Thanks For Your Purchase!

Here's what you need to know now


I just sent your login info via email but...

...There's a 50/50 chance that your email provider put it in your Spam, Junk or Promotions folder...

...Especially if you're using Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or AOL!

Please give it up to 5 minutes and be sure to look through your ALL your email  boxes pretty throughly.

95% of the time customers say they didn't get their login email, it was actually sitting in the Spam / Promotion / Junk folder the whole time, and they didn't think to look there.


If you looked throughly and still don't see it...

... Then we need to fix the problem of our emails not getting through to you by 'whitelisting' our email address (

Click here and we'll show you how to whitelist our emails.

AFTER you have whitelisted our emails, you can then have your login info automatically re-sent to you.

Just visit - enter the same email address you used to purchase, and we'll automatically send you that email again.

If you don't do the whitelisting step above then chance are resending the password won't help.


If all else fails, RELAX & contact us here...

We have support elves who can help you out... Hit us up at https://Bass.Support and we'll get back to you.

We're glad to have you join us, and we'll get your issue sorted out.

Thanks For Your Purchase!

Here's what you need to know now


I just sent your login info via email but...

...There's a 50/50 chance that your email provider put it in your Spam, Junk or Promotions folder...

...(Especially if you're using Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail or AOL!

Please give it up to 5 minutes and be sure to look through your ALL your email boxes pretty throughly.

95% of the time customers say they didn't get their login email, it was actually sitting in the Spam / Promotion / Junk folder the whole time, and they didn't think to look there.


If you looked throughly and still don't see it...

... Then we need to fix the problem of our emails not getting through to you by 'whitelisting' our email address (

Click here and we'll show you how to whitelist our emails.

AFTER you have whitelisted our emails, you can then have your login info automatically re-sent to you.

Just visit - enter the same email address you used to purchase, and we'll automatically send you that email again.

If you don't do the whitelisting step above then chance are resending the password won't help.


If all else fails, RELAX & contact us here...

We have support elves who can help you out... Hit us up at https://Bass.Support and we'll get back to you.

We're glad to have you join us, and we'll get your issue sorted out.