[fontpress type=”webfonts” name=”Roboto Slab” size=”18px” lh=”24px” color=”#ffffff”]SECURE PRIORITY ACCEPTANCE FORM[/fontpress]
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[fontpress type=”cufon” name=”League Gothic” size=”52px” lh=”54px” color=”#cc0000″]SELF TAUGHT BASS GENIUS – COMPONENT #1
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“The Simple Bass Playing System – Retail Price $97”
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The Absolute Beginner’s Primer Module…
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…17 powerful lessons that will get you up to speed and in the game FAST!…This module is designed for the sole purpose of giving every single NEWBIE the foundation and understanding they need (no matter if you NEVER PLAYED ANYTHING BEFORE) to get maximum value out of the high-intensity skill-building concepts shared in the following 3 modules!
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- Understanding your instrument and two simple but ‘road-tested’ ways to accurately tune your bass by ear… [space px=”5″]
- 4 easy steps that will get you great tone outta your bass and amp every time… [space px=”5″]
- How to avoid the 6 biggest strangleholds on clean fluid technique… [space px=”5″]
- The beginner’s guide to ‘tabs’ and getting around the fretboard fast… [space px=”5″]
- 7 highly effective exercises that quickly build clean fluid technique… [space px=”5″]
- And much more… 17 videos in total
Module 1 – “Bass Harmony Made Easy [WHAT To Play]”
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Download a powerful and versatile “musical vocabulary database” into your mind and discover fail safe ways to know exactly what to play no matter how ‘complex’ a progression the song has.
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[fontpress type=”webfonts” name=”Roboto Slab” size=”28px” lh=”28px” color=”#0c98e7″]
- “The Degree Solar System” – The absolute fastest and most useful way to learn the fretboard [space px=”5″]
- …The 17 surefire bass line building blocks that can get you through any song you ever have to play… [space px=”5″]
- The top 5 ways to add connectivity and flare to your bass lines… [space px=”5″]
- Popular bass line deconstructed…See exactly how these world class bass lines were built using bass vocabulary you can learn in less then 3 minutes… [space px=”5″]
- Exactly how to develop ‘first-class’ ears and a simple 4 step process for quickly figuring out chords by EAR! [space px=”5″]
- And much more… 34 videos in total
Module 2 – “Groove & Rhythmic Mastery Exposed [WHEN To Play]”
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How to zero in on some of the strongest most magnetic pulses in any music you hear and train your hands to groove hard…
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[fontpress type=”webfonts” name=”Roboto Slab” size=”28px” lh=”28px” color=”#0c98e7″]
- “What every proficient bass player must know about how to listen to a song and immediately identify it’s rhythmic skeleton… [space px=”5″]
- How to play bass grooves that use parts of the “rhythmic skeleton” most beginner players overlook… This alone will make your playing sound YEARS more advanced… [space px=”5″]
- …A revolutionary software program (designed in-house and ONLY available here) and 8 accompanying exercises that can easily make you one of the best “groove-players” in town… [space px=”5″]
- My 3-part groove-suck system (new and improved) for quickly becoming the critical heartbeat of any rhythm section… Band members are gonna LOVE you to death… [space px=”5″]
- And much more… 24 videos in total
Module 3 – “Groove & Rhythmic Mastery Exposed [HOW To Play]”
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The best musicians in the world understand that HOW you play something is probably far more important than what you play and that’s what this section is all about…
…Learning HOW to make your bass lines, and grooves irresistible to a listener and secure your spot in you band by making them sound like solid gold!
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[fontpress type=”cufon” name=”League Gothic” size=”52px” lh=”54px” color=”#cc0000″]- 17 technical ‘weapons’ you need to have in your arsenal to make your playing shine like solid gold… [space px=”5″]
- 5 little-known performance boosting tricks that make every thing you play sound and fit better… [space px=”5″]
- …Tons of real time demonstrations of how I’d take a bland, tasteless bass line and re-energize it for maximum impact… [space px=”5″]
- And much more… 21 videos in total
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“The Breakthrough Bass Playing Blueprint – Retail Price $127”
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