Step 2: Submit A Short Video Testimonial...
Step 2: Submit A Short Video

(You must complete this step as well to get the bonus training.)

It's simple. Send us a short video testimonial and get a complmentary copy of our powerful collection of bass runs and fills as described in the member's area. Currently not available for sale anywhere.

You don't need to be a fancy "Victor Wooten" bass player...

Even if your bass playing is still somewhat basic that's totally fine. Your testimonial could simply be how much you enjoy the program and how you've learned a lot.

Here are the requirements....

  • You must use decent lighting and audio. Please do NOT film in a dark room, with a messy background or loud noises.
  • If you are recording on your cell phone, please TURN IT SIDEWAYS, to record in widescreen mode.
  • If you are using your computer, please go to this page to record the video. (Click here to open
  • You must mention "Alex Sampson" and/or "" when talking about our program.
  • Imainge a friend was on the fence about working with us... What would you say to them to encourage them to "take the plunge?" (You can also talk about some of the same things you mentioned in the previous review form.)
  • Please keep the video under 5 minutes long.
  • Once you've recorded the video send it as an attachment to