Real Tuition, Real Results, Real FAST!
[testimonial size=”medium” type=”quote”]
…the ultimate advantage to quickly becoming one of the most valued and sought after musicians anywhere you play…
[/testimonial][testimonial size=”medium” type=”quote”]
…Arguably the most straight-forward guidance you’ll find to take your playing to a whole new level!
[/testimonial] [/one_third_last][two_third]
Welcome to The B.G.T. Bass Academy
Our paint-by-numbers coaching is all about making complex-stuff understandable! …You do NOT have to be born with special musical talent or dedicate every waking second practicing scales to learn to play bass like this… After each song performance we’ll logically break down each part into bite-sized chunks for easy learning…
[/testimonial] [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] [one_fourth]Layla

Cosmic Girl

Let the Praise Begin

Faith is Stronger

No more confusion, time-wasting, frustration or false starts… You’ve finally found ONE PLACE that gives you *EVERYTHING* you need to go from ‘ZERO’ to ‘BASS HERO’ faster than you ever thought possible…
[/testimonial] [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] [one_third]Concise, “Bass Boost”Short Courses
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,2,0,0,sectiondescriptions+1_bassboost.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3]Improve *every* aspect of your bass playing from fretboard and technical fluency all the way to soloing and musicality with these cut-to-the-chase, digestible, power-packed video lessons!
[/testimonial] [/one_third] [one_third]The “Gig-Ready” PerformanceProgram [G.R.P.P.]
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,3,0,0,sectiondescriptions+2_grpp.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3]For members who want to focus on playing Rock, Blues, Pop, Soul, R&B, Funk etc we provide a laser targeted ‘performance program’ that gets you good enough to ‘gig like a pro’ – FAST…
[/testimonial] [/one_third] [one_third_last]The “Gospel/CCM” PerformanceProgram [G.C.P.P.]
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,4,0,0,sectiondescriptions+3_gcpp.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3]Take your Gospel/Christian bass-playing to the FRESH new level you’ve always been dreaming of! Get ready to put yourself up there as the bass of choice at your local church!
[/testimonial] [/one_third_last] [one_third]The Rehearsal RoomJam Studio
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,5,0,0,sectiondescriptions+4_rehearsalroom.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3]In the rehearsal room you’ll find an arsenal of top-notch resources guaranteed to accelerate your results… From note-for-note bass tabs to premium grade practice tracks we give you THE GOODS!
[/testimonial] [/one_third] [one_third]The “Bass Buddy” Song MasteryPersonal Trainer
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,6,0,0,sectiondescriptions+5_bassbuddy.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3][flag bg_color=”#ed0c0c”]RED HOT!![/flag] Playback bass tabs in real time, slow them down, loop select areas, practice with certain instruments… Our custom designed ‘Bass Buddy App’ literally guarantees your success!
[/testimonial] [/one_third] [one_third_last]All With 24/7 AnywhereAnytime Access
[s3mediastream]s3streamingaudio,,7,0,0,sectiondescriptions+6_totalaccess.m4a,s22mr9y5dp1kcr,3600,yes,,,bottom-left,,no,250,30,modieus,,#666,,no,no,rockbassplayer,0[/s3]The ultimate in convenience… You want to access your bass-coaching on YOUR schedule. That’s why our platform is built for COMPLETE, 24/7 ease-of-use on any Mac/PC, iPad or other mobile device!
[/testimonial] [/one_third_last][dropcap bg_color=”#034462″ type=”square”]1[/dropcap] When I sign up how quickly do I get access?
[testimonial name=”Alex Sampson” job_title=”Founder, BGT Bass Academy” type=”bubble”] Immediately… The moment your order is received through our secure online system you get assigned a username and a password. You are then instantly able to log in as a member of The BGT Bass Academy and start using all the goodies. [/testimonial] [divider][dropcap bg_color=”#034462″ type=”square”]2[/dropcap] How often is new content added to the membership area?
[testimonial name=”Alex Sampson” job_title=”Founder, BGT Bass Academy” type=”bubble”] You get new video lessons, tracks, tabs, etc TWICE EVERY WEEK… Every Wednesday you get a new ‘skill-building Bass Boost’ lesson and every Friday we focus specifically on learning to play songs, complete with detailed and logical breakdowns, practice tracks, tabs etc, etc etc… Plus, of course, you also have full un-restricted access to “Bass Buddy” which is just flat out awesome… [/testimonial] [divider][dropcap bg_color=”#034462″ type=”square”]3[/dropcap] If I need to cancel my membership do you make it super difficult?…
[testimonial name=”Alex Sampson” job_title=”Founder, BGT Bass Academy” type=”bubble”] Nope – You don’t even have to call us, email or send a carrier pigeon. (That only creates more customer service work for us!) If you needed to cancel, it’s fully automated and instant – You simply click a few buttons in the membership area and that’s it. [/testimonial][divider][dropcap bg_color=”#034462″ type=”square”]4[/dropcap] I’m not really a computer person / My computer is really lame. Can I still use this?…
[testimonial name=”Alex Sampson” job_title=”Founder, BGT Bass Academy” type=”bubble”] Absolutely! – If you’re reading this webpage right now you have all the skill and computer power it takes to use the “Bass Academy” learning platform. There’s nothing ‘technical’ to do… No software to ‘download’ or any computer-wizardy to perform. You simply go to the member’s area, click here, type in your username and password and click the login button. Starting a video is as simple as clicking “PLAY” whether you’re using a MAC, PC, iPad or Android device. [/testimonial] [heading_2 type=”divider”]Pricing & Subscription Info[/heading_2] [one_half][/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last] [one_third] [box] [box_header]OPTION #1
The “Gig-Ready” Program
[/box_header] [box_content] [list type=”check”]- All “Bass Boost” Short Courses
- The “Gig-Ready” Performance Program
- The “Rehearsal Room” Jam Studio
- The “Bass Buddy” Song Mastery Trainer
- Un-limited Anytime, Anywhere Access
- Cancel Anytime – 100% Hassle Free
$27/ month
[/box_content] [box_content] [button link=”” size=”medium” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Get A 30 Day All-Access Pass For Just $1[/button] [/box_content] [/box] [/one_third] [one_third] [box] [box_header]OPTION #2
The “Gospel/Christian” Program
[/box_header] [box_content] [list type=”check”]- All “Bass Boost” Short Courses
- The “Gospel/Christian” Performance Program
- The “Rehearsal Room” Jam Studio
- The “Bass Buddy” Song Mastery Trainer
- Un-limited Anytime, Anywhere Access
- Cancel Anytime – 100% Hassle Free
$27/ month
[/box_content] [box_content] [button link=”/” size=”medium” wide=”true” bg_color=”#034462″ text_color=”#ffffff”]Get A 30 Day All-Access Pass For Just $1[/button] [/box_content] [/box] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [box bg_color=”#034462″] [box_header]OPTION #3
Both Option #1 And Option #2
[/box_header] [box_content] [list type=”check”]- All “Bass Boost” Short Courses
- BOTH “Gig-Ready” & “Gospel” Performance Programs
- The “Rehearsal Room” Jam Studio
- The “Bass Buddy” Song Mastery Trainer
- Un-limited Anytime, Anywhere Access
- Cancel Anytime – 100% Hassle Free