one) when i have some money:( I really like your groove and style. Iam a beginner dying to be a great bass player.

    PS Alex can you make the video where it can be played in an external player so i can see it full screen or at least double of what it is now!

  77. Alex,
    Great job dude! I just finished part 1 of the vidoes and I am getting very excited. I have a question about right hand technique for ya. When you are examining the chord harmony, I see that you play it all together like a guitarist would. Are you using 3 or all 4 fingers on your right hand? Should I be practicing getting used to using my four fingers? Right now I only use the pointer and middle finger to strum.

    Other than that, I have been using your course for the last 3 months, and as someone who never played bass or any instrument in my life, and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. My roommate is a drummer, we have a band and everyone has noticed insane improvements in my playing since getting my first bass and starting your course. Right now I am trying to work on my timing, chord progressions, and groove suck.(more like suckiness for me >_<)

    Keep them coming Alex, you have become my badass bass idol. (hmm, if I was a girl I guess you would be my BABI then? lol)


    -David King

  78. Alex: I love all that you do oh so well! Just a personal question; I have moved around alot, but I’ll be dammed if I could even guess where you grew up or live. What part of the country are you from? Keep the faith Alex; we appreciate you!

    Thanks, Teddy

  79. Fantastic stuff Alex. I picked up my bass for the first time in about 18 months back in July. I’d not really done any theory before then and my understanding was quite poor. I picked up a copy of your course. It was brilliant. Just what I needed. I now play in a band and the guys comment regularly on how they have noticed me improving very quickly and I ‘ve got to say it’s your course and things like this great video that are making that possible. Many thanks. Can’t wait for the DVD.

  80. Alex,
    I really enjoyed the video lesson. Very well done. I’ve been playing the bass professionally for over 40 years. Now I’ve decided to take my first bass lesson through you. I downloaded your course a week ago and have been very satisfied with the instruction and blown away at the depth and size of the material.
    Thanks to you I am now unlearning some of my self taught bad habits, and being able to put names on some of those old runs I’ve been playing for longer than I can remember. I’ve been striving for better all my life. I think this time it’s a giant step.
    I also play the tuba (47 years), but who needs a tuba player?
    You’re awesome,
    Gary D.

  81. Wow! Thanks for doing this Alex, it’s an amazingly deep and detailed explanation, and I (and obviously everyone else here) really appreciates you taking the time and effort to make this and give it us for free, just to enhance our bass playing.

    I’ve been playing bass for years but not made much progress in recent times, so since getting your course I’ve been working through it slowly and trying to not move on until I’ve really mastered each chapter’s concepts. Although I’m still way off what you do here, it’s reassuring to know that all the time spent learning degrees, positions of different notes and arpeggios really pays off and they aren’t just exercises for the sake of it. It’s great to see a real example of how it all comes together.

    Keep it going my man.
    Keith, UK

  82. your stuff is a class act.. i bought your course 3 yrs ago at age 70.never read music,listened to it ,danced,or played anything( excpt that wax paper & comb).your  course got me playing country on my 4 string ,with 4 old guys at the elderly living places around,  for the fun of it.i practice EVERY day.  i’m a good student (but a lousy teacher)i can play tabs in short  order,  BUT, i need something like your new video DVDto turn me loose from my music book i’ve built.  I’d keep it for the hundreds of lyricsin it,  but am trying to get rid of playing base chord notes and/or tabs, by copying somegreat bass players work.YOUR PROJECT WILL BE REALLY, REALLY GOOD,    REALLY!A PICTURE’S WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS.—- KEEP FILMING THISEXCELLENT STUFF, AND THANX.        ps: get some shrimp or steak or something, you’re working your fingers down pretty close          to the bone  !!                charlie brown

  83. Alex what to say, awesome to me , i’m probably the one you are going to sell the new stuff to. i’m following you fairly well ,but, gonna admit that you tha man and i wanna be . thanks a ton bro’ ,playin’ the bass is soooooooooooooooo fun and cool! peace be with you. Donnie

  84. Alex

    Thank you for putting this together I really liked it. Cant wait to see more and thank you again………

  85. * I’m 20 pounds lighter…
    * And I have a thick unruly ‘mountain-man’ beard attached to my face.

    Well, since they claim a camera adds 20 lbs, you look normal in the vids (your losing 20 lbs cancels the 20lb weight gain). And that ‘mountain-man’ beard. Doesn’t show up well in the studio. I’d suggest hiring another camera jockey. 🙂

    But in the meantime… great vids. Definitely what I needed to get me back into playing (and how to explain stuff).

    Looking forward to more!

  86. Alex,
    By comparision, the BGS course has exceeded my expectations. You continue to provide the unexpected with clear visual explaination.

    Look forward to the new visual BGS series. I hope that format will be downloadable and recordable in a DVD format. Thanks for your time and commitment.


  87. Alex,

    Thanks much for this very interesting set of vids and instruction.

    Unfortunately, since my skill levels are on the low side, I won’t personally be able to do much with it by the time you take it down on Monday, but I’m not complaining. I understand about conserving bandwidth. If anything, I’m grateful for all the time and effort you put into this project and find it hard to believe you’re simply offering it for free to your readers (and, I assume, previous customers). That’s a huge contrast to many others on the web, most of whom I hear from only when they want me to buy something else. I appreciate your efforts to help people without being a greed head.

    On the other hand, I do believe you — and other online providers — deserve to be rewarded for your hard efforts and I, for one, wouldn’t mind paying a few bucks for vids like this. So, FWIW, here’s an idea I had:

    1. Please continue to provide free content whenever you’re so moved. I love it.

    2. But if it’s possible, please offer a downloadable version too. You could set a price that folks could pay to download it or you could take a page from Radiohead and let people decide themselves what to pay. Either way, it would be very nice to be able to download the vids for more leisurely learning.

    Can’t wait, by the way, for your new fretboard navigation lessons (though my abilities are FAR from master class level). (n_n)

    Thanks again for everything. May be Spirit be with you,


  88. Alex you are an awesome instructor! I now know what I need to master! (arpeggio shapes across the fretboard.) Now to the task! Thanks!

  89. Hi Alex,

    Excellent playing and instruction as always. Perfect timing as well. I’ve been working on playing scales through 7 modes, and playing arpeggios from the scales in as many positions as possible, so this is right on time. Your method of playing arpeggios in patterns really simplifies things. Now I know I can find each one in all three registers without running out of strings on my four string. I agree, knowing scale degrees and intervals is extremely important. Saved my neck more times than I can count. I’m an old drummer and when I purchased your course about two years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about playing bass. Thanks to your instruction that is changing. Keep up the great work, I for one greatly appreciate, and believe we all do. Looking forward to more great info.

  90. Thank you for putting so much of your time into these lesson!!! Your a wonderful bass player! Keep them coming!!!

  91. Awesome Alex…fuel for the fire bro. Motivating me to get more practice done and apply the lessons!!!

  92. Alex,
    When I was a younger man, my dad had a saying that was meant to be very high praise… he would say, “get down wit yo’ bad self”. After spending four hours with these three vids that you spent so much time putting together, I whole heartly have to agree with my dad and give you a Hi-5. This just happens to be a song that he would play on the keyboards. I am very happy that YOU broke-it so well. I may have to get him back on the keyboard so him and I can jam on this one together.
    Thanks alot!

  93. Alex

    Take 5 has always been a favorite jazz track of mine. I am so pleased this was your choice as i know i will try harder and play for longer to get this super cool classic nailed.

    All of the information and learning resources I have received from you have been great value and very well presented, it suits my learning style. If you are excited about your next project, I am confident i will love it.

    Thanks Alex

  94. Wow, It’s been 7 months or so since I bought your lesson and I’m still diggin’ in. These video’s will be the next big thing. Let me know how I can get a e-copy or CD.

    I love them,

  95. Thanks for taking the time to do this. I really look forward to any new instruction you may have, and, actually understanding things. Because of this video, I have already come to a deeper understanding. You rock!

    Thanks a million!

  96. Hi Alex

    Your BGS course is the best instructional course Ive ever come across. All these bonus videos are unbelievable. I cant wait for the dvds.
    Thank you

  97. Hey Alex,

    Many thanks for continuing to come up with new instructional improvements. Just watching your left hand & hearing exactly what notes you are playing is an excellent way for me to get this under my belt. I just spent a couple hours today & yesterday going over video 1 & 2. The modes & arppegios are coming together more clearly as I play them. Your videos are like icing on the cake after studying from a 1) Learn to play bass book, 2) a few live 1/2 hour lessons with a couple of respected bass players that play in the area. I understand the modes, but connecting them together during chord changes has always been difficult. Look at them as Arpeggios…What a concept.
    After 2 1/2 years of playing bass comments are made that my groove is very solid and the playing is slowing expanding into new areas, meaning not playing the same notes. I play with a “Retro-Country/Rock” outfit and a “Power Blues” band right now. I’ve played some classic rock stuff also. Your explanations are the best.

    Keep up the good work!!

  98. Hi Alex, Just watched the video clips. Then read some of the comments. I must say I also was somewhat skeptical. The if it sounds to good to be true then it most likely is. Thankyou thankyou for caring. Rare quality is nice to see. I hope you have a blessed life.

  99. Great stuff Alex! You have a great way of explaining things. I can’t wait for you fretboard course. If possible and not prohibited by copyright, it would be great to have a download of the song for for JamBox to practice along with. Peace

  100. Hi Alex, Your video was very informative, explained very well. It guides you into right way to approach reading, playing, and how practice. Thank you, look forward future info. keep jammin’ man. Les

  101. I enjoyed the video lesson, it was very interesting and informative. I’ve been playing bass for a couple of years but still consider myself a novice. Perhaps alot of music is written in the key that you choose to do this video in but it was not one that I’m used to and therefore a bit complicated for me. I understand the arpeggios but the chords you chose were unfamiliar to me and made it a little more difficult to understand. Although I could not understand everything you were presenting I found it very interesting and useful. Thanks for sharing it.

  102. Hi Alex,

    Take 5 is one of my “All Time” favorites. I love your bass line, it compliments the song vey well. Your explanation of the bass line was easy to understand and play along with. Keep up the good work…

    Thanks to the BGS Course I finally understand modes. I learned key structures, 1Major, 2Minor, 3Minor, 4Major, 5Dom7th, 6Minor, 7Dimm when I was a kid learning Guitar but never learned/understood the Modes behind it.

    Thanks again for a great instructional video. Looking forward for more in the near future.

    Best Regards,

  103. hey Alex…

    I have read and reread your “bass secrets” many times but this video tops it all…it is so their in your face and ears…what a great teaching tool!
    I am certainly looking forward to what you are offering down the road.Heck,any cost would justify the results.
    Thanks for putting the time into a huge project like this and for caring a lot for your students.

    God Bless

  104. Wow, man that was great, Alex, look forward to the new coarse. can I place my order now. Man it’s been tough, But I am on a mission. I know with your program and the power of prayer I will get there.

    Thanks man

    God bless you


  105. Alex, thank you so much. A picture is so worth much more than a thousand words. Your take 5 breakdown is fantastic. Can’t wait for your next lessons.

  106. Thank you Alex for giving me a feast to chew on. arppegio patterns, chord root notes and modes. You really show how to put it all together and demonstrate how it all blends so beutifully.
    You are yet another example of how God works through people to ansewer prayers, prayers of guidence and understanding,again thank you.
    It’s too bad that it’s only 4:50 AM here, if I start practicing now my wife will want to hurt me. HA!

    God Bless,

  107. Alex,
    Thanks for the effort and care that went into those videos. Much appreciated. Hope that the DVD will be region 0 so we can enjoy and learn this side of the pond.
    All the Best

  108. Hello Alex, once again you have given back what god has given you. I love your product and I look forward to getting the nect coarse. Learning to play bass has been a great ride. Words can’t even express what I’m feeling. Thank you for helping to aquire my Goal of been a great bassist.

    I pray the God continue to bless you and your family.

    God bless you man.


  109. Yo Alex, I have just had a minor epiphany watching this breakdown. For four years i have been plugging away at my bass, lacking the confidence or the ingenuity to attempt any thing other than really basic (no pun intended) bass lines. But after watching this…I think i am finally begining to get it. Can’t wait to see where you go from here.
    Thanks again,

  110. Alex.
    This truly is exciting and it helps me out alot. I have been playing for almost 40 years and I am learning so much from these videos and they are so informative. I bought your first program and enjoy it very much, I didn’t understand the whole concept of all the examples. Keep up the good work and I hope when all this is put together in a CD I will purchase it. It helps me with my learning my theory which I have learned but not able to put it all together. I enjoy all that you show, it is exciting. Bill

  111. Thanks Alex,

    For helping to open the world of music up to me.

    I believe bass is the the soul of a song, and I think it’s great to be able to comprehend how.

  112. Alex, your emails are a great motivator. I use your course all the time. Look forward to the dvds. I’d be nice to see you do an easier piece too (couple three note chords). Sometimes the easier songs are harder to come up with an interesting bassline.

  113. Gee Bro…..This was a good video bro. Good work on the explanation of chords. Those were good emphasis that were laid for the players.
    I look forward to the new video. When it comes, we are waiting for it.
    Have a great one


  115. hi alex….your work has payed off….you have thaugh me rytum and timing….im jamming with neighbourrs and family…..i fouund a more progressive way to play…my dad played alot of insturments…..11 kids in the family…now we jam on long weedends when i get up there….thanks to you….my dad passed away and i took some of the inhrintentes to buy a bass and and amp…..souunds grea……you keep good work alex…….my fingers hurt but worth it….
    leo snider

  116. Hello Alex. I am truly satisfied with your method of teaching. This video is exactly what was needed.IF this lession is available on a
    cd or dvd I would definately purchase it. Please inform me on how I may receive a hard copy, or down loadable copy of this lession.
    I am definately interested in the dvd lessions you have coming in the future.
    I am unable to truly put into words ,the appreciation and need for this type of tutoring. Please keep up the excellent work.
    I am truly beginning to understand more about music and why some thing I play sound good, and other things needed help.

  117. Alex – the videos are great and very informative, however, they are still way advanced for my skill level. Will you be doing any that start with the very basics and more easier to understand in a simpler key with less complicated chord changes? Keep up the great work!

  118. Hi Alex,
    I just finished the 3rd video. Great stuff. I’ve read a ton of instructional material throught the years and it basically says the same thing you say but you’re delivery is so clear and concise, not like a college theory class. It’s like you really want us to get it and not just make a buck. I can read and watch it without getting bored. It’s very understandable. I still reference Bass Guitar Secrets and I ordered that over a year ago. You’ve opened my eyes to concepts I’ve struggled with for years. Don’t worry about the pitch. Where’s the new course? I’m ready.
    Thanks again!!

  119. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! These video are great.Why didn’t any one ever point out to me when I’m playing power chords that really I’m playing the root and the fifth before.I believe that you have with that simple gesture,really opened my eyes,ears,and mind as to the relationship, as to how chords are structured and where they live and breath on the fingerboard.Thank you.You could be possiblely the GREATEST MUSIC TEACHER IN THE WORLD.wHEN IT IS EXPLAINED SIMPLY,IT SEEMS TO MAKE IT SIMPLE TO LEARN. Plesae keep on keeepin’on. Robert

    1. …just great… It seems I missed the memo saying that all the other music teachers in the world moved to another planet or something! nobody ever tells me anything! 🙂 — (but joking aside, a million thanks for the kind words my friend… You are too kind and i appreciate that the stuff I’m doing is helping folks. REALLY.)

      Keep it up bro, (your practicing and the flattery, because like aunt used to say, flattery will get you everywhere 🙂

  120. Alex, You are God’s answer to my prayer.I wanted to improve my playing but there wasnt any thing in the music store that will do the job. I am so pleased i bought your CGX bass secrets which is too good to be true. It does exactly what it says in the tin. My playing has improved dramatically!! After receiving your email about updates and video teaching materials, man I was so amazed at the amount of music information you feed your students. I am so proud of you and the works your doing. Every would be bassist must hear about you! Give praise to whom praise is due! More power!!! and keep the good stuff coming!


  122. Alex, you don’t know how helpful this course is to me, and these videos are just fantastic. Thanks for all you do!

  123. Don’t know what more to say Alex. I have never won anything before in my life, but it seems like I’ve won the lottery by taking a chance on buying your course. Can’t believe your giving us all these extras… plus putting the time and effort to create some top quality video lessons to boot. Thanks, Kudos and much appreciated.


  124. Alex, you are the man! I love the way you break it down so that a novice like me can play some really cool basslines. Thank you for ALL of your time and effort, and I look forward to more!

  125. Hi Bro, if i told you i have watched all three part of videos again and again, and i couldn’t put my eyes away incase i miss any part of it. So far i haven’t tried to played from what you delivered clearly. you know why? because i am amazed, you play and explain with genuine feeling. Put my name in the new course and future courses. Thanks again on behalf of all great music lovers specially bass lovers. Shiffa Mo!!!!!!!

  126. This stuff is fantastic.
    I need a little more, (Quite a lot more actually) understanding on chord structures, and how they go together.
    I can’t wait for the new video course.Keep it up.

    All the best Mark

  127. Alex,

    just finished watching the vids PURE QUALITY TEACHING MATERIAL, super, fantastic brilliant. I am now waiting impatiently for your new vid fretboard course. Like so many others who have posted I play in a band and do a good solid job but lacked the basic understanding of musical theory. I bought the down loadable written course and learned so much. But got stuck a bit as i dont learn well by reading. I like to see and hear it that way my brain seems to take it in so much better.

    Thanks a million man you are my musical mentor!

    God bless you and your family.


  128. good work smooth playin, thanks for the info,, very usefull man, hope to see more cool stuff soon,, keep jammin dude

  129. Alex,

    Again a great job…I’ve read a good portion of the comments here so there is not much more that I can say. I want to add my voice to saying Thank You for sharing your gifts and talents with us.

    May God continue to bless you and your family,

    Aaron L.

  130. Just great again! I already posted a comment, but I did not mention earlier…. the opening riff you were playing at the beginning of the lession, I like it.
    Will you be doing any teaching on that slap and picking technique. I really like that style of playing.

    I am glad the videos stayed up longer than first anticipated. I have played them over and over. I find something new every time. Thisis just wonderful. Keep them coming.

  131. I think the video was real good,and I would like to see more of what you have for to
    show. I have been looking and wanting someone to break things down, on A pro level
    so that I am able to play better than before. Understanding is the key , so thank you for taking the time and effort to help us. I am very inteested in the video, and if is ready for the market , please let me know.

  132. Alex,
    I thoroughly enjoyed your video. Because of your Bass Secrets course, I was able to understand and see on my fretboard the scale degrees and patterns you referenced in the video. Thanks for reintroducing me to the bass. Rod

  133. Thanks Alex, great stuff. I’m still working my way through your course material. I finished the arpagio section and I have applied it while playing in my church praise band. I still struggle with creating bass lines but the video really shows me how to apply the appagio’s more effectively.
    I’m really glad to be a part of the fun.



  134. I like the Video and how you explaine the different
    sections of the process on how you came up with the
    results. You made it look simple but testfull for anyone to understand. I am looking foward for more of your Bass secrets. Alex it was hared work but it paid off.

    Thank you,

    Fred Belen.

  135. Finally, a course that makes sense and an instructor that’s concerned about students actually learning and not just paying for the course. Great job. Very helpfu. I really appreciate the extra effort you put forth.


  136. Alex,

    Thanks for the great video. It took a bit of time to watch but well worth the time.
    The explanations of the arpeggios made me go back and refresh my mind
    on chord structure. I am amazed at how you play with such ease. It is obviously
    due to your knowledge of the fretboard, chord structure and practice. Thanks
    again and I am looking forward to more.


  137. The Vid was great I can see you put alot of effort into it. I was wondering if you could find out about a song that has a classic bass line. the song has been covered by a bunch of artists from rap to jazz. I can’t seem to find the sheet music or the tabs the song is BROKEN WINGS by MR.Mister It looks simple but it is a great bass line very unique for a rock song.


  138. Hey Alex, great work! you continue to prove yourself to be someone who wants a world of talented bassists, not out looking for a profit. this video is awsome. helps tons. keep em’ comming. thanks agian


  139. hi alex,

    I’m amazed as to how much you easily find different degrees on different positions on the fretboard, it really is very pleasing to my ear. I would really love to do that seamless interconnection of chords, arpeggios & modes myself that’s why I can’t wait for your clever new project to drop into my hands (even though I’m still studying the groove secrets part 2). Man, I can see how passionate you are with your bass playing and it’s contagious. More and more that i would like to learn more of your stuff that I can use myself to impress and express the music and groove inside of me.
    It really is possible to be a great musician through constant practicing even if one’s not born to be a genius in playing. Thanks for keeping my music passion flaming more and more!

    HIGH 5!

  140. Alex,
    I have had your bass guitar secrets for awhile now and it has rapidly changing the way I think and approach the bass. I love the new videos it’s great to actually see you play. Just like your manual it was very simply explained and easy to understand. My drummer has many years of experiences a loves the drastic change in my playing. Thanks.

  141. Dude,

    Are you kidding me? This is the kinda of stuff beginning bass players be praying for. God has truly blessed you and hopefully will continue to do so. I can hardly wait for your next project. I’m holding off buying a video because I know yours will be so much better. I bought your course back in 2007. It has been great going through the lesson. Everything I need in one place. I recommend you to all levels of bass players. You got stuff for everybody. Your explanations are so clear and concise it’s unbelieveable.

    Keep it up and stay cool.

    Hope to meet you some day. I have family all over Texas, but most in San Antonio

  142. Hi Alex,

    Really impressed with your emphasis on understanding the musical aspects of chord structure and appeggios, etc. I really would like to understand the fret board and note position much better so that it becomes involuntarily (?) This is great stuff.


  143. Hi Alex
    Totally gripping, I have so much to learn cant wait to purchase your course and see the new project out there, I will pray that God will bless you and future projects. Thanks for the encouragement.
    Keep up the good work.
    Gods Blessings.

  144. Hi Alex! I just finished watching the Video, it is GREAT!!! Full of so much info. I just ordered the “Bass Guitar Secrets Super Course! – The CG-Xâ„¢ System To Bass Guitar Mastery” course and can’t wait to get started. I hope the CG-X course starts at the very beginning, because thats’ where I am on the Bass. Thanks for all the effort you put into Take 5.

  145. Alex, I can’t wait for the new “fretboard Navigation” system !!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know you were thinking of me 🙂

  146. Alex,first of all i thank god for someone as yourself toopen up so much ,even though i’am still an older beginner i’am grateful for the teaching ability that you have.the fretboard navigation video i believe is going to be a hit eye opener for many such as myself.trying to understand chord appegios is still mind boggling if you don’t quite have a grasp onhow they’re applied but i’ll keep trying.keep up the wonderful work we all are truly listening and supportive. c.t.

  147. Alex,
    you doing something thats been missing needed and I just am thankfull
    that you have a great gift and your heart to teach.
    Thanks agian and Lord Bless you and yours

  148. Hey Alex!! Good stuff man, i’ve been playing for ten years and know my way around the fretboard, knowing scales is one thing but how to use them is another. I took at least three gems of information from your video and my jams are getting groovier all the time. I’m not just noodling around anymore. Thanks heaps, i look forward to seeing more great lessons, especially a look into your mindset and to what you’re thinking when you create bass lines.

  149. Alex – I just finished all three parts of the video. The were done very well, and as I said before the really help the beginner see where they need to go. This blended together very well with the study course material. Now I just need more time to practice. Thanks and keep it up.

    If you like feedback/suggestions on the video presentation, here’s my two cents worth:

    1. The fret board size is very good, but if some how you could include your face in the screen, the video would be even more interesting.

    2. If there was a way to toggle to go full screen on the video that would also be desirable.

    3. I like the way you break the lesson into three seperate parts.

    Very well done and organized – Bill

  150. Alex I just want to say I appreciate the monthly follow-ups you provide as a subscriber to your bass course. Your dedication to your customers is going to come back in spades on your future projects. Keep up the good work.


  151. Alex, what can I say, this is the best. What a breath of fresh air, and fresh(Bass instruction). It’s so refreshing to have a guy like youself that is not profit driven. Your temperment, and concern for your students comes through genuinly. If I could I’d like to take you and your family out to dinner, and just talk music. What a Blessing you are to us Bass students. May the Lord continue to Bless you, may He prosper you in every thing He Blesses you to produce and make available to us. May His Goodness and Mercy follow you all the days of your life, and may He give you more OUTSTANDING, instructional teachins to pass on to us, and increase your teaching skills. May every project that you endeavore to produce be done with clarity of direction, and May God’s hand be upon you and your’s. I love the course, and i too am sold on your material, and will continue to support you.

    God Bless, E.Emery Jr.

  152. Alex,

    You really have a great teaching style!!!!!! It is nice to actually see the importance of knowing the arpeggio shapes of chords as they apply to contructing bass lines. YOU HAVE ALREADY SOLD ME ON YOUR NEW DVD COURSE!!!!WHEN WILL IT BE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE????? Also, is the other bass in the video a Peavey Cirrus 6 string? It looks like my Cirrus 5 string from the rear.

    God Bless!!!

  153. Hi Alex,

    Really enjoyed this video, I am currently going through Volume 2 Groove secrets exposed – Part 1 and this video really helped me to get a deeper undrestanding of what is written (which is definatly the best text book i have ever read!)

    Thank you for all your hard work in helping us become better players
    I hope your video course is going to be available in australia 🙂

  154. hi Alex i just wanted to congratulate you on the great work you are doing.
    i have been playing bass for about a year and half and try to practice at least an hour per day if not more.last year i had some lessons with a tutor and have opend up my fretboard skills considrebly know i know where all the keys and scales are and how they work. your tips and advice is very genuine and it dose actualy make a lot of sense.before i started to play bass i played drums and so the groove method now makes a lot of sense and i never thought of it that way when i heard freinds telling me that i needed to find my groove. now with just that little bit of help my ears are enjoying nice groovey lies and funky rythems. heres lookin at you man keep it up and i will get your course once i have a finacial break all the best and pese keep it coming tommy

  155. Alex- I happened across your web site by looking for some bass material I’ve enjoyed your video presentation very much I’m a beginner compared to just about everybody and got involved with the bass as a way to keeping myself involved in church. Before my dad died the last thing he said to me was “Give the lord some of your time”. He lost consciencenss and never regained it again. I am going to get the course but Please put it on dvd video because I’m one who can follow better if I see it than read it. also I looked at the videos but not quite straight on the chords you played when you played or strummed them. Keep it up you have my support because some musicians do like to show you or can’t tell you how to do the things they do.


  156. Hi Alex,

    That was great. I learn from the video and soon I ‘ll be getting your course.


  157. Wow, very interesting. This is my first visit to the blog so I never expected to watch all 3 videos to completion. I assumed I would get bored, was I WRONG!!!! Thanks for putting the effort into making the videos. It was very much appreciated. Have a great day.


  158. Alex,

    The video instruction of “Take 5” was excellent. It was well written, well organized, easy to follow, and very educational. Your articulation was outstanding. You have shown me and others the importance of understanding where you are on the fret board, degree’s, scale’s, and chord connections in creating a bass line for a song. Now, don’t dred the thought of practicing the fundemental’s. I understand it’s importance. Keep up the good work. And Thanks.

    Bill Quarles

  159. Hi Alex i love your bass playing and demonstration is too clear. i want to play like you . but for us its difficult?

  160. Hey god bless. I started a weekago i was excited NOW i’am even more excited. it’s so good i want to keep it a serect so went i come out I’ll be like man what have you been DOING HA! I would be so selfish would I. THANKS.


  161. Hi Alex,
    Blown away by your video, Your explanation has opened my eyes to understand things allot more than any other book or video I have ever read or seen.Thank you.

    P.S Luv the TRB-JP nice axe! I wanted one but I could never afford it. lol


  162. God bless you bro.can;t aford it now with 4 kids ,But a;m praying to get it ; its very very good



  164. This is awesome! Lots of useful information. Great bass lines. Keep the videos coming. I enjoy them. I’m gaining confidence already. Your course is a real! Real good video work!

  165. Hello Alex
    I finally had the time to completely watch all parts of this “TAKE 5” video. Great explanations. By the way, are the new videos out? If so, how can I acquire them?

  166. Hi Alex,

    I just finished watching all three videos. Very well produced.
    My understanding has been advanced. the b3 major of the ebmin.7 was an ear-eye opener, thanks.
    I’m very interested in buying your up coming DVD.

    Shalom, Pd

  167. Hey Alex, your instructions and presentation is very professinoal and great to follow. With be being a retired soldier and currently a school teacher I watch closely to how someone presents a lesson and you did an excllent job!!!

    Please keep this stuff coming, I am a beginner that played a little, well over 20 years ago and my church needed a bass player now, so I decided to give it a try again. With Gods blessing and your instructions everyone thinks I am pretty good,

    Thanks again and God bless you,

  168. Hi Alex, you’re amazing; of course we paid your BGS course (not expensive!), but after that you give us so many informations through your videos and Free BGS coaching club.It’s very cool! Thank you for so much generosity. Continue on this way, waiting for the DVD. Thanks a lot.

  169. Hello Alex,
    you really give a lot of information in addition to the BGS course. This is great information for me, and
    I need this motivation and being steadily challenged. What you are doing in one video, others need 5 books or 2 years teaching, to bing the puzzle together. And this is the unique value of your teaching,
    bringing the puzzle together.

  170. Alex I never in my 20 year of bass playing saw a bass line break down with such simplicity and precision.Thank you for breaking down the important of chord studies, and harmony ,that information has my creative juices flowing again. GOOD JOB

  171. Praise the LORD” How are you Brother Alex? I thank GOD for what you do. Keep up the good work. GOD Bless Rodney

  172. There is a lot of value in this material that I don’t see in other on line corses or books that I have come across. This is the material that can really make you know what you are doing instead of copying everything you do. I regret not studying theory when I was a teen age band member. I just copied. Smile …others do the same. I have learned more about theory in one month than I have in over thirty years. Due to this course I have a new lease on enjoying music and the bass guitar again. I will be and as of this writing have purchased both courses. I am very satisfied and plan to grow. Downloading material like take five in this format takes a long time and I can’t store it . That I do wish could be addressed if it were easy to do. Also I wish I could consult on a buisiness Idea to really make some profits. You have the talent..Take care for now…Brian Paul

  173. Hi,
    Do your beginners bass lessons contain video? I played bass trombone in a band before,but I never learned to read bass guitar music.

  174. Thanks Alex for a truly fresh approach to a jazz classic. This is an all time favorite of mine, and You simply can’t go wrong with a classic. This will keep me busy for while.


  175. Hey Alex,

    Man I sure love what I saw so far just waiting for my package to arrive. Really think this is going to be awsome. I would really love to become a great jazz and gospel bass player someday. Thanks Brock.

  176. Great breakdown of a cool song. Lot’s of good ideas here to expand on and apply.
    Great job. Looking forward to your other works and material.

  177. Awesome, I learned lots even though it was far over my beginner head! As an old dude it is going to take me a long time to understand all those note names. But sure like how you play and present this material. Great job!

  178. Good job Alex, i just wish I could get to your level faster at knowing the fret board. Also looking forward to getting my books in the mail.

  179. Alex , you are the man with the plan. After watching video #1, I was very impressed but also very intimidated. I’m a less than one year beginner. But I’m not givin up. I’m determined to be able to play good bass lines so I can play with a Contemporary Christian band in the near future. I’m 64 years young & wish I’d started this learning to play bass many years ago. Looking forward to getting my stuff in the mail soon. Keep up the good work. Thank you so much for your patience with me on ordering the program.

  180. Alex my brother, you are a BADDDD MAN!
    Thank you sometimes just doesn’t seem to convey a heartfelt appreciation for someone giving of their time, talent and effort, but hey, thanks. I’ve been apprehensive about purchasing your program, but after reviewing the Take 5 videos it is evident that you are an individual of integrity with the ability to teach others what you have learned throughout the course of time. Alex, I believe! Thank you again.

  181. Alex,

    I am so glad I clicked across your program, do you think you can spend some time explaining chord fingering for 5 string bass players and how best to use them in gospel song. I want to sound great, but do not want to get in the way of the keyboard player; I need help in both these area. I hope your programs I resently purchased will help me with this to. I am so tired of just playing of the root note.


  182. ALEX

  183. Alex,
    Your work is truly amazing. I’m going to be purchasing your system soon. I cannot waitto get it!!

  184. Alex,
    I was spending a fortune on lessons, £12 for 1/2 hor, not unreasonable, but when you forget half of it , and then spend time going over the same ground, its 3 steps forward and one back each week. I have spent a few hours now on Take Five, I can keep going over it as much as I like, it has tought me loads more about degrees , and seeing the patterns on the fret board. I am now waiting for my BGS course to arrive, and maybe in the near future I will get the Fretboard formula. You are gifted in the way you explain on your videos, very natural , I have found some are like reading from a script, OK but more difficult to follow. Many are masters of their trade but teaching is another matter. I hope you keep this site going, I am looking forward to stayng in touch with this site, its been the best teaching aid for me to date.

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