Fancy Bass Run#4, And Doubling-Up On Your ‘Useable’ Licks…

Today’s bass lick comes in at number #4 on the TOP 5 countdown.

PLUS I give a quick explanation of a very simple way anyone can effectively double their “licks database”  without learning a single additional lick…

It’s super simple, kinda obvious, but I know for a fact that most people do NOT think about using this tiny little ‘tweek’.

Check it out and let me know what you think. And if you missed the first video in this series check it out here; (Click here to see #5)


Published by

Alex Sampson

Alex is the founder and owner of BassGuitarTips.Com

37 thoughts on “Fancy Bass Run#4, And Doubling-Up On Your ‘Useable’ Licks…”

  1. Went to Gospel Bass THat looks like a great project. Cant wait for that to open up since I play gospel music it would be helpful.

    Thanks Alex
    Brian B

  2. Hot lick mate keep it groovin can’t wait for the next lick… coming from T.P. its going to be HOT! Loving your videos and style, keep it coming… can’t wait

  3. I love all of your online sessions, they help a lot, and they open my mind to other ideas.
    I have ALL of your work that is out, The Bass Chopz Accelerator, Bass Guitar Secrets, The Fretboard Formula, and I plan to get the The Contemporary Gospel Bass Player when it is released.

    So tell me, when are you going to start a Bass camp for all of your students who follow you and your work. I know “Gerald” who I love what he does, has his Bass Bootcamp, which I plan to attend when I get my chops at a presentable level.

    You can maybe call it Bass cadet Camp, you know a play on words like space cadet (lol), well you know what I mean. It could feature all of your training course, and people who already have them would get a discount on the class. It would bring all of your students together and you can really see how good your work is.
    I would attend as many Champs that you offer as possible. There is room for you, you have the following.

  4. Superr! Freakin kewl bro..>! 2 things – only a suggestion – 1#) is it possible to have the rhythm placed underneath the tab somehow? and 2#) just to be frivfurlouse – your tab is missing a couple of notes at the end.

    But really awsome freaking stuff – love it.

    Call me prickerly dude…! LOL!!



    1. Hey Marcus glad you liked… About your questions.. 1) I could do rhythms but most weekend warriors don’t read and it’s easier to pick up the rhythm by hearing it, but good suggestion. 2) Actually it’s not ‘missing’ notes…

      When I played it at full tempo I just added notes to the lick to make it fit. The tab shows the lick I want you to learn then you use and fit it anyway you like.


      1. Hiya Alex, Mr. sweet bass guy..!

        I sort of have the feel of the rhythm but not 100% certain that it’s dead on, you know..! If you add the rhythm that’s super kewl and if you don’t well – c’est la vie.

        Reguardless, I learn something valuable each time.

        I think I will attempt at writing out the rhythm that your playing or just improvise a variation of it. That would work …!! No need for it to be perfect.



  5. HI ALex, I love the way you explain things visually for the bass. I can play the major scale and and the minor. Still a little cloudy on how to interchange the scales with licks.

    Thanks a lot!!

  6. Hey Alex, thanks for a great video and the cool lick.

    One question though, wouldn’t E Aeolian have a flatted 6th? Just looking at the fretboard picture, it looks like a Dorian with the natural 6th… not sure if it was a deliberate choice, or maybe just a typo.

  7. This is a phenomenal lesson!I never could get the jest of major and minor relationship until now make sense now! This make me think music a little different and more creative.
    It’s like using the correct brush in art to give the correct perpective.
    Thanks Alex.

  8. I have friends who can eat up a bass , they ask or tell me all the time i can sit in but i knew these guy are beast so i play it off. With what you give to players who want to get to that level words are not enough .Once again thanks and GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND CONGRATS ON YOUR BEAUTIFUL NEW BABY GIRL

  9. Hi Alex,

    Congrats on your addition to the family. Best wishes to you all.

    Once again cool licks.

    more more more please.


  10. hey Alex I love all the tinks yuo are doing for bass players and I can’t wait for the gospel baas player. God bless you

  11. Greeting from Taiwan,

    Thanks Alex for all your effort! I am still working on Vol 2 of Bass Secret, and hopefully I have enough time to practice all what you taught there! (I’M a Dad of two kids 🙂

    I play regularly in Church worship team. Even I just finish Vol 1, my mates know immediatly my progress! Now they rely more on their bass player to do the worship, which motivate me to learn more from you!

    You will never know how much bless you give to us~ Love in Christ / Andrew Chung

  12. Thanks Alex, man the stuff you are giving us is great. I’m still working on the FBF. you have given me lessons to last me a life time. Im slow but improving.


    ps looking forward to the gospel stuff.

  13. Hey alex WOW!!
    Thank you man for that beautiful insight.
    My 1st time making a comment on your SCHOOLING of the bass.
    if you don’t mind, could u give some lesson on the the great Joel smith?
    That is if you can.

  14. iam so happy i found you. i can’t what to get home turn my computer on and see whats next. thanks for helping me get the fire started again.charlie

  15. Hey Alex,
    Just read your email with the new licks. They are nice. I see you’ve been busy, congratulations on your new addition she is beautiful. I know you and your wife are very proud parents.

    Well I just wanted to wish you the best,
    Talk at you later,

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