
The 'Language Of Bass' MasterClass (Part 4 Of 4)

"How to fix mediocre playing technique that just
doesn't seem to be getting any better or Faster..."

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How We Routinely Get 'Stuck' Bass Players Confidently Playing
The Best-Sounding Bass Of Their Lives... 

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Want step-by-step help figuring out exactly how to finally escape the rut
your bass playing is stuck in? Check out our coaching program...

About This Video

"Practice it slowly", they said...

"Speed will come automatically", they said...

So you practiced the same tedious exercises, a thousand times, slow and steady but your technique merely sputtered along till it eventually hit a brick wall...

You still can't fluently play much of the ideas you want to, neither can you execute the ideas you're thinking as immediately as you'd like.

Today I want to touch on a 3-step process I use to help student smash through technique "brick walls" when 'slow and steady' just didn't seem to work.

The 'Language Of Bass' MasterClass (Part 4 Of 4)

"How to fix mediocre playing technique that just
doesn't seem to be getting any better or Faster..."

Need More Help?

step 1

Watch Our Free Training

How We Routinely Get 'Stuck' Bass Players Confidently Playing
The Best-Sounding Bass Of Their Lives... 

step 2

Get Direct Coaching

Want step-by-step help figuring out exactly how to finally escape the rut
your bass playing is stuck in? Check out our coaching program...

About This Video

"Practice it slowly", they said...

"Speed will come automatically", they said...

So you practiced the same tedious exercises, a thousand times, slow and steady but your technique merely sputtered along till it eventually hit a brick wall...

You still can't fluently play much of the ideas you want to, neither can you execute the ideas you're thinking as immediately as you'd like.

Today I want to touch on a 3-step process I use to help student smash through technique "brick walls" when 'slow and steady' just didn't seem to work.